Up Chuckers unite! (Sickness/Nausea/HG. Share tips, review meds, commiserate, laugh!)


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
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Hello ladies,

I thought we could do with a support thread for us "Up chuckers"!
If you have HE (hyperemesis) or HG (hyperemesis gravadium) then join us to support each other, share tips and compare treatment options.

I'll introduce myself properly on the next post and keep this post to a brief description of each of us. Introduce yourselves and I'll make a list. :wave:

AngelofTroy - Helen 28, 2nd pregnancy with all day nausea and frequent vomiting. 3 year old son. On Cyclizine and Metoclopramide.

Smanderson - Becky 34, 2nd pregnancy with HG. 2 yr 6month old son. On prochlorperazine having tried cyclizine. Off work.

Laila 44 - Laila, 3rd pregnancy but first one with HG. 2 daughters 4 and 2yrs. Hospitalized for 3 nights due to severe dehydration. On diclectin, maxaran and zofran.

Kanga 86 - Claire, 29. 3rd pregnancy with HG in all. 2 boys 3yrs 4m and 1yr 1m. suffered with HG in all pregnancies and had to take meds each time. On ondansetron.

Wannabemomy37 - Becka, 1st pregnancy other than chemicals after 18 months TTC. Nausea and vomiting, on Emetrol.

Gingajewel - Gail, 5 year old girl. Prescribed meds but not taking as bring exhaustion.

BunnyN - 3rd pregnancy, 2 children 8 months and 2yrs (according to signature). HG in first pregnancy, less severe this time and last. :angel:
So I'll start by introducing myself.

I'm Helen :wave: This is my second pregnancy with severe sickness and nausea. Last time looking back I had HG (hyperemesis gravadium) and this time I'm 7 weeks in and very sick but not as bad yet as last time, I'm on meds earlier this time to try to prevent this happening again. I have a 3 year old son who is currently watching way too much TV and I work 2 overnight shifts as a respite carer which are getting harder and harder. I've lost 5lb this pregnancy and I had +1 ketones in my urine yesterday. I am now on Cyclizine, I still feel sick and was sick first thing this morning but i have managed to eat breakfast. :happydance: I feel like I've had 5 coffees though, all jittery. It's not ideal.
Great idea! I'm glad you started this as I've always relied on BnB for support but couldn't find anything for HG sufferers.

I'm Becky 34 second pregnancy with HG I didn't realise that's what it was last time either. I have a 2 yr 6month old DS who is wonderful and has also seen far too much tv these last few weeks. I'm currently written off work and wondering how on earth I'm going to manage to get back to work next week. I work in admin so thankfully not a lot of moving around to do but anything other than lying in bed or on the sofa seems impossible right now. I haven't weighed myself so I don't know how much I've lost but I know I have as I haven't eaten properly in 3 weeks and can hardly hold down any fluids. I'm on prochlorperazine having tried cyclizine. Hoping this passes soon as I can't wait to enjoy being pregnant :flower:
Welcome :wave: I know I'm aware of several of us who are suffering but I hadn't seen any support thread as such. Hopefully we can help get each other through these few weeks and go on to have happy healthy pregnancies and babies!
Finally!!! Great idea! My name is Laila. 3rd pregnancy but first one with HG. Been hospitalized already for 3 nights due to severe dehydration. Currently I alternate between 3 different types of meds. I take diclectin daily, then maxaran and zofran for the days where it's realyyyy bad. I start off every morning with my head down the bowl then have some breakfast lol. Hoping it dies down soon bc I'm having a rough time. I don't go out bc of it! Love this thread already, thank you xx
Oh and my daughters are 4 and 2. Both in school full days thank god bc I can barely function :(
Hi Laila :wave: good to see you :)
I also start every day throwing up before breakfast lol!
Hi Laila :wave: good to see you :)
I also start every day throwing up before breakfast lol!

Isn't it gross? The minute my feet touch the ground I run. Then I manage to eat some ... Rough times. I'm not going to lie I feel immense guilt about medicating :( i started at 6 weeks and continued through now ... Feel like it's crucial developmental times... Making me nervous. Diclectin I took my other 2 pregnancies but maxeran and zofran are new to me :cry:
Hello I am newish to bnb and found this thread and thought I would join in.

I'm Claire, 29 and pregnant with number 3. I have 2 boys 3yrs 4m and 1yr 1m and 8 weeks today. I have suffered with HG in all my pregnancies and had to take meds each time. I started on prochloprazine and metachlopromide in my 1st and had metachlopromide and ondansetron in my 2nd. This time I started on ondansetron at 7 weeks and take 3 4mg tablets a day and still suffering with all day nausea. Thankfully I haven't been sick since starting them and will probably be on them til 19/20 weeks of previous pregnancies are anything to go by. I am also signed off work for now too as just looking after my boys all day is hard enough.

Look forward to chatting some more to you all xx
I know how you feel Laila about the meds but you really mustn't feel bad. Taking the meds is the best thing for you and bubs and your family. Everything I've read says its the right thing to do. Plenty of people take medications for various things and go on to have healthy happy children, its not going to do baby any harm but you being dehydrated would. :hugs:

Kanga - welcome and sorry you're struggling too, glad the meds are working though :wave:

As for me the meds seem to be working at the moment, I've only thrown up twice today and both early morning and I actually had more than a sip of water at a time!:happydance: I so have this weird jittery "too-much-caffeine" feeling all the time though, not sure if I should mention it to the doctor?
Oh and the other bizarre thing is I knew I'd felt this jittery feeling before, but it was during labour. Checked with hubby and turns out they gave me an anti emetic through my IV which is completely forgotten!
Hi ladies!!
I'm Becka, first pregnancy other than a few chemicals and after 18 months TTC.
I've been struggling with nausea and vomiting as well, but it doesn't seem as extreme as you ladies. I was prescribed Diclegis but having issues with insurance so I've just been taking Emetrol which is OTC and safe in pregnancy. Today was the 2nd day since 4.5 weeks that I have NOT thrown up!!! Yahoo!! I've actually been hungry today, and eating/drinking before I get to that sick feeling. It's like every hour I was snacking.

I'm having trouble eating/drinking healthily though....with 24/7 nausea I gag at the thought of water, and most foods. Ive been eating pizza bites, pretzels, and chips like nobody's business...and drinking iced tea, fizzy water, and apple juice. At least I take prenatals so baby is getting what they need (right??)
Hi ladies!!
I'm Becka, first pregnancy other than a few chemicals and after 18 months TTC.
I've been struggling with nausea and vomiting as well, but it doesn't seem as extreme as you ladies. I was prescribed Diclegis but having issues with insurance so I've just been taking Emetrol which is OTC and safe in pregnancy. Today was the 2nd day since 4.5 weeks that I have NOT thrown up!!! Yahoo!! I've actually been hungry today, and eating/drinking before I get to that sick feeling. It's like every hour I was snacking.

I'm having trouble eating/drinking healthily though....with 24/7 nausea I gag at the thought of water, and most foods. Ive been eating pizza bites, pretzels, and chips like nobody's business...and drinking iced tea, fizzy water, and apple juice. At least I take prenatals so baby is getting what they need (right??)

Omg ice tea!!! What a great idea! *sending hubby out to get some now
Hi Laila, Kangaroo and wannabemome :wave:

I'm the same with the vom in the morning, might be from not having meds at night? Bad day yesterday I called the duty doc and they just said to go to hospital if it carried on. Brilliant. Very helpful. I was hoping they might have a different med to try. Anyway just been sick the once so far today and not feeling as rough so maybe it was just a bad day. Does that happen? random bad days?

I take prenatals too but some days haven't been able to hold anything down. I have found taking them in the evening has a higher success rate of keeping them down though :thumbup:
Yes, I definitely have more success taking prenatals at night as I have a fuller tummy and usually done with major sickness by then. I would never be able to keep them down in the morning, the nausea/vomiting is awful plus empty stomach! My prenatal says to take with food I think
My OB prescribed me 5mg straight folic acid tablets. They are teeny tiny and easy to swallow they don't upset the tummy at all. He said most important vitamin to get is folic and regular prenatals don't have 5mg which is the highest dose.
I'll have to check at my appt on Monday that my prenatals are good enough. They have 800mg folic acid as opposed to my TTC vitamins with 400mg folic acid.
Interesting about the higher volume of folic acid, I have found even though I'm taking the prenatals a lot of the foods I have wanted over the last couple of months have been high in folic acid. Not on my bad days though, then I'm lucky if I can even consider bread.

So today has been a good day, am not sure what to expect from tomorrow x

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