Have my 20 week scan tomorrow and hoping to find out gender this time! I have another pic from 18+3 which I will try to add later but they couldn't tell me the sex as baby had legs tightly closed! Would love some more guesses please and I'll update tomorrow! So excited!
Bumping this thread up as I have a scan next week and I am going to ask the gender. I will be 16+1 so they might not tell me but I can hope! Anymore guesses please?!!
Hey ladies,
I had my scan yesterday at 12+2 but I can't see the nub - can any of you more expert guessers take a look and if you can see it, explain where it is please?
Also, any guesses based on skull or nub theory very very welcome!
Bumping this thread up as I have a scan next week and I am going to ask the gender. I will be 16+1 so they might not tell me but I can hope! Anymore guesses please?!!
Hey ladies,
I had my scan yesterday at 12+2 but I can't see the nub - can any of you more expert guessers take a look and if you can see it, explain where it is please?
Also, any guesses based on skull or nub theory very very welcome!