on a completely unrelated note... I just need to vent....
On July 4th weekend, my OH and I went to see his family a few states away. I had told his mom that I really wanted to buy him a telescope for his birthday (July 24). She took me to this hobby shop nearby where they sold them. But I wanted a model they didn't have in stock, so they said they'd order it for me and have it shipped directly from the factory to me. Great! Ordered it and had it charged to my credit card. And asked that they send me the tracking numbers so I could find out when to expect it and make sure I was home in time to hide it before he got home. And was told if it hadn't arrived by the 21st to call the store back. Great again, because this should mean I should have it in time for his birthday! At the same time my MIL bought some telescope accessories for his present and planned to mail them to him for his birthday. Well, the 21st came, I emailed and called the store. Found out the lady I worked with was on vacation so the guy on the phone called the Orion factory and called me back saying they had just shipped it and it would arrive next week (now this week). Still haven't received any tracking numbers. I even emailed and never received a response. Bah... So when the gift came in the mail from my MIL, I hid it thinking it would only be a couple days.
My OH keeps coming home and the first thing he does is check the front step for the gift because he knows his mom mailed it two Tuesdays ago!! He's so cute, but I feel bad for lying to him that I haven't seen it. His mom is in on it too that I hid the gift, and she's done a nice job of playing along and saying the package was insured so she'd send him a new gift.....
Anyway, today I called at 10:30 to basically say Where the F is my telescope that by the way I spent a crapload on... When someone walks in your store and a half hour later plunks down a credit card for that kind of money, you should be giving some good customer service... I mean really. For a mom and pop type hobby store, that had to be a great sale!
WHAT REALLY PISSES ME OFF IS that I had to CALL AGAIN just now (2:30 - four hours later for anyone keeping track!) and say WHAT THE F! COME ON!!
The lady apologized and said she'd called Orion three times, yadda yadda and really expected me to already have it and even she had never received the tracking numbers, --- and that she wished I had called sooner because she thought I'd gotten it.
To this I said, well I sent you an email with a subject of ATTN: Becky RE: Telescope and I never heard back, and I called and a guy said you were out when you had asked me to call you. And how I had to spend even more money on his birthday gift to hide the fact that I had nothing for him. So now I'm out even more money with very little to show for it.... I started tearing up (i cry when I get really pissed. I hate that!!) BAH
Anyway, she SAYS she's going to get back to me by the time she leaves the shop at 7:00, but I'm not holding my breath.
I wanted to buy this telescope from a store where it would help a mom and pop type place. I do order a lot of stuff from the internet, but thought it would be nice to support a cool little hobby shop. Well the customer service I receive from online companies has been way better than this. Guess it's back to Amazon.com for me!
BAH. And normally I don't spend this kind of money for a birthday gift, but it was something I know he'll really like and we'll have for years and years, so I splurged. So to on top of that to have a replacement gift ( I took him to Chicago to see the Museum of Science and Industry, which meant train tickets, "L" tickets (the elevated train system in Chicago) museum tickets, food, etc... not terribly cheap either)!!!