If you feed your baby healthy food, please don't let a health visitor get you all upset unless there seems to be a medical concern. My first daughter, who is now 3.5, was almost 27 pounds at 6 months old (and 31 pounds at a year). She was huge. She was also over the charts for height, but more so for weight. THe doctor wasn't worried as she was formula fed and eating when hungry. I am a health nut and vegetarian, so when we did start solids at 6 months it was healthy food. She continued to be a total chunk for a while despite the healthy food (does not eat refined sugar except for a birthday and only drinks water and a little milk etc) SHe is now 3.5 and although she is no toothpick, she is normal for her height (very tall as I am too). My friends baby was also big, 25 pounds at 6 months, and he has completely thinned out too now that he is older. The doctor told me that if the baby is hungry feed her....it's when they get to 3-4 years that if they are obese it is an eating problem. WHen they are babies if they are that hungry it is usually because they are gearing up to grow tall. It seemed to be the case for mine. SHe still eats a ton, but it's all healthy food and her weight seems perfect now. So honestly unless you are feeding her junk (which you are not) or you think there is a medical problem, please don't worry yourself!
Taurus- yes dd1 was slow at everything. dd2 is very tall but much leaner and seems to be moving around better and much quicker at those things. THe doctor told me dd1 would probably be late at all the rolling/crawling/walking stuff due to her weight.