So rewind a couple days I went to the dr. they did an exam and listened to the heartbeat everything was good, nice strong heartbeat 150bpm and a tightly closed cervix. They told me I would spot some more from the exam but what they didn't tell me is how crampy I would get as the day went on So I take some tylonol and slept it off. I woke up to go wee at 12am BRIGHT RED BLOOD! I freaked called the on call dr. he told me that I was ok and to call in the morning So that is what I did luckily when I woke up no more red blood just a little brown and cramp free. I called the office told them what happened they said I was fine and just to take it easy...I go to work today and I get a phone call from the office and they want me to come in for a follow up, So I did, I had an ultrasound everything looks perfect! no bleeding from the uterus or placenta my cervix is closed and long. Phew what a sigh of relief. They said the bleeding was from the outside of my very vascular ultra sensitive cervix and just to watch for any changes in the spotting. Its finally starting to lighten up in brown color and amount. Since the bleeding was from the outside I didn't get placed into a high risk category too. The only thing is that my placenta is in the front so I might not feel kicking as easily.. Here are a couple of scan pics