HOLY COW NIAMH AND MUSH!!! Congratulations ladies! I'm stoked there is a nice sized group to kick off TTHFUTD

Ah I just love it! BFPs are lovely first thing Monday morning

HURRAY for long time try'ers and first cycle post mc'ers getting knocked up!
Mush you have not been selfish!

I'm sorry if the roll call put you off, I took it down a while ago because I just really wanted to get a sense of where we were all at. Definitely hope this is super sticky for you and Niamh

Really glad you are checking in and sharing the fabulous news with us
Niamh - you are proving the "taking a break and trying to relax" theory right darn you!!!
Julia ~ it is awesome reading your posts again and I love the vacation pics. I don't even know what to say about your sisters

Titi does have some similar frustrations with her brothers. That crap would drive me NUTS. I love how you and mush are caring for each other on here - that rocks
I am loving the positive attitude ladies, you truly are a bunch of champions! I am so glad that I am part of this group, I consider you all friends and love you dearly!! Getting all mushy here, the witch must ave bought her hormones with her. This is by far the best, funniest, most supportive group on BnB, and we should all appreciate how lucky we are to have found each other! Sob finished.
Start my new job tomorrow, I'm getting nervous!
Good luck with the new job Soph! And I totally agree with you about how lucky we are to have found each other ~ another silver lining in this TTC experience.
In fact, I went to a couple of get togethers this weekend and it was all I could do not to bring you all up in conversation ~ for some reason I held back because it seemed a little crazy to talk about my virtual friends with my real life friends. I have definitely described TTHF stuff and things about you lovely ladies to a couple of close friends, but in a party setting I guess I worried folks would think I was some sort of internet chat room freak

Seriously though, I love that I can share things with y'all that I can't share with my family and friends. No one understands this experience like you do
In case you didn't see this earlier Julia, I "met" Dee, Lilaala, and Titi on the LTTTC threads and in Titi's journal. Titi encouraged them to come over to the dark side of TTHF
All that being said, (And TTHFUTD is GREAT!!) I'd almost say why don't we just enjoy the crap outta this thread? Why do we have to separate once we conceive? I vote for sticking to a single thread and making jokes that cross any 'boundaries' that would separate those who are UTD and those who aren't yet. This is the most at home I've felt on BnB and I've been on this site since the end of '08, I want to stick to together regardless of 'status'.
Honestly LTTTC can be so soul destroying, but I can't regret the loss of my ignorance one bit!
That being said, am I done the TTC learning yet?
That which I stuffed in my face hole yesterday and today now recorded.
Oh Good Golly! I must think that to myself 20 times a day - once I go through my mental list of what I'm grateful for and the benefits of TTC, I think "ok, I get it, can I be pg now?"
I think the main impetus behind TTHFUTD is that once ladies cross over they can't post as much about what they are experiencing in here, or maybe feel less comfortable with all the TTC stuff once they've gotten BFPs. I know there is probably a little guilt once you've gotten UTD and all your best gals haven't ~ even though there shouldn't be. Just like I shouldn't be jealous of beautiful bumps and babies - it still happens

I definitely would like this thread to be a comfortable place for everyone, but I also see the conflicts pg women must go through in the TTC threads. I think if we have both, hopefully we can all check both threads out but go to our "safer places" when we need to, you know? I think it would be cool to have TTFUTD just so I can check out a first tri thread
And finally, Lilaala, your posts make me wonder if you can get gobsmacked by poppycock?
CelticNiamh said:
RIDE THAT LOVE STICK sorry lowering the tone there!!!!

I could totally hear you yelling that out loud Niamh - so freakin' funny! Apparently riding the love stick is a good idea
Titi - I really do think another benefit to the TTC journey is growing spiritually. I laughed when you wrote that this is going to make us all gurus! Love the new profile pic ~ is that your cousin's baby? Don't you love seeing DH hold a baby? I've seen that twice with my DH and he is really uncomfortable and akward but he loves it

Ahaha - "wait for it - starting tomorrow!" I'm going gung ho on the paleo / low carb thing today
Squirrel - I used sparkpeople.com, another "facebook" for people that want to share their exercise and food intake information, for over a year. I feel a little burned out on that sort of thing but I highly recommend it for people that are getting back into the swing of it. I will keep posting the stuff I am proud of in your journal though - I definitely like putting my energy into diet and exercise as a distraction from TTC
Soph ~ I'm so sorry AF showed

I can't believe you called it on Niamh's BFP! That is awesome. Your belly dancing sounds SO cool! Do you have any videos of you doing it? Remember those awesome videos Niamh posted of that comedian on the irish tv show?

I picture you as the skinny, talented dancer she was so jealous of. OMG your masturbating birds, I had forgotten about that too. Birds are wicked horny! Just like monkeys...
I really like the pH strip in the spermy trampoline soup idea - and posting our results! I gotta get some fishy strips now...