I'm not really sure how to do this but here goes hopefully someone might have some insight. I had a miscarriage in 2008 at 7 weeks during this pregnancy only a blood test w/ dr showed positive. I was diagnosed and treated for endometriosis with a laparoscopy in 2012. I have been on birth control continuously since. My husband and I decided it was time to ttc. I forgot two pills in a row a week before going off of the pill(go figure). I took my last pill on sept 20th. a couple days later I began cramping and assume my period was coming. I still have not even spotted. I am bloated to the point I have gone up a pant size, I am still cramping, am very fatigued. I called my endo specialist and was told to wait....wait for a period... or wait for a positive test. Has anyone else experienced anything similar going off continuous birth control?