I went to see our GP after 9 months TTC - she wasn't at all helpful and thought I was overreacting and told me to continue trying for another year.
3 months later (after 12 months TTC) I asked to see a different GP at the practice. She was far more sympathetic about the TTC journey and arranged for me to have hormone blood tests and vaginal scan at the local hospital as the first step. My hormones were normal and my scan showed suspected mild PSOS.
She said that I would have had to wait another 12 months for the next stage of tests if the first results had been 100% normal, but because of the 'suspected mild PSOS' it gave her the green light to arrange further tests (HSG x-ray, internal swabs, and semen analysis for my husband) and appointments with the fertility specialist at the hospital. This process took around 6 months to complete
At our final appointment with the fertility specialist, he informed us that all results were fine, and we fell into the 'unexplained infertility' category. He said the next step was IVF or IUI but we'd have to wait until we'd been trying for 3 years before it could be NHS-funded
After 2 years we decided to save our money and go for IVF privately. We had a failed cycle in May and will be trying again in October
I imagine its a bit of a postcode lottery but I strongly believe it depends on the GP too. (either unsympathetic ones, ones that don't know the NHS guidelines, or one's without the correct knowledge - for example, I had to have a doctor apt to book the post-ovulation blood test done on D21 as standard. It took me ages to explain to him that it wouldn't show ovulation if I had the blood test on D21 as I have long cycles and ovulate on D23, and that I didn't ovulate in the middle of my cycle but always 14 days before AF. Irritates me when I have to explain things to GP's but I suppose we learn a lot when LTTTC and become semi-specialist!)