
Just some funny pictures.... :haha:


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ive been told to go back on agnus castus thats what a friend told me, shes a nurse

Anna I dont think you can use angus catus with Warphin I just check that out before you do, you know it might be better if you got them to change your warphin to something else more TCC friendly or baby friendly so you can take some alternative medicine like Angus catus:flower:
Good luck

my friends a nurse and i can take it, she told me and she is also helping me track my temp as well

Hon, just because she's a nurse, it doesn't mean she knows exactly whats going on inside your body without diagnostics. I mean, a nurse could tell me a hundred things, but until a doctor confirmed those same things, I wouldn't be doing it.

And why do you need help charting your temp? It's easy as pie. Set alarm... Wake up... Roll over... Grab thermometer... Stick in mouth (or va-jay-jay, whichever you prefer).... Wait til it beeps... Pull out... Look at little readout... Write down in bedside diary.... Go back to sleep until ready to get up....
When coming online, record into Fertility Friend website, which is free to use and you're good to go. Easy as pie.

PS: What is Warphin? Are you talking about Warfarin, the blood thinner?

I am getting sick of temping this cycle, really. So over it now. It just appears to keep going UP. Not down, not AF like... just UP. Grrrrrrrrr! Over it.
Moon sorry your feeling so crap my sister is cracking up as well she has not had a AF in 6 months:wacko: she knows why its to do with her weight it is like when she gets to a certain level PCOS kicks in. Limbo land is cruel:hugs:
yep Moon my mistake I spelt it wrong oooops :blush: I found this info I cant find why, but MACA works the same way blancing hormones and it so deffo not safe to use while taking Warfarin. I was very surprised to see.

ANNA just concerned that is all, glad your friend is helping but you do need to be careful when on blood thinners.

funny thing my DH said to me yesterday:blush:
I wanna give you a Hot Beef injection :winkwink::winkwink::haha::haha:

when he said it I laughed and thought I had to tell you all :flower:
Moon sorry your feeling so crap my sister is cracking up as well she has not had a AF in 6 months:wacko: she knows why its to do with her weight it is like when she gets to a certain level PCOS kicks in. Limbo land is cruel:hugs:
yep Moon my mistake I spelt it wrong oooops :blush: I found this info I cant find why, but MACA works the same way blancing hormones and it so deffo not safe to use while taking Warfarin. I was very surprised to see.

ANNA just concerned that is all, glad your friend is helping but you do need to be careful when on blood thinners.

funny thing my DH said to me yesterday:blush:
I wanna give you a Hot Beef injection :winkwink::winkwink::haha::haha:

when he said it I laughed and thought I had to tell you all :flower:

Your hubby is funny! Wish I was with my man so he could give me a hot beef injection! I miss it!

I am hoping at least, that AF will come within the week, as my nips are very sensitive and touchy.... breasts actually feel a bit swollen and full like they normally do right after Oing, which is weird.
Squirrel, where did you get those images? :rofl: :rofl:

Love the new signature, too! I'm going to be in the Fall group, for sure! Had my FS appointment on Friday...this month she wants to do tests and then start treatment next month (treatment plan is TBD pending blood test results) :happydance:
Squirrel, sounds like a great weekend with your OH!

Lilaala, I realized I never answered your question about my sign. I think DH is typical Aquarius w/ a unique streak. A lot of Feb. b-days in my family so I'm surrounded by either Aquariusus (no idea what the proper plural form is) and Pisceans. I'm a Libra.

Titi, I take Zumba at the dance studio I go to and it's it, though! I realized how out of shape I am at this last class. :dohh: Going to try and go again tomorrow night!

Celtic, how you feeling?

Honeybee, :icecream:

Sorry for all the random posts...sneaking in a quick BnB peek at work!:shhh:
My turn, I'm a libra too and dh is a picses.

I love zumba, haven't been for aged though :(
Squirrel, where did you get those images? :rofl: :rofl:

Love the new signature, too! I'm going to be in the Fall group, for sure! Had my FS appointment on Friday...this month she wants to do tests and then start treatment next month (treatment plan is TBD pending blood test results) :happydance:

I did a google search on "Squirrel Girl images" and this one site came up. That picture was posted and the idea was for everyone to come up with the funniest captions. So I stole some that I liked the most.

Definitely thought of Honeybee when I saw the NOM NOM NOM one. :haha:

Can't wait to hear what kind of plan your FS comes up with for you!
Why is HoneyBee now the one who Noms? I did that on the March thread months ago. Weird.

Had a bit of a temp drop today. I kinda hope it keeps dropping so AF can come and take me out of craptastical limboland. Such an odd thing to say, as normally I HATE AF with a passion, but if she will come and keep from this crappy "no place", then I'm all for her arrival.
You did moon that's true, ive always nommed too. everyone i know says nom nom.

been super busy studying and partying and stuff. actually, you know i said i had no spotting last night so thought the maca fixed it? well i started spotting yesterday 7dpo, had been drinking a lot at the weekend. started doing some research into it, and alcohol affects hormone levels, which affects spotting right? so im cutting right back on drink for the next few months to see if it it makes a difference. its going to be tough, but i want a baby so badly i want to see if it makes a difference.

also, have you ever heard of DHEA? I read a newspaper article on it about how it really helped women conceive when use prior to IVF. but i was wondering if it might help all people ttc? will do some research when i get a mo.

hope you're all
Just wanted to come and say hello to my favourite ladies :hugs:

Moon - I hope you get some answers one way or another love...can totally hear how frustrating and upsetting it is to be in limbo :hugs:

Jill - glad your FS appointment went well!! What kind of tests are you doing? Yay for having a plan!

Also - I'm a pisces too!

Squirrel - loving the squirrel pics! So cute. And sounds like an awesome weekend away - that's some good TTHF right there!

Titi - how are you love? Thanks for your reply about working with your DH (a few pages ago now!) - that is so cool that you can work together so well. I do like the idea of it...maybe someday!

Honeybee - good work on the alcohol thing. It's frustrating though isn't it, when you think of all those that get pg when they are drunk? What's up with that! But I am sure that being good to your body by cutting back a bit can only be a good thing xxxx

Soph - how is work going? Hope the 2ww is going smoothly for you so far...:hugs:

Hey to everyone else! :flower:

I think quite few people are having a little BnB time out, but here are some hugs for them as well: :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I hope you are all doing well and know that I think about y'all EVERY day and love you loads :hugs::hugs::hugs:
it IS frustating. im having a proper ttc freak out time at the moment. whhhyyyyy is it so hard!? i feel like it's never going to happen. lucky how many cycles did it take you? it was quite a few wasnt it?xx
it IS frustating. im having a proper ttc freak out time at the moment. whhhyyyyy is it so hard!? i feel like it's never going to happen. lucky how many cycles did it take you? it was quite a few wasnt it?xx

It was 7 cycles for me, and I honestly think it was just luck that it happened wasn't like I did anything particuarly different. I was using softcups for the second cycle, so maybe that helped? But I think really it was just luck. I don't want to be annoying as it's easy to say now, but honestly, I felt exactly like you, even on the day of my BFP - I was in tears saying to my OH that I didn't think it would ever happen. Hang in there sweets :hugs:
it IS frustating. im having a proper ttc freak out time at the moment. whhhyyyyy is it so hard!? i feel like it's never going to happen. lucky how many cycles did it take you? it was quite a few wasnt it?xx

It was 7 cycles for me, and I honestly think it was just luck that it happened wasn't like I did anything particuarly different. I was using softcups for the second cycle, so maybe that helped? But I think really it was just luck. I don't want to be annoying as it's easy to say now, but honestly, I felt exactly like you, even on the day of my BFP - I was in tears saying to my OH that I didn't think it would ever happen. Hang in there sweets :hugs:

Thank you sweetie. It's so nice being able to talk to you preggo girls about stuff like this, to know that you felt how i feel, makes me feel like maybe it will all be ok. thank you, congrats again. im over the moon for you and your little beany
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the temp goes back up this morning.

I'm considering ceasing temping for awhile. Let me have a proper sleep in, not broken sleep for waking up for temping then going back to sleep, but just an extra hours sleep with no interruptions. Over it.

WHen I rolled over this morning to grab the thermometer, I squished my right breast against the bed. One word: owmotherbleepinga$$holebitchesthathurtslikehell!

Thats my word for the day. Werd.
it IS frustating. im having a proper ttc freak out time at the moment. whhhyyyyy is it so hard!? i feel like it's never going to happen. lucky how many cycles did it take you? it was quite a few wasnt it?xx

It was 7 cycles for me, and I honestly think it was just luck that it happened wasn't like I did anything particuarly different. I was using softcups for the second cycle, so maybe that helped? But I think really it was just luck. I don't want to be annoying as it's easy to say now, but honestly, I felt exactly like you, even on the day of my BFP - I was in tears saying to my OH that I didn't think it would ever happen. Hang in there sweets :hugs:

Thank you sweetie. It's so nice being able to talk to you preggo girls about stuff like this, to know that you felt how i feel, makes me feel like maybe it will all be ok. thank you, congrats again. im over the moon for you and your little beany

Thank you so much, that brought a tear to my eye :hugs: and am loving 'beany dragon' - that's cute. It WILL be ok xxx am totally here if you wanna chat about anything :hugs:
:wave: I am starting with my new TTHF hobby today! I bought a guitar!! I can't wait to learn how to play. My last hobby was cake decorating, and it just made me end up hating cake after eating so much of it!! :haha: So let's hope this hobby goes a bit better!
OMG, how to kick the temping habit! This morning as soon as my alarm went off I rolled over and stuck a thermometer in my mouth!
Gah! lol

I think I too am going to take a BnB break, since so many people from this thread must have decided to do so, as not many people are showing up here anymore. It's just depressing knowing I'm stuck in this limbo land, and have nothing to report each day.
Think I'll just go away (if I can) until I know what the heck is going on. Hearing about others pregnancies, BFP's, ovulation, god forbid even AF is just making me nuts because I am stuck in No Mans Land and don't know whats going on.

I mean, people keep telling me "your periods could be delayed because you are stressing", but to be honest, I'm not. I wake up, I temp out of habit I think "another day of up temps" and then I don't think about it for the rest of the day unless I either come here and have nothing to report, or someone asks. I have too many things to do in the day now, with my horse, to sit around, stressing and dwelling on not having my periods. SO yeah, more than anything, its an irritant not knowing what the hecks going on, but I don't spend time on thinking about it unless I'm here in this thread, knowing others are moving on, or onto the next round and I'm stuck in Nobody Knows WTF Land!

So see everyone some other time, when I can finally let everyone know what the sam hell is going on!


ETA: and congrats on the guitar Squirrel. I tried to learn guitar a few years ago, my hands were too small to do it properly. Hope you have lots of luck!
wow every one is MIA i miss you girls :hugs:

Squirrel way to go with the guitar I have one as well im hoping I can learn as well my sister gave me her old one cause she got a new one. you can watch lessons on your tube Ive tried doing them you need to learn the keys and practice lots to losen up your hands and toughen up your finger tips! good luck :thumbup:

Moon what a total pain in the ass grrr, my sister is in the same boat no AF for 6 months she knows why though, she gets PCOS when she goes over a certain weight so she knows she has to lose at least a stone before her AF will come back, I read on one forum were some people take high doese of VIT C and parsely tea to bring on AF may be have a look in to that :flower:
Hi All :flower:,

Moon, hope you get some answers soon. :hugs: Maybe you oved really late.

I oved around CD 26 this month so it was driving me crazy waiting for ov, I used all my ovulations sticks and when I finally got a positive my temp didn't go up until a few days later. Every so often, one of these weird cycles comes my way.

Squirrelgirl - guitar sounds like fun, I was thinking of learning to sew...

Honeybee :hugs: hope your time is soon.
just checking in-not on a B&B break at all just got so darned busy with work!!!! miss everyone! Going to leave this pearl and then go back and read posts.:

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