hey hun
you have a new stalker, Congratulations on your girl sway, Im so pleased for you. Im also on the gender dreaming site etc and have decided to ttc come october and I started my sway yesterday. Will be pestering you for any tips xxx
Hi there and welcome! :wave:
If you have any questions feel free to ask! I assume you read this on my OP, i just want to remind you that i did switch my sway quite drastically a couple months before my sucessful attempt. So i know it can be long reading through this journal, but def dont take all of the vitamins that i was on! You want low everything, so vitamins is bad. I got that info from in-gender, prior to learning that doesn't sway pink at all and in fact could sway blue! so yeah, low everything, only take folic acid and not all the other stuff. Also i changed my timing around too as Shuttles is not accurate bc his theory is based on outdated information.
The link to my sway on Gender dreaming is the best resource i have for swaying pink. that will take any confusion away

and of course if you arn't sure, ask
Right Guppy I know this should probably be in its own post but I thought you were the best to ask with your gender sway knowledge.
Now I know this has been mentioned before and I thought due to me having a high appetite that I had a high calorie diet but thinking about it, I had been skipping breakfast must days then having a snack, then along lunch and not eating till dinner and then having a snack some evenings, so possibly not as high as I thought especially as I was breastfeeding when I conceived.
Also I've just been reading up on vaginal ph. Now a day or so after we dtd the time that would have made this baby I got thrush. Apparently thrush can only survive in low ph. Around 4.5 from what I've been reading. More ph = high acidity, which is good for girl sperm. Apparently a ph of around 4.5 is great for girls. Which my ph must have been headed for, for the thrush to strike.
To me these sound like good signs, I don't want to get my hopes up over them. But are the things I've been reading in line with what you know it an I reading complete rubbish? Lol
Not rubbish at all, actually! Low pH does help sway pink, and as you accuratly described low pH = more acidic, so thats perfect for

! Contrary to popular belief, it's not true that XX sperm favor an acidic environment and XY sperm favor a more alkaline environment (that would be a higher pH), BUT it just so happens that XX sperm can handle slightly more harsh environments. XY doesnt handle acidity as well nor having a low everything diet (there are some excellent articles on GD that goes into more detail, if youre interested). So to answer your question, that situation
should have swayed pink! Nothing is gurantee of course, and also not sure what your DHs pH is but that can effect things too. Anyways, i firmly believe that BFing helps sway

for several reasons 1.) *most* women who are BFing are typically deficient in some areas. (not all of course, but many are, BFing is a high demand on our bodies and it has been proven in various species that when the mom is in less optimal conditions it sways girl. (famine, starvation, lacking nutrients, etc) and boys are more often concieved in good times (mom gets plenty to eat, taking vitamins, etc) it has to do with the survival of each sex) 2.) A lot of women are more dry "down there" bc of the hormones whilist BFing. They usually lack the lubrication and that sort of thing. Not that they dont make it but typically its not as in abundance as it would be when you are not BFing. 3.) bc there is a lack of lubrication, this helps lower your pH, thus creating a more acidic environment, which as previously established females are more likely to live in.
So, i think things sound pretty good! as for your diet its hard to say what your caloric intake was like even when skipping meals. it would highly depend on what types of foods you were eating. But i know skipping breakfast can really help sway pink. Im not sure what your diet was like, so i cant comment on that, but if what you were eating wasn't high in nutrient, minerals, vitamins, then that could also contribute greatly to a pink sway
sounds good to me hon!