I hope the witch stays away from you anna and maybe it is implantation bleeding. Time will tell.
I think if you are unlucky this cycle (and I hope you are LUCKY

) that next cycle your temps will settle down into more of a normal pattern.
I remember my first cycle temping, my temps were all over the shop because I kept on waking up every 5 seconds excited about temping and checking the clock. Nowadays I don't give a sh*t and just roll over to temp when the alarm goes off and my temps are far more stable.
well i thought it was a bit early for my period but then i dont know what implant bleed looks like because i dont think i ever had one, mind you the first born is five now so that was ages away when i had my first pregnancy.
Hey Anna, implantation bleeding is pink or brown mixed in with clear discharge that can happen 6 to 12 days after ovulation! may be do a test!! should give you a clear answer now! FX
if not and it is the start of AF (I know no consolation when your living for a BFP

) at least your cycles are sorting themselves out which is good news! it mean's if not this cycle, you will have that BFP very soon
Soph your body knows what its doing, I know we sometimes wonder what the hell is it doing, but I say those eggs are ready and waiting for little swimmers