
Glad you're thinking positively about all the bumps! AND So proud of you for going bak to Zumba!! :dance:

I'll be sure to report on the kootch strips. First, though, I need to wrap up the old monthly Kootch visit in my pants!!
Yes Squirrely, tell us more about your kootch (strips)! :rofl: Hope your AF hurries and goes away in my pants... no wait... not in my pants, I don't want another AF for 8 months! Err... in my pants....

Titi: ROFFLE at your hubby!! Sounds like he's quite a card! As for the 'relax' woman, did you punch her? Want me to punch her for you? I'd need a plane ticket and her address... (I often offer to smack people for other people, but the only person I actually swat at is hubby when he's being a goober) So yes, shall I smack her for you in my pants?

MyTurn: My Sister-in-Law brushes her teeth with baking soda... eeeugh!! :sick: :rofl: I don't know why but it freaks me out! But yes, baking soda is a wonderful cleanser for the skin, and it's actually a really effective household cleaner as well. (I do baking soda scrubs on the countertops once in a while for an extra good clean. I also wash my floors with baking soda, a little bit of vinegar, and some hot water. There really is no need for harsh chemicals that don't even do any better of a job!) What's Zumba? Is it a kind of Yoga? Good on you for getting physically active in a class! Hope you're next for needing to 'take it easy' due to pregnancy when you go!
hey girls hope all are well, okay let me see i am on CD 23 and im bleeding lightly wtf? can you bleed at ovulation?
ive been told to go back on agnus castus thats what a friend told me, shes a nurse
Yep, Anna, you can have ovulation bleeding. I do have a bit of spotting at O time every month. (and practically every other time too, but that's a whole other issue! :dohh:
Zumba is a fitness class where you dance to music, like Latin music. It's low-impact but supposed to get your heart rate up and be your cardio workout. There's an instructor who will teach you the steps.
Perhaps something to have your OH read!! :haha:

The New Foreplay? It's 'Choreplay',2933,597407,00.html

Ever seen a book called Porn for Women? The cover sports a smiling man performing an act that undoubtedly makes many women sigh with pleasure: He’s vacuuming the living room. Inside the pages, another man does laundry, promising to go grocery shopping with the kids “so you can relax.”

It’s definitely a clever gimmick. But the book hits on what women — and the experts — have known for years: If you want to get lucky, you need to get your hands on a bottle of Windex. The best foreplay may, in fact, be a clean kitchen. And all this week at Good in Bed, we’re talking about foreplay techniques that really work (to get in your pants!!).
squirrel, did you start taking maca again yet? it really helped my spotting problems....
Hey girls. I really have NOTHING funny or interesting to say today.......
I have so much to do but can't be stuffed doing it!
Mountains of washing, messy house, school work to prepare, aviary to clean. Don't want to do any of it :(
Still loving my new job, but don't fancy doing school work on my weekend.
I'm 3dpo and hoping to have a really busy week at work so I don't have time to obsess about it.

Kai got man of the match at soccer yesterday. He is the team goalie and what a legend - he is the smallest on the team and not afraid of getting smashed by the ball or throwing himself on the group to save a goal. Yesterday he was sporting a knee injury but that didn't stop him. He hurt it on Thursday night at soccer training. Chased a ball and ran over a footpath and slipped on the concrete. Got a nasty graze with 2 deep cuts across the top of the knee where he skidded across the crack in the footpath. And it was a shame because he had the school sports carnival the next day! He was really excited about his races because he qualified 1st and 2nd in his heats and made it to 1st division!! This is coming from the kid who was among the slowest in his age group the previous years. This time was racing against the fastest boys in the year!!! He came 5th. So proud of him for trying and running through the pain.

So funny, after the carnival we asked the boys about it and how they went. Kai told us all about it and Jai just said 'I don't know' and 'can't remember'. Honestly, these boys are polar opposites in every way imaginable!!
On a side note, this cycle I tried the following to get more ewcm - grapefruits, epo, robitussin, maca. Still nothiing. Not even the tiniest bit!!!!
I got some kootch strips and tested my snatch and creamy cm post af and it seems to be neutral which I guess is better than acidic so I suppose I will just have to live with that. If I'm not lucky this time I think I will try none of that stuff next cycle and go back to au natural. What do you think?
Moon sorry about your shitty results, that totally sucks. I know that all of your fertile signs point towards that O date, but going by your temps alone day 39 really does look like the one. You have one very confusing chart there love ;)

Its not confusing to me. I understand and know my own body well enough now that I'm going with what FF has pinpointed. As prior to ovulation for about a week to two weeks, I have extremely watery CM. This dissipates within a few days AFTER O'ing, which it did this cycle on Day 31. This happens every cycle. I also have a tendency to get a dip, or a downward spike around the time I would implant, if I was implanting. And right before O'ing, my temp spikes downward, then starts climbing again at ovulation, which it did.
It all makes sense to me, and I'm not going on temps alone, I'm going on other body signs as well. The weird thing is, I've had hardly any apart from the change in CM after Oing.

BUT, even if it DID happen on CD39, which I am extremely doubtful of, my luteal phase is only 13 days. So I'd still be late now, as I still haven't had a period. All I've had is the pink spotting when I was 5 days late, and that was brief, it lasted just an hour and only when I wiped.
My usual period is HEAVY (to the point where I get out of bed in the morning, race to the toilet and by the time I get there, about 40% of my pyjamas is soaked in blood), so I'm imagining after all this extra time, when I do finally have a period, I'm going to be confined to a place with a tiled floor because I'm going to bleed like a slaughtered pig.
That thought alone is enough to make me cry.

Am at a loss now, don't know what to do. And as each day goes by, my DP keeps telling me that the blood tests can be wrong, and maybe I am pregnant, and I wanna scream. He won't believe I'm NOT until I bleed. It makes it harder to cope with when everything else says you're not, but he's still retaining hope and I just don't know what the hell to think.
Moon, I really feel for you. What a total pain in the arse. I would be going out of my mind!
ive been told to go back on agnus castus thats what a friend told me, shes a nurse

Anna I dont think you can use angus catus with Warphin I just check that out before you do, you know it might be better if you got them to change your warphin to something else more TCC friendly or baby friendly so you can take some alternative medicine like Angus catus:flower:
Good luck
Moon, I really feel for you. What a total pain in the arse. I would be going out of my mind!

Ha! I AM!
Having mega pain in my right side today, down low, like, maybe my appendix or right ovary or something. It's hurties.

Nipples have started getting mega, uber sensitive. Wish I was with DP, he'd be going nuts with my boobs and dayum, they're so sensually sensitive it'd be nice if he were playing with em! LOL

I've spent the past three days doing those icky, horrid little vomit burps. SO disgusting!

And god, was SO tired and SO fatigued and SO tired today, my body was just aching all over and I decided to lay down and rest for a minute, I checked the clock and it was about 4:30pm. Next time I opened my eyes the clock said 8:10. I totally crashed out.
squirrel, did you start taking maca again yet? it really helped my spotting problems....

:wave: Hey everyone! Gosh, it's been really quiet in here! I took my OH to Chicago for his birthday yesterday so haven't been on BnB for what feels like a long time! We went to the museum of Science and Industry, toured a captured WWII German U-Boat and wandered through almost all of the rest of the museum -- about 5 hours worth of walking! Wow were my legs tired!

Anyway, Yes, I started taking maca this past week. And I am taking Soy too.... Tonight is my last dose of it for the month. FX'd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moon it sounds sooooo much like you're pregnant. I hope to goodness the lab just fudged up the results or something. Whatever is happening, I hope you get answers soon so you're not stuck in this awful limbo of no AF but BFN. :hugs:

Go Squirrely! Maca cleared up any mid-cycle spotting I used to have (or so I thought) and regulated me to a 29 day cycle instead of a 26-35 day cycle, so I can testify it's good stuff! Hope the Soy has made a difference for you hun! Tested your kootch's PH yet? Love the article you posted, it confirms why I find it impossible to get 'in the mood' when there are dirty dishes in the house and the laundry piles up. :haha:
Soph if you're finding you've not got much EWCM have you tried Preseed? Glad you love your job and good on your boys for doing well!
hi all-had a busy weekend, missed my B&B

-Celtic-no-those aren't hard questions I don't mind you asking-I actually have an HSG sched. for next month. FX'd nothing is wrong and it does the trick! DH did have an SA in Nov. which showed a normal count but slightly low motility at 49%. He has since quit smoking and taking supplements for fertility.

-MyTurn-Wow you and The BS have had quite the weekend together!!!!!! I hope it works some magic for your kootch!!!! Also, I LOVE zumba!! I was doing it for years but like everything have fallen off the wagon with it over the past year or so. Would love to get back into it-its so much fun. One of the instructors at my gym is INSANE tho-it is the FASTEST paced zumba you've ever done. It's fastest tempo songs for an hour straight-I have no idea how she gets so much energy!

Lilaala-I have heard the "relax" thing so many times that it's just amusing to me now. I spent a lot of time getting upset by it and still want to ask anyone who says it if they realize that TRUE infertility cannot be cured by relaxing and if they wonder that they have ever realized that when they keep saying this to people that they are likely telling someone who has no sperm or no ovaries or something to "relax and it will happen"...its so ignorant. But-it's funny-b/c I ALWAYS KNOW it is coming-it's almost a game I play-tell the nurse, (nosy neighbor, relative, etc.) that we've been trying forever and think in my head "wait for it......" and sure enough-they ALWAYS say it!!!!

Soph-as far as your ewcm goes-maybe you should try just the epo & gf? I never used to get it either-and the first time I ever tried robitusson/guafinesson I got super WATERY (not ew) cm......but when I do gf and epo I get ewcm......I think the robitusson really thins it out so much that you won't get ew with it. I know its still a good thing if you just have really thick cm the whole cycle-but if your goal is ew try taking out the robitusson and drinking a ton of water and a ton of fresh (or at least not from concentrate) pink gf juice from cd1 on with the epo and see if that makes a difference. Also make sure you are checking "up in there". I can never see mine on tp or undies or anything-have to go hunting for my pants.

Squirrel-did you test the ph yet? I can't remember who just did it-was it you soph? I forgot-but I'd say neutral is good enough to leave well alone-although preseed might help alkalinze a little more. Also you can google alkalizing versus acidic foods and try and eat less of the acidic foods (coffee, alcohol, etc.)
ive been told to go back on agnus castus thats what a friend told me, shes a nurse

Anna I dont think you can use angus catus with Warphin I just check that out before you do, you know it might be better if you got them to change your warphin to something else more TCC friendly or baby friendly so you can take some alternative medicine like Angus catus:flower:
Good luck

my friends a nurse and i can take it, she told me and she is also helping me track my temp as well
ive been told to go back on agnus castus thats what a friend told me, shes a nurse

Anna I dont think you can use angus catus with Warphin I just check that out before you do, you know it might be better if you got them to change your warphin to something else more TCC friendly or baby friendly so you can take some alternative medicine like Angus catus:flower:
Good luck

my friends a nurse and i can take it, she told me and she is also helping me track my temp as well

Hon, just because she's a nurse, it doesn't mean she knows exactly whats going on inside your body without diagnostics. I mean, a nurse could tell me a hundred things, but until a doctor confirmed those same things, I wouldn't be doing it.

And why do you need help charting your temp? It's easy as pie. Set alarm... Wake up... Roll over... Grab thermometer... Stick in mouth (or va-jay-jay, whichever you prefer).... Wait til it beeps... Pull out... Look at little readout... Write down in bedside diary.... Go back to sleep until ready to get up....
When coming online, record into Fertility Friend website, which is free to use and you're good to go. Easy as pie.

PS: What is Warphin? Are you talking about Warfarin, the blood thinner?

I am getting sick of temping this cycle, really. So over it now. It just appears to keep going UP. Not down, not AF like... just UP. Grrrrrrrrr! Over it.

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