Hi ladies!!! Just checking in, but hoping I'm not too much of a debbie downer as am feeling a bit depressed. Had such a great long weekend and anniversary trip with hubby and back to work today, which makes me sad because the fun weekend is over and then got an e-mail that another friend is newly pregnant. Argh! I'm happy for her, but sad for me...you know that stupid feeling.
Ok, let me try to concentrate on happy stuff...had so much fun at a friend's b-day party Sat. night. A bunch of my friends were there that I hadn't seen in almost a year and it was just a very chill, fun night relaxing on her deck w/ some good food and drinks. One of her guests was pregnant, which of course made me sad! But then she told me they had been trying for 3 years, and had 3 failed IUI's before she got pregnant naturally. I don't know why it helps me to feel better when other people have struggled. Not that I'd wish it on anyone, but it just kind of gives me hope, you know?
Sunday was my niece's baptism and then my niece and nephew's 3rd b-day party, which was fun, too. There were so many people (and 19 kids!) so I tried to help my sister with the party as much as I could. Saw a few family members that I don't often see so was very nice.
Then Monday DH and I went back to the Inn we stayed at on our wedding night. They gave us all kinds of special treatment and we had an amazing dinner, went swimming, walked around the boats and had massages the next day and went back to the park grounds where we had our reception and took pictures. Such a nice, beautiful day.

This really is going to be the best cycle, yet! I just know it. Have you ever read "The Infertility Cure"? I've had it for a while and am just going back to it...scanty CM is supposed to be a kidney yin deficiency (in terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine). I bet the acupuncture/ naturopath will be able to easily help with that. I may go for some acupuncture next month, as well, even though I'm seeing a fertility specialist at the same time. Feel like I need all the help I can get!!
Squirrel, you really are soooo talented! That cake looks awesome!

I'm glad you had fun playing with your nephew.
Honeybee, just saw from the other comments that you might be going to Rome!!! That's wonderful! I'm very jealous, too. Can I meet you there?