Moon sorry you are having to go through this - I looked at your chart and am wondering if you didn't ovulate on what would have been 20dpo - you'd have to ignore the one high temp before that, but there is a second rise there from 21dpo. Still think the doctor should have done blood tests - 3 cycles is an eternity to wait!
I'm not sure, I've never ovulated that early, but if I did, that makes me even later than I thought! LOL
Moon, those pics of your horsie are gorgeous!! I can't believe the doc is waiting 3 more months to test. WTF? I hope we don't see you on "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" because the docs said you weren't when you are. Saw a couple of women who had negative tests even in like their 6 month, which is insane.
Dropped DH off at the airport at 6 am this morning. I'm feeling kind of sad. It's only a few days, but I miss him already!
D'awwww, thanks for the comments about my boy. I love him. He's my sunshine. Gives my life a whole brand new purpose. Ha, god, I hope I don't ever end up on one of those TV shows, because so many people watch those shows and go "oh yeah right, how dumb is that girl that she couldn't have known she was pregnant???"
You are without DH for a couple days and I'm with my DP for a couple days this week (finally, the first time in 5 weeks, bah!!! He wanted me to spend more time bonding with my horse, and his daughter has been with him coz her rental house has been falling down around her ears and she couldn't stay there!)
WELCOME new peoples!! :wave:
Moon this is awful, that 'OB' (I say in quotations because he is obviously a hack) was total rubbish!!!

I say if your concern is that you'd find out later on and have mussed up by then, then just act like you are pregnant now? It's good to eat better anyway, and besides, I really think you must be just one of those women who's results are false negatives.
Yessssssssssssssssss, welcome new peoples! More the merrier, since so many people have gone on a BnB break, or gotten preggers.
Yeah, this doc I saw is an OB, he even had the certificate on his wall from the Australian Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, certifying him. But he just didn't seem to have a clue, was basing his whole opinion on my pee test coming back negative.
Completely ignored the fact I've been throwing up over NOTHING on a daily basis, multiple times a day. He even had the gall to just sit there in his chair, look at me and say "well, you don't look pregnant".
Errrr, well DUH stupid man, I'm only 3 weeks late, as if I'd LOOK pregnant!
moon - where the f**k is af?! This is getting ridic now, you poor thing, i'd be going crazy!!
I knowwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!
Horse stops me from going crazy!!! Or... from going completely crazy as opposed to just the little bit crazy I am right now going "WTF!"