*UPDATED* Positive Mirena IUD experience

This was the appt card I spoke of earlier. You can see the various information it include by looking at the pictures below. I think this card is an excellent idea, especially bc of all of the follow-up visits. Nice to have a record as well despite the fact that my care provider will still supply a seperate, 1x appt card reminder. I like having this. My only beef is that it does not include an area for the time of day that your appt is :shrug: but as you can see I found a space to add it along side the date. Also, my care provider did not add my next scheduled appt :nope: now that's not a huge deal as I'm a grown up and can write it in myself :lol: but it was mentioned on the card they would and didn't. This isn't a deal breaker by any means but just a warning about what could happen at your office. I simply added the info as soon I got home. It is nice to have a history of appts all in one place. :thumbup: all of the other written info was added by the doc that did my insertion. I only needed to write in the time and date of my next appt




I have no complaints really. Everything has gone far more smoothly and easily than google had me believing! I am sure not everyone has such a good experiences as i have had in the last 24 hours, however, so far i am quite happy with the decision of getting the Mirena. Of course there is an adjustment period, but that is to be expected! The insertion pain was significantly less than i had expected. The afterpains were totally manageable and less painful than anticipated. The bleeding tapered off quicker than i had thought it would.

I havn't had any horrid or out of the ordinary side effects, to date. I also havn't experienced many negative side effects that some have contended with, during the first 24 hours. I have not had any headaches, bloat, water retention, or extreme pain. My strings are still in the same place as they were yesterday. BMs have felt normal, even if i needed to bare down :blush: I do not feel the device at all, which was a main concern of mine, especially due to the uterine/rectal/bladder prolapse. So far, i have not noticed any decrease in milk supply. In fact, my milk supply had dropped before insertion, which i reckon was due to AF coming on. And actually, today i heard a little more gulping from baby girl. I dont know if that is because i am nearing the end of AF and my hormonal changes that are naturally occurring are helping with that, or if it is the extra progesterone from the Mirena helping. I know some say milk supply can be decreased, which it would make sense. I know others see no change at all. And yet i have read a couple of places online that some women have actually seen an increase in milk supply. Obviously, i havn't had this thing nearly long enough to jump to any conclusions, but i will be interested to see what happens, to either confirm or deny the milk changes. It all could be coincidental, given the CD im on. Or perhaps it could be related. Only time will tell, but it was something i noticed this afternoon during a feeding session. Prior to this afternoon (so slightly after 24 hour mark), i begun hearing a gulp increase as compared to before. Maybe it has nothing to do with the Mirena. Or maybe it does. I will keep tabs on it though, especially since i know so many ladies wonder about this aspect of the hormonal coil :thumbup:

Overall, things are going great! I dont think i could ask for a better first twenty four hours! I would say if you are nervous, try not to freak yourself out with horror stories! Do horror stories happen? Why certainly! i do believe the women that have had terrible issues. I Do not discount their experiences whatso ever and it is important to understand those risks do exist. It is also important to know, that as of today, these are my personal thoughts and sentiments, however, only time will tell if i will continue to feel so positive about this IUD. But to get back to my point, dont scare yourself with all the negatives with insertion and the first day or two. Sure, there are very real horrible scary experiences but mine went beyond well and i dont think i could have asked for a better experience. Every body will react differently! The only way to know is try. And if it doesn't work, it doesn't work, but if it does it has the potential to improve your life dramatically!

As for suggestions, wear a clean pad prior to insertion. Take some IBprofin about an hour before hand (I needed more than recommended but was still within safe levels). Feel free to try using EPO on your cervix for a few days prior. I do believe it helped w things by softening up the cervix. The doc agreed. Get it inserted during your period. Preferably the middle to the end so that your cervix had a chance to open up as widely as naturally possible. Have someone drive you to the appt. The appt itself was fine. I didn't have anyone there w me but if it helps I relax, certainly have a trusted friend come along. If u don't have one, the nurses and doc were great and highly supportive. I personally say have someone there to pick u up after the appt bc u don't know how ur body will react. I was okay immediately afterwords but it did feel a bit dizzy and lightheaded. Was glad DH was driving me home. It wasn't extreme and probably would have been okay for me to drive but I'm glad I had that second driver there. Keep ur house stocked up on pads as not to use tampons. Take OTC pain meds regularly. Don't be a hero and try to tough it out. I highly recommend taking it around the clock as opposed to awaiting for the pains. I did both over the last day. And tho the pains are manageable without the pain relief, there is no reason to suffer if u don't have to, especially if you have kiddos to care for! I def felt much better staying on top of the relief meds. Another suggestion, try to sac out in the couch and have a movie day the day of and day after. For me sitting seemed to being on the cramps a bit more. Laying on my back was most helpful and relieved that.

Last, but not least, the insertion is pretty quick and very quick considering this is good for 5 years! Try not to worry yourself over horror stories. I encourage u all to make a truly informed decision by doing you research and asking questions. Certainly read good stories and bad. Learn the risks and benefits. Understand how that applies to YOUR actual situation and body bc everyone is different. But most importantly, don't get overly caught up in the horror stories. It's Good to be aware of what can happen however don't cause urself unnecessary anxiety as it may turn out quite well!
I'm so glad you're liking the mirena! I had the copper paraguard... So non hormonal ... But I agree the insertion wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated and I loved my whole experience with it!
I'm so glad you're liking the mirena! I had the copper paraguard... So non hormonal ... But I agree the insertion wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated and I loved my whole experience with it!

Thank you! Im glad you had a good experience as well. If it wern't for my crazy period, i would have gone with the non hormonal coil as well. I think the ParaGard is probably the most genius birth control out there!So awesome bc it is hormone free! I think for most ladies that would be a terrific way to go as it doesn't mess with your bodies natural cycle. Do you think you will get another copper IUD?
No. I did have to pay for the IUD kit which included all of the necessary items for insertion and the actual IUD, however, i did not have to go to a pharmacy and pick one up. I know some ppl have to get a prescription and then take it to the pharmacy, take it home, bring into the insertion appt, but that was not my experience. The way my OBGYN office did it, was that they had the (unopened!!!) kits at the office. I simply paid what I owe according to the office and my health insurance, and then the kit was back in the room they did the insertion, awaiting for use. They did not open the kit before it was ready to be inserted, as to keep it sterile. I did see the box. It looked exactly like the ones that if you had to pick up an RX, you would get, but it was unopened and was stored in my OBGYNs office. It was out and ready for use but not opened until the procedure begun. I did not have to bring it with me, since mine did not require a physical Rx and RX pick up. This may be different for you. You might need an RX and a pharmacy. you might not. It will all depend on how your OBGYN office approaches it.
Things are going great!
It has been 24 hours since I last took any pain relief. Havnt needed it as I havnt had any pains since then. The blood is practically done too. None in the loo or on my liner. The amount in the paper is extremly minimual. And very light pink/brown in color. It is such a small amount I may not even need a liner anymore. I am on CD8. I believe AF will be done today. Usually CD 8 pre Mirena would have been exactly like what I'm experiencing today w the Mirena. So its
Nice to see most things are back to Normal and rather prompt at that.

No cramping or bloating or anything out of the ordinary. & the headache I had last night, I believe was not caused from the Mirena as my sinuses have gotten worse, which was unrelated bc it is due to allergys, for me.

I did have a minor lower back ache late last night. I was sitting up in bed and it started. Once I laid down it went away.

UPDATE: 8:30am This morning I woke up with...erm...dare I say libido?! :haha: I really wanted to have fun time :blush: but can't for another day or two per the docs orders. But I feel this is significant to note bc I have had absolutly no libido or any desires since having DD 13 months ago. In all seriousness I have had absolutly no interest in :sex: but this morningg I woke up and...well it was a very different story :lol:

I have felt good all day today. I am down to extremely light spotting. Tbh the bleeding is exactly what I would expect from AF for me on CD8 preIUD. I was able to wear one extremly thin panty liner and that has been fine. No blood in the loo and none on my Pantys. I've only got a very small light pink/brown tinged spotting upon wiping and that is it! I have to say I am impressed. I figured is be dealing w that much longer!
I am feelings good physically. No complaints. Only had a few Moments of minor dull ache but nothing worthy of much notting and it didn't last long. I havnt had to take any pain meds or use a heating pad or anything like that. In fact if it wernt for the bathroom trips, I think I would have forgotten I had an IUD!
Emotionally, I have noticed an improvement in my moods. I don't know if it is Mirena related or
Not, but for te last couple of days I have not been irritable and I've been enjoying my kids more. I'm also seemig more interested in my his and too. My libido has increased, which is for sure a new thing and a desirable effect :)

So far I am still happy w this choice! I'm loving it and I'm glad I finally took the plunge!
Are very similar to fishing line. It's thinner and maybe slightly softer but that is the most similar object I can relate the IUD strings to.
Most men do not feel them during :sex: some do but apparently the doc can just cut them shorter if it remains pokey. I'll have to update later on my opinion and experience. In the meantime, a lot of my research leads to me the idea that the strings will soften naturally over time due to the environment of vagina and all of the natural fluids. That will make it
Softer and usually the strings will naturally curl and wrap half way around the cervix. Obviously this won't happen to everyone but that seems to be the general consensus. So far, I checked the strings twice, just out of curiosity (with well cleaned hands of course!). As of last night (so day 2) the strings were a little less sharp at the ends and had soften a little. The did begin to curl slightly however not towards my cervix. It may not have been in long enough for that. For now they are begining to aline towards the natural curvature of the top of my vagina. So they are still hanging down, near the opening (but not hanging out) only
Now it's curving along the wall of my uterus that is next to my bladder. Hopefully that makes sense. But my point is, I am already starting to witness the string a changing in texture and mannerisms.
Bleeding is almost nonexistent! No cramps
No negative side effects. I am feeling great!
My milk supply has gone up, surprisingly and I have had noted changes in my moods and libido in the last two days. At first I thought maybe it
Was some sort of placebo effect but now I
Know that isn't the case. (For example, I usually have to supp 10oz of milk for my nursling each day due to a breast abnormality and yesterday I didn't have to give her any at all!!!). Anyways, here is a quick video I made :)

Not much to report.
Last night (day 4), I had a little bit of a headache. It wasn't potent or long but I don't typically get headache. This one was not sinus related. I have no idea if it is IUD related or not :shrug:

Today, nothing much to report. Had the smallest amount of
Brown tinged CM. I did a lot of walking today, so that doesn't surprise me. I had a wee bit of cramping this afternoon, after walking around the store. It wasn't bad, just noticable. Didn't require
Pin relief and wasn't a big deal. It lasted maybe twenty minutes.

That's about it. Still going well
I was basically spot free this morning. However this afternoon I did a lot of walking and so the spotting started back up. No big deal, just making sure I use my ultra thin panty liners. Those are much better than pads as they are so thin I don't notice them but yet they work good w the very minimual amount of spotting I had.

Prior to the spotting, I cramped for about half an hour. Just felt like minor AF cramps.

Other than that, I do have on blemish, however at this point in my cycle I would usually have more pimples so actually that could be an improvement but I suppose I'll never know. Just like to speculate!

Otherwise, still loving it. I have been feeling incredibly satisfied with life and DH mentioned that I seem more pleasant lol
How awesome they it's going so well!!! And it's seems like the hormones are a good fit for your body!

To answer your question... No this time I'm not getting the copper IUD. Instead DH is scheduled for a vasectomy next month. But... To be honest I'm scared now. We really only want two kids, and I know there are rare circumstances when sperm finds its way... Like in your case. I wonder if I can truly trust the V? Did you have signs that DHs wasn't 100%? Should I use spermicide as well? Or maybe I should just get the copper IUD in addition to the vasectomy?! Hmmmm
How awesome they it's going so well!!! And it's seems like the hormones are a good fit for your body!

To answer your question... No this time I'm not getting the copper IUD. Instead DH is scheduled for a vasectomy next month. But... To be honest I'm scared now. We really only want two kids, and I know there are rare circumstances when sperm finds its way... Like in your case. I wonder if I can truly trust the V? Did you have signs that DHs wasn't 100%? Should I use spermicide as well? Or maybe I should just get the copper IUD in addition to the vasectomy?! Hmmmm

we had a very rare circumstance. see dh had a hernia and hernia repair years ago. so when the procedure for the V was done, they had a lot of trouble w the left side bc it doesnt lay totally normal due to the location of his hernia repair. he had done 4 follow up sperm counts and 6 months time before he finally was cleared. that is abnormal. most men clear much sooner. then they realized they need to resnip that left side. so they did. and finally had 2 clear sperm results. everything healed normally and he took it easy with healing. a few months later he developed pain there. he is very young (was only 25 when he got it done). so between the fact that there were complications and bc he is a lot younger than most men, those factors contributed. the vasectomy almost never fails AS LONG AS you do the sperm tests and get zero count (dead count isnt good enough). what we think happened, is recanalization, which is probably what the ppain was. younger men are more likely for that to happen but it is very very rare (less than 1%, i think). but it is highly probable that his hernia repair caused it.

i would be inclind to trust a vasectomy. they are the most reliable form of birth control, we just crazy, rare circumstances. most will never have that happen. you shouldn't be worried, but also, no BC (even permanent) is 100% but if you were wanting the best chances of never getting pregnant again, it is def a good route to take
Today marks exactly 12 weeks since i have had the mirena inserted!

i dont have much to say because this thing is great!!! i am loving it!
ive had two "periods", which i dont even know if i can call them that because i never had a flow! it was extremely light spotting, that didn't require a pad whatsoever! plus my periods have improved with each one! my first cycle, i had three days of spotting, technically i used a thin mince panty liner for day 1. again, i did not have a true flow, but it was just heavier spotting than the other days. that time i had very light cramping, hardly even noticed them and spotted for a total of three days. the last two days i didn't even need a thin liner. i didn't know when to expect AF this cycle, since i had light flow for so long. usually i am a 32 day ish cycle girl (sometimes 34, luteal phase is 9-10 days, usually)

my second cycle was even nicer to me! i had ZERO cramping and only spotted for, at maximum, two days (closer to one day tho). i didn't need to use any liner at all, i didn't have any accidents either. i only had red tinged cm a few times, and once i had a decent amount of blood when i wiped but that was it! didnt leak, didn't need to use anything, otherwise it was less than spotting, more than nothing, but less than spotting! i was a little moody, as i would be during my period :blush: but that lasted for one day. i broke out a little on my chin for the week leading up to this AF (which happened in my first cycle too and pre mirena always happened anyways, so that is no change for me). and, again, my period arrived when i expected it to. funny thing though, i usually get horrible cramps, moodswings, break out really bad foor about a week before AF (pre mirena), but this time i didn't have much of that and actually totally wasnt expecting my periood when i got it. i was totally surprised w the spootting.. my cycles have not been lasting the usual 30some days, but fine by me, if getting them every 17 days with hardly any period at all means this, fine by me!

thats it! that has been my experience. it has been a godsend for my previously horrendous periods!!! i cannot recommend this thing enough!!

plus, as you can see via my ticker, i have still been able to lose weight, like i was before, and ive had no ill effects with skin or hair, and actually my hair is looking incredibly lustrous these days! so it has actually improved!

i am so thrilled that i took the dive with this thing!!!!

PS, other than those "periods" i have not really had any bleeding whatsoever! i believe when i ov..ed during the first cycle, i had some break throough bleeding (spotting) with EWCM, but that was oonly one time and havn't had it since. so even though they say yoou can bleed on and off for the first 3-6 months, i really havnt had any since i stopped bleeding during month 1!
the # symbol on the "notes" line represents the day the mirena was inserted.
i bled a ton during the first 35ish days. apparently that isnt common (to have a legit flow that loong) however, it can be normal, according to my lady doctor. so doont be scared off! i would totally do that over again if it meant results like these!

pic #1 = first cycle with mirena
pic #2 = second cycle with mirena
pic #3 = third cycle with mirena

click to enlarge


look at the massive difference between my first AF before mirena insertion vs the others! impressive difference!

See post #38 for chart changes!
So I *think* I had a period last week?? Idk. I had one day of legit light flow...then one day of spotting. So I'm wondering if that spotting I had prior to that was just breakthrough bleed and not actually AF :shrug: I think for now on, I'm only going to consider it a "period" if there is, at minimum,light flow. Otherwise in just gonna call it breakthrough spotting. Here are my updated charts, so disregard the previous charts. I think this is a more accurate reflection. click to enlarge

pic #1 insertion was CD6 of the Sept cycle. loads of bleeding, but may have been due to chemical mc. though im told that can also be normal, esp since it had been so long since i had a period (due to BFing)

pic #2, first whole mirena cycle

pic #3, second whole mirena cycle

still breastfeeding, not sure how that play into this...




Been reading about your experience with mirena.... My OB has suggested it for me for birth control. Currently on yasmin, but need a more reliable method because I'm on a medication that reduces the effectiveness of the pill. 😳 and I don't want a 3rd! But I've literally been struggling with whether to have mirena implanted since Septempter 2014!!!! I've made countless appts and canceled them after reading about all the negative side effects it can possibly cause. I'm extremely interested to find out whether you have increased acne, increased weight gain (or difficultly losing weight), or increased moodiness with mirena. Drs will say it's so localized and only goes to the uterus, but so many women have these complaints! Anyway, I have to make my decision --- yesterday --- because my drs office only keeps my ordered mirena for 6 months and it's time up for me next week with my next period. I'm very very lost on what to do. And I did look into paragard and it was my first choice, but my dr and insurance doesn't use it or cover it. Seems they only want the hormone stuff put into our bodies. Thank you for making a post soley on your journey with mirena! -Heather.

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