Hello I'm a 28 year old female with a 29 year old husband - we have been ttc for 3 years now. We both have a child with a previous partner but it isn't happening for us. We have had all of the tests at the hospital - laparoscopy, dye in the tubes, ovulation blood tests, sperm tests, post coiltal tests etc and all were absolutely normal. I gave up smoking and we have tried monitoring ovulation and holding off sex for atleast 5 days before I ovulate, I've tried a basal thermometer to keep track of my body temperature, I've been taking pregnacare vitamins for people ttc & nothing. I'm a normal weight, I eat plenty of fruit and veg & drink lots of green and ginger tea ! We are not eligible for free ivf as we both have a child of our own and we can't afford the £5,000 to try it
everyone around me is having babies and I'm so so down. Medically everything is fine but it's just not happening. Does anyone have any positive advice for us ? Many thanks