Squirrel Girl - are you in the TWW too? I'm about 8 dpo today.
I very clearly O'd on Sunday on CD14 (Peak on CBFM and Smilie on digi OPK on Saturday, and intense Ov pains on Sunday!).

I'm still super duper excited I O'd that early! I love SOY!!! Soy is my new best friend!

hehe. So I'm 2DPO today.... gah.... So much longer to go!
I can't remember if I mentioned it in this thread or not, but last night I had a minor melt down for no reason whatsoever! I assume it must be from the Soy messing with my hormones (though I obviously still think soy is the best thing ever!!!). On Monday nights I've been watching The Bachelorette. Yes a dumb mindless show, but I figure since I work so hard, I deserve to just sit and veg out with a show I enjoy! Anyway, we only have an antenna, and the signal wasn't coming in at all. I started crying and whining about "I just wannnna watch myyy tv showwwwwwwww". Hubby got up on the roof and moved the antenna so the signal would come in!!!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWW He must have been overwhelmed by my crying and whining!

I can't even imagine what I'll be like closer to AF/BFP!
Thanks everyone. The witch got me good and proper this afternoon - I'm trying to pretend that I'm ok but I'm not sure if I am or not really.
The doc said that she won't check my tubes til after dh's sa, I guess that's fair enough really. I showed her the article about DHEA, she didnt know anything about it!! She googled it a little bit, but was a bit vague about it. I think I'm going to give it a miss for now. Bought soy today - hoping it'll make me ov earlier too. Squirrel, how did you decide on days 3-7?
niamh - that's so funny, I was reading about zoe ball at the weekend too!! How ya doing?
Love you girls.xxxx
I've decided doctors know JACK SH**... Even my doctor, who I love, seems to have no clue. I had to tell her about the Taking Charge of Your Fertility Book! Heck, it seemed like I knew more about it than she did!!! I should go to medical school....
Anyway, I picked 3-7 because Soy is supposed to be Nature's Clomid (and I believe it!) You only take Clomid for 5 days. If you take it earlier, you'll have more follicles but of lesser quality. If you take it later, you have fewer follicles but more mature. So 3-7 is right in the middle. And it's a good starting point, I think. I need to track down that Soy thread and post it in here. I've learned a lot from the ladies in there about it.
Squirrel, yeah what DPO are you? I'm trying not to focus on that too much, but was curious.
Feeling really tired today and miss DH like crazy...tonight I'm going to sleep at my sister's so as to not get too lonely. Talk to you all soon!
Yeah, while I currently know how many DPO, I don't plan to track it or figure out when I can test. I'm sure it will get the better of me, since I'll be so anxious to find out if the Soy blessed me with a magic beanie!

But I'm sure going to try!!