
the new doctor I saw today was crap... and he's sposed to be an OB.
Reckons being three weeks late is nothing to worry about, made me do a pee test again. Negative, of course.
So he says don't worry about it, and if you miss 3 straight periods, then I'll send you off for some special bloodtests. 3 months. WTF is that shit about?
I think by the 3 month point, it'd be obvious if I was pregnant or not. You wouldn't need to do a blood test coz it would be becoming evident.
Honestly, I went into the bathroom to pee into the jar and while in there, started dry heaving and threw up. He didn't care.
Morning girls :kiss:

Moondance - I'm sorry you are having a hard time with your new doctor, they seem to believe they are god sometimes :nope: I'd say being 3 weeks late gives cause for investigation.. Would they not scan you if you said you had pains etc? I know its not good to lie, but the stress this must be putting you under is surely worse?!
Morning girls :kiss:

Moondance - I'm sorry you are having a hard time with your new doctor, they seem to believe they are god sometimes :nope: I'd say being 3 weeks late gives cause for investigation.. Would they not scan you if you said you had pains etc? I know its not good to lie, but the stress this must be putting you under is surely worse?!

Well, to be honest, I'm NOT particularly stressing much.
Because I had a slight tiny, not even for a whole hour, bleed when I was 5 days late (it was pink, not even red, it didn't go into my knickers, only on toilet paper) he reckons I could have been preggers and had a spontaneous abortion, but erm... that doesn't explain my temps still being up and no real period.
I've been mostly trying not to think about it, and the only time I genuinely do is when I'm not occupied in the head, like if I'm busy with my horse, I think about him, not what my body is doing, so I've been trying to keep busy. Coz I don't want to stress. But it can be like, one of those things always in the back of your head, even if you're not actively freaking out about it.

I just don't like it, because if I AM PG, then I want to be doing the right thing, eating properly, looking after myself, not touching kitty litter, etc etc. I don't want it to get a month or two down the line and have someone finally say "yes, you are" and have just screwed up my baby by doing the wrong things.

but hey, I weighed myself in the doctors office today.
My horse came home on July 7th. Since July 7th, I've lost 5kg!
Moon sorry you are having to go through this - I looked at your chart and am wondering if you didn't ovulate on what would have been 20dpo - you'd have to ignore the one high temp before that, but there is a second rise there from 21dpo. Still think the doctor should have done blood tests - 3 cycles is an eternity to wait!

How is everyone else doing - miss you guys a lot and still keeping spots open for you all in TTHFUTD.
Squirrel, I just read your telescope story...I remember when you picking it out, and that totally stinks!!! GRRRR :growlmad: V. excited to hear about the kootch strips, though! I did BSF for the first time this cycle. Results pending. :haha: Oh, and I agree on the dark tile because of the water stains. Light would be a pain to keep looking good. Or maybe you can do a patern with the light and dark? Like mostly dark and a stripe pattern in light? Not sure exactly what kind of tile you're looking at, but I see them do patterns a lot on all these home renovation shows DH and I watch all the time. When we remodeled our bathroom we did all white and gray...haha, boring! Have dark gray granite counters that contrast the white, though, so that looks pretty.

Moon, those pics of your horsie are gorgeous!! I can't believe the doc is waiting 3 more months to test. WTF? I hope we don't see you on "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" because the docs said you weren't when you are. Saw a couple of women who had negative tests even in like their 6 month, which is insane.

Soph, FX'd your test was too early!!

Dropped DH off at the airport at 6 am this morning. I'm feeling kind of sad. It's only a few days, but I miss him already!
IVF is super expensive, but remember you United States-ers are going to get Universal healthcare soon, so that should cover it right? Not to open a giant can of worms as some people are for the healthcare and some are not, really not keen on a should you or shouldn't you have it debate... but yeah, if/when you get it, it won't be ten grand out of your pocket anymore, right? :D

MyTurnYet I spent the last two days feeling exactly like that!! Actually I still feel like that right now but I think my tears reserves have dried up for the moment at least. I was the front desk girl checking in the patients for their X-Rays and Ultrasounds today, and there are SO MANY FUGGING PREGNANT WOMEN. Worst is how many have come and gone since after we already started trying, one has a baby girl who is nearly a year old now. Then there's my pregnant-by-a-single-no-condom-romp-'mistake' co-worker.... Could I have a rusty spoon in the eye instead of this torture for a few minutes? It sounds preferable, at least for a change from this. I digress. We will get pregnant hun, we will. There's a reason for this we can't even imagine, but it will happen and it will be the most wonderful thing in the world. :hug:

Harry Potter and Kitty Cat vids coming up!!!

Yes, I believe everything happens for a reason, too, and this reminder made me feel MUCH better. :hugs: I get down at certain times, but Friday after tearing up all day and posting I had a nap and felt a little better. Our time is coming, soon, I just know it!!!! And I agree, will be the most wonderful thing in the world. :cloud9: In the meantime, I'm thankful I get to squeeze and play with my beautiful nieces and nephew. And when the time is right for us, we'll be READY!:happydance:
WELCOME new peoples!! :wave:

Moon this is awful, that 'OB' (I say in quotations because he is obviously a hack) was total rubbish!!! :hissy: I say if your concern is that you'd find out later on and have mussed up by then, then just act like you are pregnant now? It's good to eat better anyway, and besides, I really think you must be just one of those women who's results are false negatives. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

MyTurnYet, exactly! :hugs: Doesn't mean this isn't hard though, we need to remember it's okay to feel sad and that we need to let it out so we can have fun again while we wait. :hugs:

Soph I vote it was too early and your BFP was just not visible yet! :dance:
Japan is strange, but damn they can be sooooo funny!!

Completely in Japanese, but you don't need to understand what they're saying to laugh at what they're doing!! It's a Japanese game show, a blue team and a red competing by a clock. That's all you need to know!

When red team #4's eyes bug out it just kills me :rofl:
hello everyone!!

just got back from a super fun birthday weekend away. plenty of eating, but managed not to drink much at all yey me. still, 14dpo, negative test and spotting isnt looking great for me is it!!!!! lol.

Squirrel - im SO excited about your early peak - i want that to happen to me tooooo!! I always peak cd17-21 and its annoying huh. how much soy did you take?

moon - where the f**k is af?! This is getting ridic now, you poor thing, i'd be going crazy!!

hi titi, soph, jill!! Alright?

and hey new people!!!

hello everyone!!

just got back from a super fun birthday weekend away. plenty of eating, but managed not to drink much at all yey me. still, 14dpo, negative test and spotting isnt looking great for me is it!!!!! lol.

Squirrel - im SO excited about your early peak - i want that to happen to me tooooo!! I always peak cd17-21 and its annoying huh. how much soy did you take?

moon - where the f**k is af?! This is getting ridic now, you poor thing, i'd be going crazy!!

hi titi, soph, jill!! Alright?

and hey new people!!!


Ohh, birthday weekend sounds fabulous, and also :happydance::happydance:HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!:happydance::happydance::cake:

I'm not even sure the proper response to "Alright?" I just love that you said it! Such a UK thing to say. :haha:
Moon sorry you are having to go through this - I looked at your chart and am wondering if you didn't ovulate on what would have been 20dpo - you'd have to ignore the one high temp before that, but there is a second rise there from 21dpo. Still think the doctor should have done blood tests - 3 cycles is an eternity to wait!

I'm not sure, I've never ovulated that early, but if I did, that makes me even later than I thought! LOL

Moon, those pics of your horsie are gorgeous!! I can't believe the doc is waiting 3 more months to test. WTF? I hope we don't see you on "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" because the docs said you weren't when you are. Saw a couple of women who had negative tests even in like their 6 month, which is insane.

Dropped DH off at the airport at 6 am this morning. I'm feeling kind of sad. It's only a few days, but I miss him already!

D'awwww, thanks for the comments about my boy. I love him. He's my sunshine. Gives my life a whole brand new purpose. Ha, god, I hope I don't ever end up on one of those TV shows, because so many people watch those shows and go "oh yeah right, how dumb is that girl that she couldn't have known she was pregnant???"

You are without DH for a couple days and I'm with my DP for a couple days this week (finally, the first time in 5 weeks, bah!!! He wanted me to spend more time bonding with my horse, and his daughter has been with him coz her rental house has been falling down around her ears and she couldn't stay there!)

WELCOME new peoples!! :wave:

Moon this is awful, that 'OB' (I say in quotations because he is obviously a hack) was total rubbish!!! :hissy: I say if your concern is that you'd find out later on and have mussed up by then, then just act like you are pregnant now? It's good to eat better anyway, and besides, I really think you must be just one of those women who's results are false negatives. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Yessssssssssssssssss, welcome new peoples! More the merrier, since so many people have gone on a BnB break, or gotten preggers.

Yeah, this doc I saw is an OB, he even had the certificate on his wall from the Australian Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, certifying him. But he just didn't seem to have a clue, was basing his whole opinion on my pee test coming back negative.
Completely ignored the fact I've been throwing up over NOTHING on a daily basis, multiple times a day. He even had the gall to just sit there in his chair, look at me and say "well, you don't look pregnant".
Errrr, well DUH stupid man, I'm only 3 weeks late, as if I'd LOOK pregnant!

moon - where the f**k is af?! This is getting ridic now, you poor thing, i'd be going crazy!!

I knowwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!
Horse stops me from going crazy!!! Or... from going completely crazy as opposed to just the little bit crazy I am right now going "WTF!"
Squirrel - im SO excited about your early peak - i want that to happen to me tooooo!! I always peak cd17-21 and its annoying huh. how much soy did you take?

120 mgs. Taken all at once at night. The kind I have also has EPO in it and good god I was drowning in EWCM! But I'm NOT going to get my hopes up................ TWW is hard enough!

Jill... hope the time flies so your hubby is back home before you know it!

Moon, I agree, your horse is gorgeous! I love horses!

oh gosh, I was trying to do it on memory, but I'm sidetracked by watching the finale of "The Bachelorette".... :haha:
I finally have new news as opposed to just continuing along in the same vein of "I don't know land".
SHE just reared her ugly head. No warning at all.
I finished vaccuuming the house and went to pee as I desperately had to pee. When I wiped, the toilet paper was covered in thick clotty blood. After I quickly stuffed a pad in my underpants, I turned around to look in the toilet and it was like the scene of a murder. Whole toilet was just red with large clots floating around everywhere.
Sorry for TMI.
I'm now having very bad period pains and can't stop crying. I was so so so so so hoping this lateness meant something, but as usual, it meant nothing.
I hate this!

Oh moon!!!!!!! I'm so sorry you're in pain! I'm relieved you have a bit of an answer. Maybe not for why, but at least you can move on from here.

lol Jill - it is a british thing to say huh. alright maate!? 'ows it going?!
if i ever say alright to dh, he always says, yeah not too shabby ta!!!

awful af cramps here too, moon i think we might be cycle buddies! Sorry she got you, but like squirrel says, at least you can move on now.
squirrel - thanks for the tip re soy, im going to buy some at lunchtime today. ive also got an appointment to ask my doc about DHEA, will let you know what she says.

hello everyone!!

just got back from a super fun birthday weekend away. plenty of eating, but managed not to drink much at all yey me. still, 14dpo, negative test and spotting isnt looking great for me is it!!!!! lol.

Squirrel - im SO excited about your early peak - i want that to happen to me tooooo!! I always peak cd17-21 and its annoying huh. how much soy did you take?

moon - where the f**k is af?! This is getting ridic now, you poor thing, i'd be going crazy!!

hi titi, soph, jill!! Alright?

and hey new people!!!


Hey Honey I was wondering how you were getting on, I was reading an article about Zoe Ball she was trying for her second baby for ages over 2 years, but she gave up drinking then her DH did as well and they got pregnant now I think they drank a lot lie her DH had a problem. when I read it I thought ha wont be long for you now :happydance: good luck with the Soy :hugs:

I finally have new news as opposed to just continuing along in the same vein of "I don't know land".
SHE just reared her ugly head. No warning at all.
I finished vaccuuming the house and went to pee as I desperately had to pee. When I wiped, the toilet paper was covered in thick clotty blood. After I quickly stuffed a pad in my underpants, I turned around to look in the toilet and it was like the scene of a murder. Whole toilet was just red with large clots floating around everywhere.
Sorry for TMI.
I'm now having very bad period pains and can't stop crying. I was so so so so so hoping this lateness meant something, but as usual, it meant nothing.
I hate this!

No way Hun,:hugs::hugs: huge hugs :hugs: so sorry she is being so nasty to you :hugs: oooh and well done on loseing weight:thumbup: it is good you can move on now but its still sad:hugs:

Hi Soph gald you didnt fall in :haha:

Hi to all the New people happy Fun TTC :winkwink::thumbup:
Sorry moon :hugs: I was really hoping this would be it for you.

Emily - Hope the appointment goes well and yes, please let us know about the DHEA, this is the third time someone has mentioned it recently. Sorry about the witch :hugs:

Squirrel Girl - are you in the TWW too? I'm about 8 dpo today.
can anyone click on my FF ticker to see what my chart is like? i am going down i think lol i have a small cold that started last week on and off but thats it, where is my temp leading me too?

Oh and like my avatar?
can anyone click on my FF ticker to see what my chart is like? i am going down i think lol i have a small cold that started last week on and off but thats it, where is my temp leading me too?

Oh and like my avatar?

Hi Anna, my temps drop like that and stay low until ovulation. How long are your cycles normally?
Thanks everyone. The witch got me good and proper this afternoon - I'm trying to pretend that I'm ok but I'm not sure if I am or not really.

The doc said that she won't check my tubes til after dh's sa, I guess that's fair enough really. I showed her the article about DHEA, she didnt know anything about it!! She googled it a little bit, but was a bit vague about it. I think I'm going to give it a miss for now. Bought soy today - hoping it'll make me ov earlier too. Squirrel, how did you decide on days 3-7?

niamh - that's so funny, I was reading about zoe ball at the weekend too!! How ya doing?

Love you girls.xxxx

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