Unexplained secondary infertility


Apr 11, 2012
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Just wanted to share my story and see if anyone else is going through the same.

Pregnancy #1 - caught 1st attempt and had wonderful pregnancy with no problems resulting in my DD :)

Had IUD fitted 8 weeks after giving birth and had really heavy P during this time (although put up with it just over 2 years).

Decided we wanted to try for #2 just before daughters 3rd birthday. Nothing happened in 1st year so went to NHS fertility clinic, me and DH had all tests and no problems with either of us. Had Clomid just to boost ovulation and nothing happened. So decided to go for IUI.

IUI#1 5th April and felt really positive about it. About 8DPO started getting LBP (which I never get) however yesterday started getting LBP and cramps (normal before :witch:). I know to early to test but I know the signs and AF imminent.

I work in a school so no chance of having time off for any further IUI until summer and I'm desperate for a little sibling for my DD.

Has anyone else had the same experience and had more:baby: or going through this at the moment and want a friend? Would love to hear from you :hugs:

Hi,DH and I are suffering with unexplained secondary infertility right now.

Been TTC #4 for nearly 2 years now.Fell within 4 months with ds1,1st month with ds2 and 4 months with ds3.

Had a few chemical pregnancies so far but my bloods for cd3 were great and my progesterone for 7dpo was great also at 41.4

No reason for DH to have any health problems that would cause infertility in 4 years but we dont want any invasive procedures so have chosen not to have SA for DH.If it turns out its his fertility then the next step would be invasive so have stopped here. Dr sees no reason why it would be him and he doesnt smoke,drink or have caffeine.

Im healthy,no PCOS,no reason to believe there is endometriosis or anything underlying there so we are stumped.

I have spotting a few days before af which I thought was low progesterone but obviously isnt,it must be normal for my cycle. Shortish cycle at 26 days and 12 days LP but been assured this is all fine.

Clueless.Been told to try and relax and see what happens.Easier said than done!

Wishing you lots of luck and hope it happens soon for you x x x
Nearly the same, concieved dd on first try and had a wonderful healthy pregnancy. When she was 8 months old, we started trying again. That was 16 months ago and still nothing. I did a natural IUI (twice) and neither one took. I got pregnant after my first round of injectables (gonal F) but alas it ended in miscarriage (currently ongoing).
I'm so incredibly sad so just wanted to say that I totally understand how you feel. It's harder when you want the baby for your baby and not just for yourself! Stay strong, we move on to the next try! Let us know how it goes.
We are also ttc #2. Have you read Inconceivable? It's a really great book about a woman who stuggled to conceive her second child. She healed her body and her heart and became pregnant naturally. I loved it. It is a great source of inspiration for me on difficult days. Best of luck to you.
Hi, I have unexplained secondary infertility as well.
We actually had primary unexplained infertility with our first son that is now 9. He was conceived on our 4th clomid/IUI attempt.
Our second child is 7 and was conceived our first time with no birth control (imagine that after our first, lol).
Our dd is 3 and only took 7 months of ttc.

Its now cycle #25 of ttc #4. We've also had 3 failed cycles of femara/IUI. Not sure what the issue is. Dhs count is great with 3-4 days of abstainance, but low after 1-2 days. We started ttc when our baby was only one and a half years old its not like there was a major shift in either of our health. Our last baby was conceived from bd every other day.

So we are unexplained.....after 3 kids. Its so strange!

Like you I had my first child with no problems in 2007. We started trying again for #2 after she was done BFing and became pregnant right away but that ended in miscarriage as all of my other pregnancies have since. I have had every test you could think of and so has DH. My RE as of now is doing things he thingk might help but will do no harm.

It breaks my heart when I hear my child ask me why they dont have a brother or sister!

Lots of baby dust to all!
That must be sooooo heartbreaking to have several miscarriages. I hope they find a solution. Totally totally obvious one, but your blood group isn't rh negative is it? Mine is, but hopefully those anti-d injections with my daughter have done the job they were meant to do.

Been TTC for 16 months, no joy and no reason why its not happened either! fertility consultant on Friday... be glad to go - see what she suggests for us. Everything just takes so long doesn't it!

Good luck everyone

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