
I don't know....I am seen every 4 weeks by a consultant after I have my growth scans...but that is because I am high-risk...previous preemie due to pre-e and then developed it later in last pregnancy.
ahhhh ok, i will just ask on thursday but i can kind of guess how the whole convo will go lol,
You will be fine!

If you have had no problems in your pregnancy and had 2 straight forward c-sections then I think they will give you the option but be all for vbac.

A date will be given at a review appt at the hospital at 34wks I was told.:flower:
my first one was because my waters broke at 31 weeks, but i managed to get to 37 weeks when they induced me, but i only got to 3 cms and just stopped and bubs was getting distressed so that was a emergency, with my daughter i had a elective at 39 weeks and everything was ok, had a infection in the scar after but that soon cleared up :flower:
herro :hi:

i am seeing my consultant for the first time on thursday, and i reallllllllllllly wanna try and see if i can at last try a natural delivery this time,

i had a emergency section at 37 weeks with my first and i had a elective with my second at 39 weeks, i have read so many stories of women being able to have a vaginal birth after 2 or more sections and they are so insperational :flower:

my question is, what info etc can i go in and say to my consultant to fight my side to have a vaginal birth and not be pushed or forced into having another section, obviously if i do end up havng a section thats fine as my baby and i's health is more important, but this will be my last child and i just want that chance to try!

thank you so much if use have got this far in reading and for any comments! :hugs:

my friend is doing this, she spoke to the head of mwifery who was v.supportive and went armed to the consultant who had already been prepped by the head of midwifery shed spoken to, he had no problem with it and was supposrtive, went through her notes with her and explained that she didnt even need the csection she had last time (which was unwanted obviously) he couldnt see why it had been done.. she made a support group for ladies who have been through similar and has loads of contacts and advice on how to go about vbac if you want i can give you her fb and tell her so she can add you and help. Or you can add me and Ill you to the groups :) https://www.facebook.com/fionafee xx
im cacking my pants now for tomorow, i just dont know what im gonna go in and say, i am quite a shy person and i would feel bad for defying a "medical" person, also i dont think my husband fully understands how much i want this, as when i mention it to him all he says is " il support you,but............." he has so many butts!!!!

and breath....................
there's no but really.. remember youre not defying anyone! they are there to give advice and help and support, if you dont think they are you can see another but may not even need to, just make sure its clear what *you* want. Id write some things down first, questions and things I wanted to know and say. Good luck! :hugs:
Be brave hon, he's just a guy who went to uni for a long time, it doesn't make him God! You always have choices, it'll be worth querying things in the end, go for what you want, and tell your OH how much you want this, men don't really get how ripped off we can feel after being deprived of a natural birth, or at least the chance to try.

If you get to term with no problems there is no reason you can't have a VBAC - the stats for rupture are under 2%, with most of these being not a full rupture, but just a slight separation of scar and after 2 sections the risk increase is negligible. All other risks are the same as for other women. Don't let them scare you into submission!

There's a good article here : https://midwifethinking.com/2011/02/23/vbac-making-a-mountain-out-of-a-molehill/

Goodluck and be strong! xxx
Good luck for your appointment today :flower:
well im back and it went quite well, he was ok with me and said it was totally up to me, told me pros and cons and everything, me and hubby went out and talked about it and we have decided i am going to go for another c-section, he mentioned because of my size that if i was to try natural and for it to end up in a emergency c-sec that it would take longer/be more difficult to give me a epidural and there for waste time, i knew my size would be a factor, (im a size 22/24),and i also have higher bod pressure this time, my last c-section was a pleasant experiance so its not like it was horrible, of course i hate operations etc, but at least this way i can get prepared, will know when is gonna happen and it will be a calm environment and not manic if i had to have a emergency!

thankyou all for your support :flower:
Are the chances of you needing an emergency csection higher than anyone else? (Can't help thinking you sound a bit scared off) but if you're happy with your decision then that is the main thing! because it's your choice to make. I'm so glad you feel better about it all :hugs:
It does sound like he's scared you a bit, hon, why presume you might need another emergency, when the reason was what it was the first time? Unless your waters break early again, or you have some other complication, there's no reason you should need another section.

Is it a case of "better the devil you know"? I'm only asking that because I felt the same way when I first found out I was pregnant this time as well, but the gentle suggestion of my friend and a midwife set me reading up on the whole thing and I've done a complete turnaround. (you'd never guess, lol) But If the first person I'd spoken to was an Obsteatrician (spelling?!) I'm sure it would not be the case, so it's just luck in my case. I don't want to put pressure on you at all, I would just like to know you have truly been given all your options, without scaremongering, as many Ob's are keen to do. For example, did he tell you the risks of both options? They often tout the supposed risks of VBAC, but miss out the C-Section risks.

It's entirely your choice of course, just bear in mind that surgeons are quite keen to cut people, it's their job. All the best for you and your baby, no matter how it enters the world, you'll be fine. XXX

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