I'm scared to death of it. My brothers are fraternal twins and DH's dad is a fraternal twin not to mention there are many more sets of both sides of the family. Also the older you are when you conceive the more likely you are to have twins (around 30, my mom was 32)... I'm 28 this year, ACK! Too close for comfort.
I want to just have 1 baby to dote on. Imagine if you just had to run to the store for diapers? You can forget throwing the baby in a sling and running in, everything would be a huge ordeal. Pack the stroller, drag it out of the car, buckle em in, do it again when you get outside. *sigh* Especially since my experience with twins is very negative, I had a lot to do with raising my brothers and they were terrors! They still hate each other and fight constantly and they're 21! They started pulling each others hair as soon as one was old enough to roll over to the other one. I think they had a hand in driving my mom crazy, I don't think she ever recovered from them and she says that's why she and my dad divorced (but I think my dad tells a different story). I've had someone predict I'll have twins, boy and a girl. I should have slapped her. But if it happens, we'll make it work, what will be will be.
Still scared though...