
Anna whoa kinda looks right as well lets see what your temp does over the next few days I hope you were BD :thumbup:

Soph FX hun may be just to early though :thumbup:

ive been BDing alot lol, i think i marked it all down lol but i dunno what to think because it thought i ovulated 14 days after my period now it changed

Anna whoa kinda looks right as well lets see what your temp does over the next few days I hope you were BD :thumbup:

Soph FX hun may be just to early though :thumbup:

ive been BDing alot lol, i think i marked it all down lol but i dunno what to think because it thought i ovulated 14 days after my period now it changed

Its changed because your temps show a rise, which is right for after OV to be honest the rise after CD14 was not a good one for OV, they should rise a bit more as progesterone is released now. that's what you want to see any way!

TryFor are you going to try any supplements this time:flower:

do you by any chance know about the cervix? as i am not sure about it, and what if my temp drops below the line tomorrow? does this mean something as well?

I know a bit I checked mine through out my cycle, I doubt it will, Im not sure what what it means, but Im sure is some were on FF.

well hubby said that my cervix was high firm and closed so is this a good thing?
Anna whoa kinda looks right as well lets see what your temp does over the next few days I hope you were BD :thumbup:

Soph FX hun may be just to early though :thumbup:

ive been BDing alot lol, i think i marked it all down lol but i dunno what to think because it thought i ovulated 14 days after my period now it changed

Anna whoa kinda looks right as well lets see what your temp does over the next few days I hope you were BD :thumbup:

Soph FX hun may be just to early though :thumbup:

ive been BDing alot lol, i think i marked it all down lol but i dunno what to think because it thought i ovulated 14 days after my period now it changed

Its changed because your temps show a rise, which is right for after OV to be honest the rise after CD14 was not a good one for OV, they should rise a bit more as progesterone is released now. that's what you want to see any way!

TryFor are you going to try any supplements this time:flower:

do you by any chance know about the cervix? as i am not sure about it, and what if my temp drops below the line tomorrow? does this mean something as well?

I know a bit I checked mine through out my cycle, I doubt it will, Im not sure what what it means, but Im sure is some were on FF.

well hubby said that my cervix was high firm and closed so is this a good thing?

yep it should move in to the non fertile position after OV. check out the link. what I noticed when I got my BFP my cervix was high soft and closed
Anna whoa kinda looks right as well lets see what your temp does over the next few days I hope you were BD :thumbup:

Soph FX hun may be just to early though :thumbup:

ive been BDing alot lol, i think i marked it all down lol but i dunno what to think because it thought i ovulated 14 days after my period now it changed

Anna whoa kinda looks right as well lets see what your temp does over the next few days I hope you were BD :thumbup:

Soph FX hun may be just to early though :thumbup:

ive been BDing alot lol, i think i marked it all down lol but i dunno what to think because it thought i ovulated 14 days after my period now it changed

Its changed because your temps show a rise, which is right for after OV to be honest the rise after CD14 was not a good one for OV, they should rise a bit more as progesterone is released now. that's what you want to see any way!

TryFor are you going to try any supplements this time:flower:

do you by any chance know about the cervix? as i am not sure about it, and what if my temp drops below the line tomorrow? does this mean something as well?

I know a bit I checked mine through out my cycle, I doubt it will, Im not sure what what it means, but Im sure is some were on FF.

well hubby said that my cervix was high firm and closed so is this a good thing?

yep it should move in to the non fertile position after OV. check out the link. what I noticed when I got my BFP my cervix was high soft and closed

thanks hun i will keep an eye on it
hey julia!!!!!!! lovely to see you on here. plenty of babydust on it's way to you, as always

waiting, cool bet you cant wait to get the results. fx for you!! have you stayed on the wagon all weekend?
i should feel better today for being hangover free, but last night me and the girls came back at about 1am so we could have a good sleep, whilst dh and the boys stayed out til 4am. they made such a noise when they came in, woke me up and i couldnt get back to sleep. then dh's brother came into our room in the night, think he was sleep walking. soooooo tired!!

I have indeed! :happydance: I was drinking alcohol free pear cider from tescos on saturday night. Yuck. I could murder a glass of :wine: tonight but held out. Feeling quite healthy as went to the gym yesterday and went out for a run tonight. Then spoilt it by having some chocolate after tea :blush: oh well, cant be good all the time!

Still no sign of a smiley face on my opk. Frustrating as it is cd19. Should be tomorrow I hope.

Me neither! I am CD20 and no sign of ovulation whatsoever! The MC sure did messmy cycles upand my body for that matter! I normally rock awesome CM but since MC I havent! :shrug: How is your opk today?

julia i love seeing you on here!!! Really really hope you get a positive opk, and soon. Waiting, hope you get yours soon too!! Whats the alcohol free cider lik? ive had a few alcohol free beers, quite like them!

awwww soph!! Yes, keep testing! fx. You have to get it - it's lucky cycle 9!!


Thanks! I pop on now and again! I seen jaimie posted so I jumped in also!
Good Luck Soph on your test!

:happydance: smiley face!

Hey girls,

I spent forever catching up and wrote a really long reply catching up with everyone and of course the electricity went out! So forgive me, but I was glad to see some people had fallen pregnant and sad to see others were still here...

I took it easy all summer and didn't worry about anything... then DH went for a SA last week and I was really stressed out prior to that, but now that it is over and we are just waiting for the results I haven't felt stressed about ttc at all. I had a really long 32 day cycle last month, but this month has been different then all other months. I got sick Saturday and so I assumed that would make my cycle longer this month, but actually I had o pains all day Sunday and woke up to a peak on my cbfm this morning!! So I kind of felt like I o'd yesterday and maybe missed the day... plus I had tons of ewcm (which I never have) yesterday. Hoping the swimmers from two days ago were good and strong and there waiting if I did o yesterday!

Anyway, on a lighter note I went to see the urologist with dh and it was so cute. DH was so worried and when we got in the room waitin on the dr there was lube sittin on the counter, so I teased dh that he was going to do a prostate check! DH was devastated.... for a minute. I couldn't go with dh to the doc for the SA... couldn't miss work, but he said it was very degrading... There were a whole bunch of plumbers in the same hallway where he had to make his deposit for SA and the room he was in had a window in it... of course it had blinds up, but still I can't imagine... I don't know how he did it! I don't think I could under those conditions! Neway he was very glad to have it over with... we get our results back on Thursday. Hopefully we have good strong swimmers.

Girls have you ever thought about what a miracle it is that anyone gets pregnant?... the chances are so small and what those tiny sperm have to go through to get to that tiny egg that has such a short life! I always picture "the great sperm race" when I think about that. :)
Juliaaaaaaaaaaaa and jaimie are bacccccck????


Hi everyone, long time no see.... after AF finally got me 3 weeks late, I decided I couldn't be bothered with the whole institution of worrying about stuff until I was near due to ovulate again.
Crazy, but FF has pinpointed me as having ovulated on CD18, when its usually not til around DC25. I think its wrong, I think its a glitch, because I haven't been taking temps at the same time each day, I've been extremely erratic. I don't think one high day means anything, I mean, it was a warm night for end of winter/early spring, I woke up at 5:15 in the morning, HOT as all get out, I'd been tossing and turning because I'd been having a bad dream and when I temped, wow, it was high. But its come back down since then, so I don't trust it.
Besides, I am still extremely watery right now (I am usually for about a week and a half leading up to O'ing) and I've been getting quite hornbaggy, which for me says O is yet to come.

Celtic, Tanikit, Lucky, how are my TTHFUTD girlies?

I'm about to attempt the longest multi-quote ever...let's hope this works.

uhoh waiting!! Was it a special event or just a regular wednesday night? still could have been worse, you could have had the whole bottle!!

Crap days at work and consoling DH after he had to produce a sperm sample for testing. Back on the wagon again now!

Awww, those SAs really get our men down, don't they? Mine did 2 and was not too happy about it. Now we're doing IUI and he's going to have to produce :spermy: right at the doctor's office. He's not thrilled, but my way of "consoling" him is saying, "do you have any idea all the stuff I've had to go through?" I should be a little nicer and more understanding, huh? :dohh: You consoling your DH just made me think of this, so thank you. :hugs:

Wow, the choir were so great. After they did a couple of songs one of the boys, a 12 year old who had been with the watoto orphanage for 4 years came forward and told his story. There was not a dry eye in the house. But he was not sad, he was happy and after he told us how his parents died went on to say how blessed he is now to live with watoto and eat every day and go to school. They were inspirational. I am so happy I was able to see them, I will remember watoto for a long long time. Am in tears now remembering! It was really good for the kids at my school who are all living below the poverty line to see that even though they don't have much, in comparison, they still have it pretty good.

What a lovely story, Soph! Thank you for sharing. Also, it is TOO EARLLLYYY to test! However, I totally get the urge...fx'd for that BFP when you're ready to test again!
Wow it's been busy on here last few days!

104 times??? In 6 months?? At best we would be 3 times a week on the key weeks and during AF and days either side we're both recovering. Perhaps I'll be trying for 11 more cycles at thus rate.....

My Turn - my first crush was Morten Haarket from 80s Norweigan pop band Aha. Mmm. But Im not even in the 2ww yet... waiting to O should be any day now.

Titi - congrats hun!!!! Lots of :sex: action now I presume?

Honeybee Ive fallen off the wagon already :blush: had 1/2 bottle of wine with dinner tonight. Rubbish.

:hi: to everyonelse x

Ohhhh, is Aha the one that did "Take on me" and if so, is Morten the lead singer? Because I totally had a crush on him, too! I still kind of swoon whenever I see that video.:blush: First real life crush was this guy Brian in 3rd grade.

so my time off has been approved to go down under in december. fx hubs can have the time off too!!

Oh yeah!!! I'm going to the Great Barrier Reef in the week leading up to xmas, I sure hope we can coordinate a meeting!!! That would be so much fun. Even more fun if we are both FAT for all the right reasons!

How exciting that you may get to see each other!!! :happydance:

Hi Girls,

Had an HSG today and my tubes are clear! :happydance:

Anna :hugs: fingers crossed for you.


Good Luck to all who are about to OV, I'm CD 11 so maybe sometime next week for me if I'm lucky. I'm trying maca this cycle so we'll see if there is a difference.

Hurrah for clear tubes!! I hope you can take advantage of the increased fertility for the next 3-5 months. :thumbup:
Hi everyone - yay for the 2ww hope it ends in lots of double lines.

Anna yay for a 28 day cycle - still want it to end in a BFP, but 28 days is much better than 56 or more - I think there will be a BFP in your near future (maybe I should start a Jenny/whatever predictor site)

Had my 12 week scan today and everything looked great. Baby is about 6cm and HB was 164 beats/min. The relief was huge after the past few weeks of hypoglycaemia. So longing to see all your scans in the future.

Oh and while you are ttc, enjoy the sex for me please - we have not dtd in ages! I miss that (well I didn't which is why we haven't, but I think I may want to again soon)

Take care.
Ohhhh how exciting to get a scan! So happy to hear everything is progressing nicely. :flower:

MyTurn - it must be very exciting! Hope it goes well x

Well done Honeybee, I think 2 drinks is very good considering. I bet you feel so much better for it today also with no hangover!!

Well DH didnt want to talk too much about the SA, he was quite embarrassed I think. In the end he did the sample here and took the pot to the clinic. Made it in 30 minutes so should all be fine. He was worried there wasnt very much, and he said he started thinking perhaps thats what the problem has been, he hasnt been producing much. Bless. Luckily I knew from some of the other ladies in a different thread on SA that they all think that, but men dont actually produce that much. Assume its the first time he has seen it all in a pot!

When he got there he said he was so glad he didnt try to do the sample there as the waiting room was full of men looking very sad and unhappy, taking turns to go into a room. Nice. All in all he said it wasnt bad at all, just a little embarrasing. Much better than if I have to have any tests I assume as at least it wasnt painful.

Im going for my blood tests on wednesday this week, then we have an appointment on Friday 3rd september to get all of the results.

Right, need to drag my sorry ass to the gym and stop looking for things to distract me! Speak to you all later.

Awww, poor DH! My DH had low volume the first time, which is why he had to repeat the test, but it was like really, unusually small amount (he did it at home so I saw it). I think the problem is he didn't follow the rules and abstain right before. I bet your DH's SA will turn out perfectly fine.

Hi Girls! :wave: Just swinging on through to say Hi and I hope everyone is doing well. I got my first AF since my MC a few weeks ago and I am on CD18 today with no ovulation anywhere in sight. I am going to TTC but not obessively, hence why I dont post much on BNB anymore. Too much anxiety for me. Wish you all baby dust and healthy and happy pregnancies for all of you to come.
Please send baby dust my way too!

Tryfor, I'm so happy to hear from you. I have been thinking of you all the time and am glad to hear you'll be TTC again and taking it slow. Lots and lots of hugs. :hugs:

ok anyone that knows about temping please talk to me as i have no idea what to think or do

I'm sorry, Anna, I just started temping a couple months ago and I'm terrible at it. FF confuses me like you wouldn't believe. I'm sorry I don't have any good answers. :hugs:

Hey girls,

I spent forever catching up and wrote a really long reply catching up with everyone and of course the electricity went out! So forgive me, but I was glad to see some people had fallen pregnant and sad to see others were still here...

I took it easy all summer and didn't worry about anything... then DH went for a SA last week and I was really stressed out prior to that, but now that it is over and we are just waiting for the results I haven't felt stressed about ttc at all. I had a really long 32 day cycle last month, but this month has been different then all other months. I got sick Saturday and so I assumed that would make my cycle longer this month, but actually I had o pains all day Sunday and woke up to a peak on my cbfm this morning!! So I kind of felt like I o'd yesterday and maybe missed the day... plus I had tons of ewcm (which I never have) yesterday. Hoping the swimmers from two days ago were good and strong and there waiting if I did o yesterday!

Anyway, on a lighter note I went to see the urologist with dh and it was so cute. DH was so worried and when we got in the room waitin on the dr there was lube sittin on the counter, so I teased dh that he was going to do a prostate check! DH was devastated.... for a minute. I couldn't go with dh to the doc for the SA... couldn't miss work, but he said it was very degrading... There were a whole bunch of plumbers in the same hallway where he had to make his deposit for SA and the room he was in had a window in it... of course it had blinds up, but still I can't imagine... I don't know how he did it! I don't think I could under those conditions! Neway he was very glad to have it over with... we get our results back on Thursday. Hopefully we have good strong swimmers.

Girls have you ever thought about what a miracle it is that anyone gets pregnant?... the chances are so small and what those tiny sperm have to go through to get to that tiny egg that has such a short life! I always picture "the great sperm race" when I think about that. :)

Aww, that was nice of you to go with DH to the urologist! I don't know how my DH is going to "produce" for the IUI, either. :haha: Totally know what you mean about "the great sperm race." That's funny! :rofl:
Juliaaaaaaaaaaaa and jaimie are bacccccck????


Hi everyone, long time no see.... after AF finally got me 3 weeks late, I decided I couldn't be bothered with the whole institution of worrying about stuff until I was near due to ovulate again.
Crazy, but FF has pinpointed me as having ovulated on CD18, when its usually not til around DC25. I think its wrong, I think its a glitch, because I haven't been taking temps at the same time each day, I've been extremely erratic. I don't think one high day means anything, I mean, it was a warm night for end of winter/early spring, I woke up at 5:15 in the morning, HOT as all get out, I'd been tossing and turning because I'd been having a bad dream and when I temped, wow, it was high. But its come back down since then, so I don't trust it.
Besides, I am still extremely watery right now (I am usually for about a week and a half leading up to O'ing) and I've been getting quite hornbaggy, which for me says O is yet to come.

:hi: Moon. Nice to see you! I don't understand FF at all...I'm kind of thinking about giving up on it.
ahhhhhh Jill and moon and bbdreams are back!!!

hi everyone!!! hope you're all doing good. yey for your smiley waiting!
im 3dpo today, obviously ruled this month out as always. dh has his SA in 2 weeks time. he hasnt really talked much about it, i'll try to talk to him nearer the time.

urgh yuck work, gross. have a great day/eve!!xx
Niamh, no supplements for me this cycle. I am still waiting to O, if I didnt already. I did however drink RRL tea for 2 weeks from the day I got af until I ran out of tea! Haven't taken my vitamins or really made DH take his either. I have drank a boat load in the past week or so! :wine: :beer:

Honeybee! I am back for alittle anyway, just to check in and such but since my body is all messed up from the MC I think I should be ttc after loss since cycles over there are greatly messed up!

Moon :hi: Love! How have you been? I just asked about you yesterday to Honeybee! How are you?

bbdreams, that is the best damned multi quote I have ever seen!!! How are you feeling?
Ha ha yes Morten Harkett is indeed from 80s pop band of Take On Me fame. I saw a photo of him recently and he still looks not bad!

Yes SA seem to be a dreadful experience for the men. I hadn't thought about IUI and this meaning he would have to do this every month - think I'll keep that one to myself!

I think you win for the longest ever multi quote - even beating LuckyD and that was saying something :winkwink:
Blah. bfn :(
Please don't say, it is still early. I know I test early and I am so obsessed I will keep on testing ;) and hope against hopes for a surprise, but I am not feeling it. I think I am going to try and see my doctor soon. Hopefully we won't send me packing with a pat on the back and a come back in a couple of months, because I am over this bullsh*t!!!!!

Oh, I never said my first crush. Think it had to be Rick Astley. I seem to remember having his name written all over my school bag in grade 4.
Wow, check out the daggy dancing!
soph a doctors visit wouldnt hurt, when i went, i exaggerated the number of cycles we'd been trying for so she would take us seriously. Ironically, i said we'd been trying for 8 months when it had been 6, we've now been trying for 9.

i have a question. so i get a peak on my cbfm right, and i call the next day ov day. so i am now 3dpo. but i have ovary cramps, common for this time of the cycle. but what if i dont ov the day after my peak? is it possible i ov as late as a few days after? we normally take a break from bding from 2dpo!
or i guess maybe these cramps are just my ovarys settling back down or something
Blah. bfn :(
Please don't say, it is still early. I know I test early and I am so obsessed I will keep on testing ;) and hope against hopes for a surprise, but I am not feeling it. I think I am going to try and see my doctor soon. Hopefully we won't send me packing with a pat on the back and a come back in a couple of months, because I am over this bullsh*t!!!!!

Oh, I never said my first crush. Think it had to be Rick Astley. I seem to remember having his name written all over my school bag in grade 4.
Wow, check out the daggy dancing!

lol when i saw that i thought you was rick rolling us hehe
Yeah, I don't know but I have been wondering that too honey. Maybe we are taking a break too early?
I can't tell porky pies to my doctor because I went to see him when we started trying, and he has my history on the computer. By the time I see him it will be 10 months, but trying since Jan doesn't add up to that, so I will go armed with my charts to prove that my cycles are on the shorter side.
Soph, Im hoping its still too early for the BFP to be there. When we went to the doctors a few weeks ago (similar to HoneyBee we exagerated and said it was a year, when actually just finished 10th cycle then) I had to push quite a bit to get tests done. He tried to fob me off with well you are under 35 so another 6 months is still normal. There is no way on earth I can keep going for another 6 bloody months!!!!

HoneyBee - Ive heard that cramps around O, can be before, at the time of O, or after. So may be they are after?
Niamh, no supplements for me this cycle. I am still waiting to O, if I didnt already. I did however drink RRL tea for 2 weeks from the day I got af until I ran out of tea! Haven't taken my vitamins or really made DH take his either. I have drank a boat load in the past week or so! :wine: :beer:

Honeybee! I am back for alittle anyway, just to check in and such but since my body is all messed up from the MC I think I should be ttc after loss since cycles over there are greatly messed up!

Moon :hi: Love! How have you been? I just asked about you yesterday to Honeybee! How are you?

bbdreams, that is the best damned multi quote I have ever seen!!! How are you feeling?

Well if any one deserves to let thier hair down and have some fun its you :hugs:
Glad to see you back and on te TCC wagon again :hugs:

Have lots of fun:winkwink:

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