*~*VBAC Hopefuls 2014 *~*

I came to post last week but couldn't write it :( I didn't get my vbac, completely devastated! :( failed to progress again didn't get past two cm even after being on the drip for 5-6 hours having contractions 4 in 10 mins not even 10 secs between contractions :cry: I got to 9 hours in labour and I said I couldn't do it anymore :( my epidural failed 4 times it was horrible :( they have also said I can't try again :( so I'm still so sad about that! Just glad my baby boy come out safely xx good luck everyone :kiss: xx
Aw Hun I'm so sorry you didn't get your vbac :hugs: it's hard to deal with when others don't understand, I remember loads of people saying to me "baby's here safe that's all that matters" which of course is 100% true but we are allowed to feel that disappointment. I'm sorry it was so traumatic for you.
Thank you Hun!! I'm just waiting for life to take over now and be a bit more busy so I can stop thinking about it! While I was pregnant a natural birth was about the less recovery time but after it was too late I realised I craved the experience more then anything and that's what I'm now "mourning" the loss of :(

I really hope you guys get the birth you want and what's right for you xx
How are all you ladies doing? I am back on for being a VBAC hopeful after my baby is continuously growing :) xx
How are all you ladies doing? I am back on for being a VBAC hopeful after my baby is continuously growing :) xx

Thats great news hun, my baby isnt breech either now so I am also still hoping for a vbac! Just getting soooooo tired now though that I keep thinking, if only I chose ELCS I would only have about 17 days left!! But thats no reason for an ELCS really, I know I need to at least try for a vbac or else I wouldnt be happy with myself.
I am sooooo happy she is not breech anymore you must of been getting so nervous :) My one was head down on Wednesday but now I am scared she has turned breech again because I think I can feel kicks 'down below' again. Im hoping its little hands punching instead of kicks as she had hiccups and they felt low down also xx
Got my vbac consultant appointment on Monday to discuss options I guess. Not sure what expect but I'm hoping to find out more about how things work at that specific hospital.

Compiling a list of questions. Anyone got any they have asked/ wished they had asked?
Ask about continuous fetal monitoring and whether they will allow you to move about (I say "allow" because of course it's your choice but some hospitals are more encouraging of active births even with vbac than others are).

I asked about not being induced even if I go very over due, I think the risk is too high for me of uterine rupture so if I go over due or any reason they decide baby needs to be born ASAP I am allowed an ELCS. They will schedule it for 41+5 for me.

I was told by one MW that I would have to have an epidural, I double checked that with my consultant and she said no only if I want it but I will have to have a cannula in preparation in case I need another EMCS.

Ooh and ask when they will want you to go to L&D coz they've asked me to go in as soon as anything starts really so they can monitor me and baby.
Thanks some good questions I wonder if they will induce me if I go over hmm think if prefer not to be induced.
You dont have to be indiced if you go over due, my consultant actually completely agreed with me when I said I didnt want to. Might have been more open to induction if I had a bigger gap between births but my consultant agreed instantly which makes me think it was a good decision. But I also know you can have it if you want to.

When I had my first consultant appointment he filled in a little tick sheet thing and one of the questions was along the lines of "birth plan if post term" and the options were induction or c section so he has ticked c section on mine and written next to it 40+12. They might have something like that for you too, I'm sure they will ask you though :)
so i thought id pass on the info i got from consultant.

As my c-section was due to breech and ive had so far a normal healthy pregnancy i have been given a nearly 90% chance of a successful vbac (if i go into labour naturally).

they will induce if i want but the chances of uterine rupture increases from 4/1000 to 25/1000 so I'm thinking if i don't got by 40+12 I'll book a section.

Im debating constant foetal monitoring as they recommend it but I personally would prefer intermittent. I would have to sign something to say basically its at my own risk which makes me worry.

If I use CFM then they might pick up a rupture faster but it might also slow down the labour. They will let me labour for 10 hours (1cm dilated per hour) before a c-section so can i really risk being stuck on/ around the bed?

I don't know, having never laboured, how much being attached to wires would bother me. I know it would mean no waterbirth.

anyway still decision to make but i like my odds :)

got another appointment for 34 weeks when i make my decision.
That's exactly what I was told too, and I'm due tomorrow so I will let you know how it all goes. I don't mind CFM as long as I don't have to stay ON the bed laid down. If I can sit on a ball or stand next to the bed that's fine. I had CFM with my dd coz I was induced and they let me stand and sit in a chair at first until I got the epidural.
For me I know being active will help the labour so at least for the first part of it I don't wanna be stuck on the bed.
I decided agains induction so will have my ELCS scheduled for hopefully 41+6 (41+5 is a Sunday) so I have 2 weeks for this little monkey to make a move lol!

One thing I will be refusing to start with is a cannula in my hand "just in case". If they start seeing any problems then I will of course do what they wish but there's just as much chance of me needing a cannula as someone who's not vbac (well almost the same chance) so I don't want it straight away if it isn't necessary.
I'd love to hear how it goes. My main debate right now is constant monitoring it not. I would like to have a water birth or at the very least an active birth. I don't plan on having an epidural but I'm open to the idea as I have no idea how I'll cope.

Good luck! Are you trying natural induction techniques?
Oh I've tried everything I can apple lol, nothing's working lol! I have a sweep on Thursday so hoping that will help if I've not gone by then.

I mentioned not wanting CFM to my MW and she just said "well they usually make you have it" I didn't see the point in arguing with her that it's my choice so I'll save it for when I'm in labour if that's what I decide. I don't mind CFM if they let me sit and stand etc. But I think if everything's seeming to go well then I might ask them to take it off. With my dd when I had CFM they did get confused with what it was showing and sometimes it caused unecessary panic. But that was just my experience last time it depends how it all goes.
I saw my vbac consultant yesterday, she said as I've had 2 sections it's more risky with my scars and rupture so said that I can't have any pessarys or a drip to help me along. Basically I've got to labour on my own or I'll be having a section between 40-41 weeks. A bit disappointed but I don't want to risk my or babies health. I just hope I go into labour before 40 weeks myself! X
Yeah my consultant suggested the same to me purplerat coz of the small gap between births so I too am hoping to go naturally (quite desperately now lol!!)
I have gone into labor twice on my own, so hoping this little one follows his sisters! I really had no problem with CFM during my first v-bac as I didn't want to move anyways! I am really hoping for an epidural this time. If I can relax, I am hoping that my body will be able to move the baby down faster. 2 1/2 hours of pushing was not fun!!

36+1 today.....starting to get very anxious!!

Good luck baileybubs! Hopefully your little one decides to come soon!!
Thanks addy! Still nothing lol.

Thats what makes me laugh about me saying I'm unsure about CFM coz I dont wanna be stuck on the bed, you can guarantee now I will want to be on the bned so wont care lol
It is a good idea to have a plan of what you want, but in the moment, you may just change your mind. I thought I would want to walk around and bounce on a ball, but honestly, I would have killed anyone that tried to move me! Haha. Maybe this time will be different...

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