
lol jaimie that's gross!!!! Maybe its possible to insert too much sperm!? maybe it gets too crowded in there, and it's like when 8 people try to walk through a doorway at the same time!? NO ONE GETS IN THE ROOM!!!! lol

im 28 too moondance, how old is your OH?

DP is 45...
which I know is a big age gap... but things happen you know? Sometimes you meet a person and you know they're your person, despite things like age.
He's so lovely, he wants to be a daddy again really badly, and each time I've gotten AF come again, I've gone feeling like a failure and I end up apologising (because somehow I KNOW its my bodies fault, and thats it), and he always ends up soothing me and saying I needn't apologise, that sometimes it just takes awhile, thats all.

I'm really hoping Round 4 is the lucky charm... Hoping the doctor doesn't give me bad news, and that this go round, it works... It would be really nice... As AF would be due May 29.... and then if I get PG this time, AF won't show up, and then I can test on June 3rd, which is my 29th birthday...
Of course, the world won't give me that much luck... knowing my luck, I'll get AF and have it so I'll be miserable and icky on my birthday.
june 3rd is my daddy's bday and my next testing date too (assuming she shows up sunday monday, im sure she will).
i personally dont think age gaps are a big deal, my dh is 37 but his mental age is the same as mine really (about 10 then lol!!!) how long have you guys been together?

a clown car!!!!!!!! lmao!!xx
june 3rd is my daddy's bday and my next testing date too (assuming she shows up sunday monday, im sure she will).
i personally dont think age gaps are a big deal, my dh is 37 but his mental age is the same as mine really (about 10 then lol!!!) how long have you guys been together?

a clown car!!!!!!!! lmao!!xx

Well, its only been 8 months of being together... and we've been trying for 3, which is partly why nobody is being told... I don't want the lectures and stuff about how its too soon!
lol!! Did you know him for a while before you got together?
i moved in with dh after about 2 months of dating, i'd known him for about 3 years beforehand though lol. love him so much.
Hiya Girls!!! Now I know what TTHF means! :dohh: I am glad its just a group of us original girls from valentines/st pattys day thread!!! :happydance: I like going through this with the same people, not all different ones who don;t know much about you!!!
I love you girls!!! :hugs:

Went flower shopping and spent 3 hours on my porch getting my flowers together! I bought this flower called "sugar candy" (very pretty - pink and white) that climbs up a trelis. So I had to buy a trelis for it to climb!!! I can't wait until it flourishes!!! I have to take the temporary terlis off and start weaving it through it's new home! ( I hope nothing gets transplant shock! EeeK!)
I am going to go buy the topsy turvy upside down plants today too. The tomato, pepper and maybe strawberry one! I live in an apartment, so I make do with what I am given!
Going to throw some beer in the fridge to get ice cold, then later go for pizza and wings with DH and DD to our weekly spot!

No turkey hunting honeybee, we changed our minds!
Jaimie, great idea to start this thread!
Celtic, Hi :hi:
Moondance, how come you and DP don't see each other often? Couldn't you move with him?
I was 16 when I started dated DH, he was 18. Moved in with him when I turned 18, he was 20 just getting ready to graduate college (2 year program - attended college 3 hours away, where I now live!). Got pregnant at 19 (just graduated one year MA program) he was just nearing 21. He proposed to me that summer, on the beach on vacation while eating strawberry cheescake. *Yumm* Got married when I was 21, he was 23, DD was 1 1/2 year, in my church (ironically named: "St. Mary's Church of the Immaculate Conception" hehe!!! :haha: And now I am 25, DH is almost 27 and we have been ttc #2 and looking to buy a house (as long as we get our credit up a little higher).

Thats my DH and I lives together so far!!! :lol:

How about you lovely ladies?
YEY Julia's here!!
sugar candy!!! that sounds so pretty
pizza and wings and beer yuuuuuuuuum!!!
awwww cute. you guys really are sweet hearts arent you.
i met dh at work, we were both with other people at the time but really liked each other, flirted waay too much lol. then one night 3 years later i'd just broken up with my bf and he was thinking of leaving his. we went out and got drunk lol and the rest is history. he proposed to me almost a year ago now, by the bellagio fountains in Vegas. we got married 7 months in mexico. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh love him. cant wait to make him a daddy.
he said i can order a cbfm when af shows up yeeeeey!!!
*he was thinking of leaving his girlfriend i meant lol
lol!! Did you know him for a while before you got together?
i moved in with dh after about 2 months of dating, i'd known him for about 3 years beforehand though lol. love him so much.

Yeah, we knew each other online, for about 5 months, before getting together. I'd met him on this website, and he'd been trying to woo me, but then somehow I wound up hooking up with another guy that I met on the same website, something really spontaneous, that guy was named Max... and I dated him for 3 months. And during that whole 3 months, Baz was still around, still interested, and when Max dumped me, I was heartbroken, and just wanted to get out of the house, coz my dad basically put me on like "depression watch" and I hated it... and rather than asking Baz if I could go to see him, I asked him "Can I come meet your horses?"
He wasn't offended, he didn't get bothered, and he said to come down the next week, so I did.
He looked after me when I got weepy, introduced me to my horses, and while we were watching a movie, I was sitting on the floor where I love to sit while watching movies, and he was behind me, just rubbing my neck and the back of my head while I basically did goo-goo bliss face, coz I love head massages.... and then he was laying down and I turned to say something to him and his face was like an inch from mine and there was like, some weird, magnetic force that I couldn't turn away, and he very slowly kissed me.
Somehow in that single second I knew it was right just then...

I mean, you know how there are like, 100 different ways to kiss? My ex had ONE idea of kissing... and that was basically the "I'm so horny I want to eat off your face" kiss... NOT altogether appealing to be honest...
But Baz was gentle and sweet, he doesn't force his tongue down my throat or be really pushy. It's nice and soft and lovely. And the first time he kissed me, I just kinda went like "yup, thats it right there"
Somehow we ended up in the sack 20 minutes later though! :shrug:

He has four dogs, a chihuahua and 3 big American Staffies, and his youngest dog, Russell, he NEVER "talks" to people apart from Baz... you know, that weird doggy talk? Not barking, but weird sounds, like he's trying to talk Scooby Doo style. Well, Russell won't even do it to Baz's kids, and he's been around them his entire life. In 20 minutes of creeping out of bed, I had Russell, his dad Sherman, his mum Abbi and the little chihuahua, adoring me, talking to me, trying to give me kisses. Baz was stunned.
And then when one of his two headshy horses was all over me like a rash within five minutes, I think THAT was when Baz realised I was keep worthy, as he reckons, coz animals can tell about people and whats really inside of them....
Which I reckon too. Before going down to his place, I was more worried about whether his animals would like me, than whether he'd like me. I mean, I don't care if a person doesn't like me, but if an animal thinks I'm not worth the time of day, THAT bothers me. I'm strange like that.

AND now that I've ranted like a cretin... I shall shut up! :blush:
awwww moondance!!!!! That's too cute!!!
So are you gonna move in with him soon? must be awful not seeing him for so long. do you think he'll tell his kids about you soon?
Moondance, how come you and DP don't see each other often? Couldn't you move with him?

Despite the time we've been together, we've somehow managed to avoid me meeting his children yet, it just hasn't seemed to be an appropriate time... I don't know. Despite knowing he's perfect for me in every way, the idea of his kids from his previous relationship still gives me the wigguns...
So, his kids are there every weekend, and so I don't want any part of that yet... I mean, they're all grown up and would probably think I'm some young, money grubbing skank after their daddy for all I can steal (and given he gifted me a horse he's spent over $30,000 on, in its life, you can see why maybe they'd think that).... and yeah, awkward.
Plus, he works THREE JOBS to support his horses...
He lives in Richmond, NSW Australia...
I live on the Central Coast... a 3 hour train ride away where I do my studies.

His house also isn't really ready to have me live there full time. Maybe someday, but not yet. I have my little dogs, who are basically, escape artists on four legs, and his place is just too much of a dangertrap for the little monkeys.
I know it all sounds like excuses, but we're both pretty okay with the time apart, because it means when we ARE together, we appreciate it so much more.

He's a really quiet guy, and I'm a spazzy talker who doesn't shut up... and for a quiet guy, thats okay for him in short doses, but he'd get cranky with me if it was permanent! LOL
Plus... I couldn't keep up with HIS libido.... for the 40-something guy, he has raging libido.... I'm mostly a limp fish unless its ovulation time, and then the hormones make me randy...
wow. 3 jobs!! that's crazy.
what do you study hun?

can i just say im having such bad cramps!!! Stupid witch may well be here earlier than expected lol.
awwww moondance!!!!! That's too cute!!!
So are you gonna move in with him soon? must be awful not seeing him for so long. do you think he'll tell his kids about you soon?

It does suck sometimes, but sometimes its okay.
sometimes, he's so WEIRD, that I'm happy we're not together ALWAYS, coz I know he's darling and perfect for me, but he has the weirdest sense of humour... he LOVES really bad puns, the ones that make me roll my eyes... Like for example, I made a comment about how my horse is a bit of a fatty and Baz says "thats coz he eats like a horse".
:dohh: And I'm an incessant babbler and he's real quiet, so I'm sure he likes his peace and quiet sometimes.

Sometimes I wonder if he's waiting for us to be pregnant before he broaches the whole thing with his kids, I don't know. I don't particularly discuss it with him, we're usually doing other things... I get we'll have to talk about it sometime, and have it happen, but we're talking about a man who will give me a beautiful racehorse 8 weeks after we've been together, but who in all the time we've been together, still can't say the L word.

He's proven his love a thousand times, but still can't say it... So I imagine explaining a new woman to his kids would be weird for him.
Wow Moondance, sounds complicated! But full of love!!! :hugs: So sweet! Don't you love that when you kiss your guy, that you just know that he is the one! I love my guy very much so, and as crazy to you all as this may sound, if I had a choice between another baby or keeping the love of my life with our love still being ever so alive; no doubts, I would choose my love. You'd think after 9 years, a really rough patch in the past of 4 years, being broke to having it much better, and moving away from family and friends, that we'd be sick of each other? But in reality I am alittle clingy to him!!! He has been the only one there fr me always and I'm positive he's say the same thing about me!!! Awe Moondance! You got me excited talking so much about our lovely men! When all is ready, I suppose, you and DP will be happily together with a beautiful little bundle to hold :hugs: And WHOA!!! Three jobs!! Talk about a man. A provider. Awesome!!!

OooooH Honeybee!! It must not be her! It can't be her!!! My damned fingers hanve been crossed for you for 5 days now!!!!! Come on!

Dear AF,

If you think for one second that you are just going to plop right down into the lap of my dear friend honeybee, you have got another thing coming. We will band together and run you out of town!!! For 9 months anyway!!! :finger:

Love always,

P.S. Are you done wrecking havoc on my body?
Dear Reproductive System,

Please stop making me want a baby and not producing one. That sucks. I've done everything you asked me to - gotten off BC, BD every night I'm fertile, even touched my cervix and took EPO to make more cm. If you drive me crazy with the biological clock tick tock my DH won't do the BD anymore and our chances will be shot. Either make a baby or stop making me want one so bad. In other words, either shit or get off the pot.



That last sentence is for you TryFor - another time honored saying that hinges on the s word :haha:

I much prefer letters to our reproductive organs and AF than the stork - the stork can suck it!
Girls this thread is such a good idea! Haha I joke to hubby cos he has drinks his spermie are drunk and are going round in circles. haha too much sperm they are all too busy fighting for that eggy
whos gonna get the prize????

My bday is 1st may and testing 6 days later so hopefully a nice surprise man these softcups are so ace!!!

Ah Moondance everyone else feels like they should give their opinion and really they should let you get on with it. You both know when it feels right and age is only but a number

Aw honey thats sweet when you know its right you know you just get that feeling

I love the fact that we have all got to know each other really well and no-one intruding lol..... I feel more laid back now about all this and know Im in good company and dont have to find out names etc and know that we have all been ttc so hard. I dare someone to post 'hi my name blah blah blah oh by the way I got a BFP!!!' haha.... feel so much closer everyone is on the same boat and gives me so much strength girls that we are all in it together

Im having a glass of white wine as I speak yummy. Ok ok I know I shouldnt as OV tomorrow but naughty and I dont care and will be a good girl in 2ww

haha... honey I was just about to say when did your DH leave his boyfriend, gosh is that not a snippet from the Jeremy kyle or Jerry Springer show haha

Julia - Me and DH met at work, he moved here with his son as his sons real mother was neglecting him really sad sorry. We met on a st paddys nite out in 2005 and 7 days later he told me he was in love with me. We got engaged 6 months later and married a year and a half later roughly. Hes 31 and Im nearly 29 been married 3 years October 19th. I took over a year to conceive my first, had op down and all tests done and went for an appointment for IVF and was told that cos stepson was with us fulltime we would have to pay IVF so started saving and I fell pregnant 2 weeks later and now trying for my second.

Awww Moondance that is such a sweet story so romantic

haha he sounds like my hubby with being quiet, talks when he needs to say something and nothing else

Julia its funny you should say that no matter how much I crave a baby I would also choose my DH without a second thought. Dont get me wrong I would so adore a baby but without our man the baby would not exist

No way honey you can tell her in no certain terms to get lost she aint getting any of us this cycle

So much to reply to sorry so long girls haha better not fail my reputation anyway :rofl:
Hey, my ladies!!

How awesome to see y'all here - TTHF - that's what it's about this month! Please remind me if I start posting anxious messages about BDing or not BDing or symptoms or whatever. People get pregnant who only BD once a cycle, so I don't want to do what I did last time and end up in tears because my OH didn't know if he felt like doing the fourth day in a row. Not helpful to him or me.

I met my OH in Turkey in 2001...but we didn't actually get together until 2004. We were living on a beach in Turkey, a place called Butterfly Valley which is AMAZING, with a whole bunch of other people, working for the hostel there. Well, I say hostel, but it was pretty relaxed - it was a little valley which you could only get to by boat, and the only thing there was this backpackers place. We worked there doing the washing, working at the little bar built into the cliff, checking people in etc - but it was all very rustic and relaxed. We slept on the beach every night and swum every day. It was such a magic time of my life. It's funny, cos those of us that worked there that summer have stayed in touch - two of them are now married to each other with a baby, another is married with a baby to a Turkish man she met there, another two got married through mutual friends and have a baby, and another has a baby with someone that stayed there. And of course me and Sean got together as well! He is Australian, and when we both went home we stayed in touch, then two years later he came to visit me and some other friends in NZ. And that was it.
We had three years long distance between Australia and NZ, then three years in Australian together - and now we have moved to NZ.

So nice to have this group - good idea Jaimie!
Thanks for the invite to this thread, LuckyD!

I'm still laughing hysterically about the clown car comment from the first or second page. holy crap, that was freakin' funny! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Same with me as LuckyD, if I start to get too crazy, feel free to smack me around. :) Good to see the TTHF movement is taking off!
Hi ladies..! I'm new around here and wasn't in the other threads but I like the vibe in here..!! ;)
Thanks for the invite to this thread, LuckyD!

Well, you were the one that came up with the phrase! So it is only right that you are here. Love that you have TTHF instead of TTC as your status now!!

Hey IzzyAnt! Welcome x

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