
Hey girls, so sorry I've not been around lately! I have a bunch to catch up on, but am a bit sick so I just can't be bothered right now.
Headachey and stuffs.

Does anyone know if its possible spermies can survive for 6 days??
I'm due to get AF in a couple of days and my temps started going down a few days ago so I thought "yup, AF on the way" but now temps are going back up, so its left me wondering about the possibilities. Check out my chart!

And UBER CONGRATS to Mush for getting her BFP!!!
UBER congrats to everyone so far who has gotten BFP's. I hope you still stick around, we need you lovely preggers ladies to give us hope that our BFP's aren't too far off!!!
My DH is obsessed with his tank. It's the only reason I ever found B&B-He was spending all his spare time on an "aquarium Forum" so I said, "fine-I'm going to find a forum for my hobby!" well, you see what my hobby is :blush:
Seriously though we can test our kootchies with the fishy strips maybe?!
We had some of our engagement photos taken on segways! Have to post them!
YUMMY I love muesli & yougurt! Do you make your own cereal or buy it? It's so good for you!!!! I have recently just started taking probiotic pills too. I also love Kefir-a probiotic drink.

I agree-It's VERY hard to put into practice. I will need lots of help from you too!!!! :friends:

Ok, so a number of things…
1. You are killing me with the expression ‘fishy strips’.
2. Hurrah for segway engagement/wedding/civil union photos! I wanna see yours!
3. No, I wish I made my own muesli…should probably do that..but they make a delicious brand of muesli here in NZ called ‘Hubbards’ – lots of yummy dried fruit and yoghurt covered raisins! Yummmmm….
4. We will help each other xxx

Ah ha ha LuckyD what the heck are those two smilies doing?! It isn't going to far but I don't know what is going on - makes me crack the heck up though!! That was definitely a deliberate reference to The Dude - his dudeness - el duderino. I first saw The Big Lebowski in NZ ~ it was the first and only movie I went to see in the theater by myself.

That is so rad that you rolled up to your civil union on segways! Pretty funny that your Dad has a whole pile of them. How was your Mom's play? I meant to ask about that - just the thought of seeing a production like that seems so cool!

Doggy style! Well, that’s what I think they are doing….

Do you know that at Burning Man last year there was a camp dedicated to The Dude? They had Big Lebowski parties where you had to come in your dressing gown, drink White Russians and listen to Creedence.

Mum’s play was great thanks! Really good, she did a great job, as did the young actors.

Sorry that your flower isn’t working out so well! I am so impressed that you would even attempt something like that.

Oooh I just ordered some ph strips to test my kootch!

I am loving the positive attitude ladies, you truly are a bunch of champions! I am so glad that I am part of this group, I consider you all friends and love you dearly!! Getting all mushy here, the witch must ave bought her hormones with her. This is by far the best, funniest, most supportive group on BnB, and we should all appreciate how lucky we are to have found each other! Sob finished.

Lucky, I did a belly dancing job last night for some corporate awards night gig, and they had the three head honchos arriving on segways - I thought of you! We were only supposed to be dancing the guests in, dancing the award recipients in, and then fluffing around while the photos were taking place. But we ended up having to dance for 3 HOURS STRAIGHT!!!! My feet are still sore today (dancing in high heels - ouch!) That was not in the contract so we are in negotiations to get much more money! And you know Dylan Lewis, that presenter from Recovery? Well he was the compare for the night, had to dress up in a genie outfit. Talk about washed up! From being a TV host, to doing corporate gigs!! I bet he still got paid waaaaaaayyyyyyyy more than us, and we did all the work! He just introduced the night and then stood around looking genieish for photos!

Anyway, sunny day with no wind here, going out in the boat!!! Last day of holidays :(
Start my new job tomorrow, I'm getting nervous!

Aw Soph, I love you getting all mushy! I feel the same, love the TTHF ladies SOOOOOO much. Honestly, you have all been my sanity…I don’t know how I would be doing this if it wasn’t for all of you xxxx

Three hours of belly dancing is pretty full-on! I really hope you get some more money for that!

And a big huge GOOD LUCK for your first day of the new job!

Im offically a day late LOL
Lucky D I loveeeee that smiley cool doggy style PML, not one of my favourite positions!!!!

are we talking positions!!!!:haha::winkwink: I like on top and miniosary fav is on top!!! RIDE THAT LOVE STICK :winkwink::haha: sorry lowering the tone there!!!!

Are you still late for AF Niamh???? Fingers crossed love!!!

Ha ha, you’re not such a fan of doggy style? I have been trying to bust it out a bit as I have a tipped uterus and apparently it’s the best position for that!

Niamh, yes I have a follow up post op appointment tuesday at 2:15. I had to call and move my prenatal appointment from monday to tuesday. I am trying to come to terms with it all. My sisters both smoke and have unhealthy relationships and are not healthy, whileI amthe opposite. I dont smoke and drink only when af showed while TTC, I eat healthy and exercise....and they are the ones having healthy babies! Grrrr! :growlmad: Rant over.....for heard my little sister (not the crazy one) had an abortion yesterday.....which in turn makes me angry and upset. She planned this baby with her boyfriend,then he left her because she is annoying and clingy, so she went to the nearest clinic. It pisses me off, and they should have known better to NOT tell me right now. I am the only one out of the 3 of us that wanted a baby, that tried for a baby so long......grrrr......thought I would catch you girls up on my crazy sisters. By the way, Soph, my crazy sister seems happy I lost mine and that Kim had an 'A', because now its just her......and then she says to me (has the balls to say to me!!!) everything happens for a reason and that is God's way! F U!.....You all know how crazy she is!!! How rude! I will not talk to her if I dont have too!

Oh my goodness Julia, I don’t know how you cope with all this stuff with your sisters, I really don’t…I can’t believe you have had to hear this stuff so soon after such a devastating experience. Totally don’t talk to her if you don’t have to! It’s just not worth it. You are a super strong woman, and I am thinking of you ever single day and hoping that you are doing ok xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lucky, loved the smiley! Nothing is ever going to far here!

Yeah, I figured! Glad you liked the smiley…that was for you!

Hey ladies.... in my "journal of hotness", Titi thought it would be a good idea to start tracking what we are eating and when we exercise. In the past I've used a website: which has a page called "My Plate". You can track exactly what you ate and even what exercise you did in a day. Based on your height weight and goals, it will track your calories and tell you how many more you can have in a day. I've done this a couple times in the past and it always has worked wonders for me.

ALSO...... for the ladies struggling with blood sugar, there is a "My Plate D" specially for diabetics.

I created a group (it's by invitation only so not viewable) where if you would like to join this site and track your calories, we can all keep each other motivated. If you join, let me know your login name and I'll send you the invite. I am "Squirrelyone" on that site.

I think it could be a really great way to keep each other motivated to stay healthy. And perhaps something else to obsess over and take our minds off of the TTC stuff a bit! :thumbup:

I am keen for this Squirrel. I was trying to do something similar earlier in the year, but more to do with making sure I was getting all the different vitamins etc that I need. I have never been a calorie counter though….yikes…do I want to start? I definitely want to keep tracking my healthy eating though.

The witch got me yesterday, but I am crossing all my fingers and toes for Niamh - I am sure she's got it!

Oh no, so sorry Soph!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Hope you are doing ok sweets xxx

I forgot about your masterbating birds!!!!! :rofl: I think it would be funny if they kept repeating "whatcha doing' while you :sex:

Oh holy crap, I forgot about Soph’s dirty birds too! That is so funny!

Hmm, for about two years I took a Salmon Oil Omega 3 tablet daily (I don't eat fish :sick: ) then I stopped because I read about the mercury levels in fish and how too much can cause infertility. :dohh: Can't win for losing?

Yeah, me too Lilaala – I am vegetarian and don’t eat fish, but I also got scared off by mercury levels…I don’t know, it’s too bloody complicated sometimes! I just think to myself that many women who live in third world and poverty-stricken countries don’t exactly have a huge array of vitamins and foods to choose from…and they are able to get pregnant! I try to do the best I can but also try not to beat myself up for not always getting a perfect balance of everything.

Thank You wonderful women for being who you all are: amazing.

Soph, Damnit........I am sorry she came. :hugs:

Did anyone else see that mush got her bfp?.......

Aw, and thanks to you for being you xxx

Wow, that’s great about mush!

Hmm, for about two years I took a Salmon Oil Omega 3 tablet daily (I don't eat fish :sick: ) then I stopped because I read about the mercury levels in fish and how too much can cause infertility. :dohh: Can't win for losing?

I get a certified mercury free fish oil at whole foods!

Ah whole foods, what an awesome place – we loved in when we went on our American road trip last year – that and Trader Joes!

Hey girls, so sorry I've not been around lately! I have a bunch to catch up on, but am a bit sick so I just can't be bothered right now.
Headachey and stuffs.

Does anyone know if its possible spermies can survive for 6 days??

Sorry you are not feeling well Moon! I just read the other day that sperm can live 5-7 days at the very longest. So maybe!

Well, what a catch up that was….! And I know there is heaps of other things I have missed as well…

I am feeling very grateful to be part of this thread, I really think it is special and I feel very lucky that I managed to find all of you lovely ladies on BnB.

Not much news at my end…had a nice weekend, it’s been cold but sunny, we did some work on the land yesterday with my Mum then I made a yummy vege lasagne for dinner. I am 9dpo today and nothing interesting to report. Actually I have sore boobs but in a pre-AF kinda way so not expecting much at the moment.

Sorry – what a boring update! No interesting stories, no usage of the word KOOTCH. I will do better next time!
Morning!! Monday morning here urgh. but on study leave today, as have my exam tomorrow. it's so boring.

soph - im sorry the witch got you. Niamh!! fx for you! test!
moon - fx for you toooo

i did see about mush, you know it was her first cycle ttc after a mc? Im so happy for her. looks like it is true that people are extra fertile after a mc!!

i've had such a boring weekend, other than going out for a few drinks on friday ive just been studying. but it's been so hot here ive found it hard to concentrate.

I love the TTHF ladies toooooooo.
Lucky hey hun I have a tipped uterus as well so when its high it tips to the back LOL. now I have got pregnant before and I think most were with me on top positions as well! :haha::blush:
Niamh, you are 17dpo! when are you going to test hun?
Hey girls, so sorry I've not been around lately! I have a bunch to catch up on, but am a bit sick so I just can't be bothered right now.
Headachey and stuffs.

Does anyone know if its possible spermies can survive for 6 days??
I'm due to get AF in a couple of days and my temps started going down a few days ago so I thought "yup, AF on the way" but now temps are going back up, so its left me wondering about the possibilities. Check out my chart!

Hope you feel better hun! Wow your chart does look REALLY promising! I have heard that the max sperm can live is 5 days-BUT of course it seems there are always exceptions-or its possible you could have miscalculated your ov day by 1-right? FX'd!!!!!
My DH is obsessed with his tank. It's the only reason I ever found B&B-He was spending all his spare time on an "aquarium Forum" so I said, "fine-I'm going to find a forum for my hobby!" well, you see what my hobby is :blush:
Seriously though we can test our kootchies with the fishy strips maybe?!
We had some of our engagement photos taken on segways! Have to post them!
YUMMY I love muesli & yougurt! Do you make your own cereal or buy it? It's so good for you!!!! I have recently just started taking probiotic pills too. I also love Kefir-a probiotic drink.

I agree-It's VERY hard to put into practice. I will need lots of help from you too!!!! :friends:

Ok, so a number of things…
1. You are killing me with the expression ‘fishy strips’.
2. Hurrah for segway engagement/wedding/civil union photos! I wanna see yours!
3. No, I wish I made my own muesli…should probably do that..but they make a delicious brand of muesli here in NZ called ‘Hubbards’ – lots of yummy dried fruit and yoghurt covered raisins! Yummmmm….
4. We will help each other xxx

1. sorry :haha:!
2. I will look for the photos. They made some sort of slide show for us and they are on that but I haven't found them on our picture disk yet.
3. That brand sounds delicious! We do have a few good brands here too......they are better than when I try to make my own.
4. !yay!

Nothing new since last night and I have to get to work!!! : )

Love you girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks girls - I havent been in here since the roll call as i felt sooooooooo guilty at catching easily, and then this happened again. I just hope its not easy come, easy go like last time.

I'm sorry I've been selfish :( massive :hugs: to all of you

how are we all? I'll have a read back over the last few pages :flow:
YAY CelticNiamh!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear bout you telling DH!
Congrats to both you ladies :hugs:!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mush, I am so excited for you. It gives m hope after a MC. Congrats again! You were not being selfish, I wanted to be cautious when I got mine so it didnt seem as if I was rubbing it in. But seriously, I am so happy for you!!! You are giving me hope whether you now it or not!

Niamh, I knew it you dirty TTHF'r! Congrats!! I had a feeling you were, especially since you were hitting 17dpo! Congratulations!!!
Grrr....I just checked out the January Jellybeans thread, and wouldnt you know I am the only one on that thread who lost my baby out of a ton of people!

So what is everyone up to today?

Niamh and mush, can you please tell us what you both did TTC this month?

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