*~*VBAC Hopefuls 2014 *~*


Pregnant with No.3
Nov 1, 2011
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Any other ladies want to make a group for ladies attempting VBAC this year?
Me! We can have a mini group lol! I had an EMCS last time after dd was distressed during the pushing stage of labour. I was induced becasue of raised BP (in all honesty I think they rushed my labour becasue it was convienient!) so this time I know more about what I want and don't want and just praying everythunb goes smoothly and I go into labour naturally otherwise it will be another c section for me!
I will! I am still undecided as of now. I have had one v-bac, but am not sure for this one. I am guessing I will attempt another, but as of right now, I can't say for sure.
How was your first vbac addy? Did you have an EMCS or ELCS first time? I love hearing people's vbac stories. Did they monitor you continuously? I don't want to be stuck on a bed coz of the monitoring!
I had a c/s because dd1 was breech. I opted for the v-bac because I had gone into labour early the first time (she came 1 week before my scheduled c/s). My family history is pretty good for vaginal births (I was the first c/s), and I had a toddler at home, I didn't want to have to recover from surgery.

I did not have major complications with my v-bac, but was not able to get an epidural. My contractions were hard, close together and very painful for 12 hours. I was monitored, but I was in such pain that I didn't even dare try to move. Where I live, labour is still very medical. We do not have midwives or doulas unless you hire one. I pushed for over two hours, and was completely exhausted. I tore which made going to the bathroom very difficult and painful for over a week. I also had pain and what felt like internal bruising for months after. I think my baby was 7 months old before I felt ok.

I am not the best one to ask about v-bac because I really did not enjoy mine at all. I think I would rather a c/s recovery over what I had....and to be honest, my tearing was not nearly as bad as what some woman go through. I have no idea what I am going to do this last and final time. A planned C/s (without labor this time) seems like a better option. :blush:
See now this is one of the reasons I chose (or am hoping for) vbac, because I can't imagine recovering from a c section with having dd to look after too! I know it can be worse recovery for vaginal birth though so I've still been a little undecided. I just know that my c section recovery was really long and hard last time, some women seem to recover quite quickly but I was still struggling walking after 3 weeks so can't imagine how I would cope with a newborn and dd!!

I'm sorry your vbac didn't go too well for you Hun. I hated my labour first time too because I was induced, I guess I'm hoping that natural labour might be slightly better but there are no guarantees are there?
Hi! I'm hoping for a vba2c!

First was emcs due to failure to progress and fetal distress, I was induced at 38 weeks as my son has kidney problems, which I think didn't help the labour.

Second was elective section, I was thinking of a vbac with my second son but I had a pulmonary embolism (blood clot on lung) at 34 weeks and freaked out a bit and thought it best to have everything controlled as possible for the birth.

Both my sons had extra fluid around them too, I hope that doesn't happen again as I know there's a risk of cord prolapse and I think that would go against me. My doctor says he supports my decision for vbac, but a lot would think I'm crazy for trying. I've been told I can go 10 days overdue otherwise I'll have a section at 40+10. 50% success rate they think, so I've got as much chance as doing it as not! And a 2% chance of uterine rupture.

Basically, if I have a heAlthy and uneventful pregnancy and baby, I've got the go ahead. Nice to meet you all. I hope we get the births we want x
Hi purplerat,

My story is similar except I've only had one c section. My dd was in distress during the pushing stage and turned out she was brow presentation and stuck so they couldn't get the forceps on her either (she was in between back to back and right way round, so on an angle lol!). My consultant thinks I have a good chance of labouring well as I was also induced due to my medical reasons not coz I hadn't gone into labour (I was 40 weeks exactly and had raised BP) so as long as I don't go more than 12 days overdue and I stay healthy and so does baby (and if he is in the right position!!) then fingers crossed I can get my vbac!
But every now and again I panic and wonder if it's the right choice!
I have probably written my story quite a few times everywhere but its pretty much the same as you BaileyBubs, From 30 weeks my girl was always breech, I kept going for checks to see if she had changed position then got offered an ECV at around 37 weeks which they didn’t even try to do because apparently my daughters legs were wedged in my pelvis so she wasn’t moving anywhere! At 38 weeks I went into spontaneous labour (1 week before my C-section) but I was hopeful she would move. They checked her position before making the decision they would give me a C-section. She was still breech :( I stayed overnight and my husband went home as they needed to starve me because I had eaten a massive load of popcorn before coming to hospital. It was the worst night sleep ever I cried myself to sleep, I should have been happy but this was not the decision that I wanted for my birth. The next day my husband came in and I sat on the bed strapped to the monitor until 14:00pm when they finally took me in for the C-section. The C-section itself wasn’t that bad, it was the recovery that I hated so much, once I came out of the theatre I felt completely out of it. The hospital didn’t have hardly enough staff so when I tried to get esmee out of her cot to feed her I found it really painful and couldn’t do it, so I would buzz for a midwife only for them to take 15 minutes to actually get to my bed. When I got home I just felt really low depressed and worthless with myself. I did manage to breast feed my daughter but with great difficulty and a nipple shield, which eventually after a couple of weeks she did come off and go onto my bare nipple, but because of how low I felt I think I found it difficult. I really do blame my C-section for my baby blue’s and feel like my C-section was not necessary I could have had a breech birth but they chose what was easier for me. So this time I am fighting everything to not have a C-section xx
Hi ladies please can I join I feel like I would really like to try for a vbac but just not sure I had quite a good ecs my water broke at 2 while I was out to lunch my aunties all came back to my house I finally went in to hospital at nine thirty as had not felt baby move they then did mess about until doing an ecs as her heart beat kept dropping she was born at 12.45 and I went home after one night I recovered really well with my cs apart from my scar got two infections. I think it was ok as I had not been in labour for hours and then had to have a cs so I was not to tired. But they say as they could not find my cervic they don't know how far I got so don't know if I will dilate next time.

Sorry for long post I just can't decide I am a big lady bmi 39 but weigh the same as I did last time at this stage x
Hey VBAC’rs how are we all? Anyone had any consultant appointments or anything? xx
Hey I'm good thanks, I saw my midwife today, I was seeing a consultant who sent me back to midwife care and the midwife wants me under consultant care as I've got several high risk factors this pregnancy!

I'm seeing the birth choices team in a month for an hour long appointment to discuss it all. I hope they support my decision.

Also I had a 16 week scan today and I'm having my first baby girl! (Well she's 70% sure lol).

How's everyone? X
Congratulations on your little girl :) when.is your birth choices appointment? I have a consultant appointment at 28 weeks where I get a scan to check where the placenta is and discuss more indepth about my birth plan xx
Thank you! It's on May 14th and I'll be 21 weeks then. I hope your scan and appointment go well x
Hi ladies!

Imogen sorry I didn't see your post, how are you feeling about your decision now?

Purplerat congrats on your little girl!!

Mysterious eye was your placenta low?

I've got my MW appt next week and haven't seen one since 16 weeks!!! I'm amazed at how relaxed they have been about my pregnancy considering my high risk factors (high BMI, suspected pre-e last time and raised BP and previous C section only a year ago). Has anyone else felt like they've hardly seen anyone?
Well at my 20 week scan my placenta wasn’t low, it was just front lying which is blocking the kicks but other than that the sonographer said that wasn’t a problem for VBAC. We shall see next week whether that has changed though, Bella was breech again… but I am not going to worry about that too much right now.

I did feel like that, I think if I didn’t have a scan next week to check bella’s head (which was quite small at 20 week scan so they wanted to do re-scan at 24 weeks) then I would feel like its ages… After all it is 8 weeks without an appointment xxx
Hi ladies just thought I would update – I am going to a birth reflections consultant as I have started having nightmares about being made to have another C-section :( I really do not want another one xx
Hi can I join you? I'm not due until nov but would love a vbac. My section was due to breech so I've never been in labour. I was told there was no reason for my baby being breech so hopeful this time they won't be. The concern I have is ill be on consultant led since I've had a section and midwife said that means I'll probay get monitored constantly. Does that mean a water birth is out of the question?
Hey Apple, Anyone can join in here :) Mine was the same reason my daughter was breech but I did go into spontaneous labour before my planned C-section @ 39 weeks. I am consultant led, but I am asking for intermittent monitoring instead of being strapped up to a monitoring machine for the whole labour. I haven’t spoken fully with my consultant about water birth but will at my 28 week appointment he said its something we can discuss xx

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