Valentines Babies, 2013!

Dragon, I hope you feel better! That sounds like no fun at all. BOO about the glucose test. What a pain. It sounds like you're right on the bubble though, so it should be fairly manageable. If a sweet tooth caused gestational diabetes, I would be the poster child. Dingbat DH.

Kellen, hurray for diaper-free day time!! Well done, Teagen. :) Also, my Mom had a hysterectomy about 9 years ago for different reasons, but the surgery was ok and the recovery wasn't TOO bad. I hope they can get it all before it spreads. I'm so sorry she (and you) have to deal with this. Bleh. Cancer sucks.

My girls started school on Wednesday. My 6-year-old is an expert now, and she wasn't nervous at all. She knew where to go and waved at all of the other teachers as we walked in. It's the 4-year-old that makes me SUPER nervous! She was so nervous on her first day that she threw up... :( Luckily my older daughter's teacher from last year requested that we transfer our younger daughter into her class so she can keep an extra close eye on her. Still, as I drove away on the first day of school I sobbed my brains out. What the heck?? I couldn't wait for a little time to breathe and some quiet, and now that they're gone I miss them terribly and am pretty sad? Motherhood is weird.
Thanks- things only got worse from there. I was pretty much completely debilitated for 2 days with fever, joint pain, and weakness...then I got the blisters ALLLLLLLL over. It seriously looks like chicken pox, I'm covered from head to toe, especially my scalp, face, and hands. It's very itchy and painful. Thankfully, the fever and body aches went away, so I don't feel as crappy overall.

I'm stuck in the house until the blisters go away, as apparently I'm very contagious until then.
Aw, Dragon... sorry about the horrible blisters, but congrats on the boy! Poor Lily... I hope that your DH didn't take the gestational diabetes too hard.

Wamommy - Your girls are adorable. Funny how when you are apart from your children things seem so empty.

DH took Teagen this morning and kept her at home while I opened the shop. We don't have any grooming clients until this afternoon and then we will switch.

GREAT NEWS! My mom is cancer free. The doctor's can't really explain it, but all her symptoms are gone and the two biopsy's they did came back negative. She still goes in for an D&C just to make sure.
GREAT NEWS! My mom is cancer free. The doctor's can't really explain it, but all her symptoms are gone and the two biopsy's they did came back negative. She still goes in for an D&C just to make sure.

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: :yipee::yipee:
SOOO amazing!!! Yay!!
I just got a phone call from my daughters' school that my 4-year-old is in the nurse's office being watched for a concussion after a recess accident... :( She IS severely accident prone, but I'm also worried that starting her in Kindergarten this year might have been too early. She's 5 in 2 months, so she isn't THAT much younger than the other kids, but I'm afraid it's causing anxiety and she'll end up hating school. Ugh...

I've also been struggling with a bout of pretty yucky depression. I'm feeling so incredibly under appreciated. I feel like I work all day and then all night too, and everything I do is invisible. Oh those toilets? They clean themselves. That dinner? It magically appeared in front of you. Those clean clothes? The magic fairy came and delivered them nice and folded into your closet... Meanwhile DH sleeps in a separate room so the kids don't disturb HIS sleep, sleeps in while I get all 4 kids ready for school/the day, hasn't cooked or done dishes in weeks, and spaces out on his cell phone or laptop most of the day. I'm at my wits end.
Oh my Kellen, what amazing news about your mum! Do you think maybe it was misdiagnosed?
It's wonderful whatever!! Xxxxx

Wow I wish my mums cancer would go :( I go home later this week to visit her. Time really isn't on our side and I have been feeling very emotional about it recently. I think since my boys went back to school this week I have had more time to slow down and think. It's all so unfair, how can I ever live without her? Kind of want to throw a massive tantrum but know its pointless. The bond between child and mum is amazing. I literally can't stand the idea of being without her in the world, it seems impossible that I can be without her, I feel like a child, just horrid. I feel panicked and scared.
I just need to go back and hug her. Chemo has been hard recently on her.
Sorry to be depressing.

In Kiara news, she just learnt to ride a scooter :) and she just chose her own boots in H&M - patent long boots covered in photos of kittens, dog and rabbits! The girl has style :).

Wamommy, no wonder you are feeling down, DH needs to pull himself together, you need support and sleep. You have too much on your hands to do it without him being fully hands on. Talk to him before you get further depressed and you will all suffer. He needs to put effort in before things hope wrong. You deserve support xxxxxx
Life has been crazy here. The doctors haven't completely ruled out cancer, but the biopsy did come back negative. The mamogram came back normal too.

Teagen has recently named herself: Ta-Ta. Which, oddly enough, was what I called myself as a toddler. Ever day she surprises us with a new word or phrase that she has picked up from somewhere. Her signing continues to become more clearly defined as well.

Her new favorite word to say however, is CAT! With great emphasis as she attempts to scale the kitty's 6'5" tower. My child is a climbing fanatic and it is terrifying.

Sierra - How are things? We miss you!
Helena, I can't imagine how tough it is with your Mom's illness right now. I'm so sorry! :hugs: I think your feelings are just a testament to how much you love her, and totally understandable. I know things won't probably get easier, but I wish strength and hope for you and your family. You are such a strong woman!!!

Kiara's boots are ADORABLE, by the way. Well done, Kiara!

Kellen, Teagen sounds like she's doing great! Max doesn't climb at all, thanks to a couple of super-tumbles off of the couch. He's pretty cautious, and I'm not complaining!

Max said, "I love you" back to me today! I about melted into the floor in a pile of Mommy proudness and emotional puddledom.

Also, My dad came to visit us last weekend. I hadn't seen him in 6 years. It was GREAT, and I'm so glad to have reconnected with him. He's a lawyer/author who has an amazing career, but has 6 estranged children from 4 of 7 marriages! It was all brought on by telling my sister (who passed it along to my Dad) that my 4-year-old asked me recently, "Mommy, is your Daddy dead?" Gulp... At least now they know him!
The thread has been so quiet lately! Hope everyone is doing well.

I have my confirmed c-section date...if baby stays put until then, his birthday will be November 17th :). I'm going for a tour at the hospital this evening to check out the birthing center and postpartum rooms.

I can't remember if I told you already, but I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes a few weeks ago. After two weeks of careful eating and testing my blood sugars, my after-meal numbers have been great. However, my fasting blood sugar is still high, so today they put me on insulin injections :(. Kind of nervous about the needles. That also means I have to get weekly NSTs from now until the baby is born.

In happier news, tomorrow is my birthday! Can't believe I'll be 31, that's how old my mom was when she had my youngest sister, and I remember that like it was yesterday. DH and I are going out to dinner tonight, and my sister is watching the twins. It'll be the first time we've gone out together since my last birthday!
Hi all,
Wow 17 Nov doesn't seem do far away at all dragon!! Exciting times :)

I have flu. Or a big cold. No fun at all. Procures being a mum there is no time to stop and recover, I am such a hero ;) Kiara has it too, poor little sausage. I wish she could just learn to blow her nose - she won't let me near her with the nasal spray.

Visit to see my mum was ok. We watched my cousin on the tv - he was part of the Invictus games basket ball team who beat the USA to get gold medal :) he was captain, we are all so proud.
His daughter made it into international news too:

Saying bye to my mum at the end of our visit was horrendous, so so so upsetting I can't even explain. It felt different to other times and we both didn't want to let go. Gosh life is tough some times.
:cake:Happy Birthday, Dragon!!!:cake:

I hope you and DH have a great time celebrating!

Helena, I'm so sorry goodbye was tougher this time with your Mom. :hugs: Your cousin is very impressive! What a story. :) The bad cold has blown through our house as well, and it stinks! I know it's impossible to NOT get sick with older kids in school, but it's the little ones who seem the most miserable with it. Max has been up the last few nights coughing so hard that he can't sleep. :( He has also discovered how to pick his own nose, and I keep finding "presents" from his nose on the furniture, the carpet, etc... :sick:

Sierra, I hope all is well! Hopefully you're happily busy with the move. :)
Helena - I'm glad you had a good trip, but I'm sorry to hear about your mom and how difficult it was to leave. I wish I could just give you a hug. I had a brief taste of that horribleness and my heart just goes out to you.

Dragon - I can't believe you only have a little more than 2 months to go. What are the chances of us seeing a nice bump picture? The twins sound so adorable. I'm sorry you are having a difficult time with the gestational diabetes... ugh.

Wamommy - Poor Max. Colds are the worst, but school seems to bring out all the bugs!

Teagen has chicken pox. Yep. She is a a small spotted person with a mild fever and really, really short fingernails right now. She is also super cranky, which is amazing because DH left last Sunday to go join his boat. I am very happy for him since he is now working towards his goal, but he had to leave on our anniversary and the day we noticed Teagen had the chicken pox. Thankfully my mom is staying up here with us until DH gets back sometime in October.

My grandmother has received an offer on her house so now she is frantically packing 89 years worth of stuff and planning to move on up to the big house. A few weeks ago she accidentally left an outside facet on all night and burned up the well pump. Since then she has decided that she doesn't want to live upstairs all alone so DH, Teagen and I are re-packing all of our stuff from downstairs (where we have been living since July) and are moving upstairs. I'm actually really okay with the move as it basically gives us our own 2300 sqft apartment.

The business is doing well. DH was very concerned with the initial quality of one of the groomers we hired, but I convinced him to stick it out and she is doing an amazing job! Even with paying a second person 50% commission we are going to make rent and all the business bills.
Poor Teagen!! I hope she feels better soon! Chicken pox is no fun, although if she has to get it, it's probably good to get it over with so young. I had it when I was 7, and it was pretty bad...but my mom had it at the same time (she was 25) and it was awful. The older you are, the worse it is. So glad to hear the business is going well, and that your grandmother got an offer on her house :) I hope your DH is enjoying his new job.

I will try to take a bump pic today or tomorrow! It feels almost as big as the twins at the same time (at this point I was actually already in the hospital about to have them!), which is odd, because I'm measuring on target, and with them I was measuring full term already. Only 53 days to go! Whoa, that's scary.
Woot! I am glad that the baby is measuring on track. Have you come up with any names for the little fella yet?

I am super glad that Teagen has the chicken pox now rather than when she is older. I also had them around 7 and was miserable. It wasn't the itching that really got to me, but rather the sore throat. Poor little thing is so congested and plugged up that naps are really short, which makes for a really cranky baby. And she is missing her Daddy and wants him at night for comfort instead of me - but I'm the only one here right now.

It is finally raining here! It has been so dry that several more fires have popped up, but I am hoping that this rain helps the fire fighters get some of the blazes under control.

Sierra - I hope life is settling down for you and that we hear from you soon.
Hi ladies! Sorry it's been so long! Life has been soooooo stressful! We sold our house very quickly, then had no where to I've for a month while we closed in the new house. I ended up living with the mil! I'm not nearly caught up on all of the posts here, but I hope you all are doing well! I'm just settling into the new house and there is a contractor here redoing the bathroom. .so a bit chaotic. I missed you all though! !!
Good to hear from you, Sierra! I hope things start settling down soon so you can relax :)

Haha, Kellen, no names yet! We have a list of names that are just ok, but none that we both love. DH is pushing hard for Thorvald or Magnus, but I can't picture calling my baby either of those names. I really like Ronan and Asher, but DH hates those. Soooo....we may end up picking something that we're lukewarm about.

Went to the doctor today, and they increased my insulin dosage :( So no I have to inject myself twice a day in addition to poking my finger 4 times a day.
Sierra - Hooray for an easy house sale... Boo on rooming with the MIL. Glad that you are getting moved in and fixing stuff up.

Dragon - Boo hiss! So sorry you are having to up the dosage. That doesn't sound any fun.

In other news I have revised my diagnosis of Teagen... it is/was the 3 day Measles. She never had the scabs like chicken pox, and the dots really only appeared on her face and chest which syncs up with rubella nicely. I also think she is getting her 2 year old molars in... fun times!
Is that roseola? We had that once. Much better than chicken pox - for my boys that was just awful. Hope she is feeling better.
I thought we were vaccinated against rubella? MMR?

Hope everyone is ok. Happy new home Sierra!! Xx
Sierra, so glad to hear all is well! I'm glad you survived a month with your MIL. :haha: I hope life slows down a little for you so you can relax. How is Camden doing?

Kellen, I'm sorry about Teagen being ill! NO FUN. I hope she gets better soon. How are things with DH gone? When is your grandma moving in?

Dragon, ick on the needles. When I was going through IVF (did I ever tell you guys my first daughter was an IVF baby?) I had to give myself a ton of shots every day, including a HUGE one in my butt. Ugh. I'm glad you're able to manage it yourself, though. I actually like Magnus AND Ronan. DH wanted Magnus when Max was born, but he is so dark that it just didn't fit. I liked Ronan for Luca, but DH said it sounded like "Ronin" which is kind of derogatory in Japanese culture, apparently. :shrug: You'll find the perfect name. :)

As for us, Max is doing really well. He just got over a terrible cold (flu?) and finally slept a full night last night and the night before, but now LUCA has it... grrr. Having older kids in school makes it truly impossible to stay well. I'm still having a miserable time with DH, but am taking care of myself a lot better. I'm eating healthier foods and working out every day. I've been doing some crazy cross training and am probably in the best shape I've been in in YEARS. If only there wasn't 10 pounds of fat hiding all of that gorgeous muscle... :haha:
Thanks ladies! Camden is doing very well! The transitions were hard for him, but I think the moving and chaos was actually good for him because now he actually can nap in louder places and falls asleep on his own much better! He has even started to tell me when he us going "poo poo"! I'll be starting potty training with him as soon as I buy a seat! We are having some behavior issues--do any of your lo's actually YELL back at you when you admonish them? Camden does this everyone we tell him not to do something. ... :shrug:

I'm actually getting over shingles 4oght now... the stress of the move made my immune system low and shingles to pop up.. lovely. Feeling much better now. Oh how u have missed you ladies!

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