VBAC info/support

Hope all goes well tomorrow Pinga!

Knowing your options and rights is the first step to getting what you want, being strong is more difficult but if you are prepared you can do it.
:wave: can I join too?

I'm pregnant with my second and desperate to VBAC. I was induced at 37+1 due to PET and ended up having an EMCS at 37+3 due to failure to progress past 3cm with foetal decelerations.

So far my BP and urine are ok and I am under consultant care however ive only had one appointment so far and that wasn't even with the actual consultant. However they were still very open to me at least trying a VBAC. I have my next appointment at 34 weeks when I hope I can actually see the actual consultant and get all my questions answered.

At the back of my mind I don't see me getting a successful VBAC but I am more than determined to give it a go!x
Welcome Chele!

Hope this pregnancy is going smoothly!

Try to stay positive and remember just like no 2 pregnancies are the same no 2 labours are either. Its no wonder you had an EMCS if you were only 37 weeks...you and baby weren't ready! But you did what you had to do for both of your safety - dont feel bad about it.

As long as this pregnancy remains problem free you stand a great chance of getting your VBAC. Stay positive and be clear about what you want with your OB.
I'm under weekly monitoring now for protein and my BP which in itself stresses me out. I have a one in five chance of getting it again but at 7 weeks further along than I was when I started having issues with DS.

It's just infuriating about not meeting my consultant yet. I was under consultant care with DS as well and never even met the guy at all so am panicking I won't see the consultant at my next appointment which will be ridiculous as the dr at my last appointment couldnt answer my questions as the answers depended on the consultants viewpoint.

I'm going to have to be very demanding if not!
Hmmm if no problem so far can you decrease the monitoring or do it from home?
I asked to monitor at home once a week and see them once every other week but was declined. Only 9 more to go so don't mind too much as it's a drop in at any time on a wednesday morning so no pressure sitting in a waiting room
I'm so disappointed, I discussed a little bit about labor today with my midwife and she basically told me Constant monitoring is something I HAVE to have.. I know it's not true but with me not seeing my consultant unless I go over due it's really getting to me, she wants me to write a birth plan but I have no idea what to write..

I do not want to be constantly strapped to the bed, ideally I would like to be up and walking (if I can during contractions!) I feel like I'm just being left to my own devices for now but as soon as labor starts I'll be told I can't do this and can't do that.. I'm so frustrated :growlmad:

My previous C section was due to breech presentation by the way,
Hi Rileysmummy

Hope this pregnancy has been ok and I take it this time around baby is head down?

If you don't want to see an OB don't its that simple! You have no obligation to go one at any appointments that are made for you.

As for when it comes to labour the only way to avoid them completely is to stay home but you can certainly labour the way you want until you NEED intervention.

Theres a thread here with VBAC birth plan discussions and I think it was Madasa who suggested that you write a simple list of YES PLEASE and NO THANKS.

So you could have...


upright and mobile, free to move/walk and change positions
pain relief (what would you like)?
VE's (dont care/minimun/none)?
monitoring - intermittent monitoring by sonicaid/pinnard
eat and drink

Constant fetal monitoring
Laying on my back
Intervention without consent of me AND birth partner


...what do you want?
who will catch?
who will check sex?

what dont you want?
coached pushing


managed or physiological?
delayed cord clamping?
who will cut cord?
are you keeping the placenta?
BF straight away?
Vit K injection/orally

What dont you want once they've arrive?
no checking baby until we're ready etc

It is a good idea to have a set of what if's....in case of slow progress I do/do not want, in case of EMCS I do/do not want

Its essential you and your birth partner know what you do and do not want so you can both both be vocal about it. You may be rather too busy to argue the finer points in labour so make sure your partner sticks up for you if they try to sway you to just be monitored etc
Yes this baby is co-operating and is head down! My midwife continually tells me I don't need to see my consultant to discuss the birth :growlmad:
Thank you for that informative post, what section is the VBAC birth plan thread in? x
IN here i natural birthing someone posed theirs and a few of us made suggestions it should still be on the front page.
I'm not sure where to post this besides here. I had my baby girl 4 1/2 months ago. I was 39 weeks pregnant and I went into labor on my own the night before my induction was supposed to be. When I got to the hospital my contractions were every 4-5 mins and when they checked me I was 3 cm. I got my epidural about 6 hours after getting to the hospital and shortly after they came to break my water, at that point I was 5 cm. There was meconium in the water which obviously freaked me out big time. They started me on pitocin to get my contractions going stronger and eventually moved me to an internal contraction monitor. About 2 hours after that I was 8-9 cm and they said they'd come check on me in an hour or so. When they came to check me again I was fully dilated and started trying to push. The nurse said that my daughter was not descending well and told me that she was going to turn off my epidural so that I would feel the natural urge to push. She left for a little while, came back and I tried pushing again but still the nurse said she wasn't descending well. She left again for a little while and came back and told me that it was time for a c-section. I wish at this point I had questioned why but I didn't because I trusted my doctors and nurses. So at about 10pm on April 27th I was prepped for a c-section and my daughter was born at 10:35 pm.

She did have to go to the nicu but thats a different story... The reason I'm posting is that I am still so upset that I had a c-section. I barely got to see my daughter right after she was born and I didn't get to see her in the NICU until 1 am...nearly 3 hours after she was born and at that point I didn't even get to hold her I am so traumatized over this experience still and no one understands why. With my next baby I DO NOT want a c-section. I really want to try for a VBAC but I was told by my doctor that my pelvis is too small and my baby was too big. She also told me that I should not attempt a VBAC with our next baby and this is what's killing me. My daughter was not that big, she was 8lbs 4 oz and 21 inches long.

I'm sorry this post is so long but I'm just looking for someone who understands and can give me some support. Thanks ladies <3
Welcome msq!

Glad to hear baby arrived safely in the end but I'm going to tel you this now it is ok for you to feel bad, guilty, cheated and angry about it.

You are doing the most selfless thing you will will ever do by carrying, birthing and bringing up a child you are allowed to be selfish about some part of it - especially the birth.

I felt the same, no one I spoke to around me understood why or how I felt so horrible after my EMCS considering baby arrived safely...surely thats al that mattered?? Well it isn't all that matters! You matter and the experience matters.

As for wanting a VBAC in the future I cant see any reason why yo cant have one, but I'm no Dr! True cases of cephalic - pelvic disproportion are very rare indeed (often in cases of GD) more often than not it's a case of positioning that is the problem. You had an epi so I'm guessing you were laying on your back? When you lay on your back you baby has to move uphill to get out so unless they're already very low it's very very difficult for baby to move low enough to put enough pressure on the cervix to make you dilate and get the urge to push and then you have to find evergy to psh the little bugger up hioll and out - difficult.

Same happened to me baby was high so slow progress, he happened to be posterior too so bad position all around, I ended up with a drip to make me dilate and got an epi so was on my back - no wonder baby didnt move down!

Anyway - like I said it is very rare for babies to be too big, and no one can say that until it comes to the end of pregnancy when it can be estimated that baby might be too big -scans can be 20% out so if I were you I'd take that with a pinch of salt.

OB's can be very unsupportive, remember you dont have to see them.

You have a long way to go on your journey to VBAC yet, but you can and will be able to do it if you want. If when the time comes you do not have supportive MW/OB then find others you have the right to do so.

Spend time to forgive yourself for what happened, you didn't fail at anything the people taking care of you did, policy did, the circumstances did - you may have ended up with an EMCS no matter what but next time you will make sure you give yourself the best possible chance for a Vaginal Birth.

Don't let your EMCS be your undoing, let it make you stronger - you have survived the trauma and you will come out of the other side a more knowledgeable person who is clear about what she wants and gunning to get it!
Feeling deflated and unsure of which way to go.

I had my consultants appointment and she okayed it for me to have a VBAC and said they wouldnt induce me.

My 20 week scan the midwife said they would induce me

So I now don't know where I stand and will have to go back and see the consultant on Jan 4th

Any ideas what I can and cant do? I had a previous elective C Section due to breech presentation.

I am due Jan 28th and have exams on the 10 Jan and the 8th Feb.

So I dont know if a C Sec might be better
My second which was VBAC I remained adamant throughout that I didnt want a section. They said they wouldn't induce as it increases risk of section. As it happened I was induced and did go on to have a successful VBAC.
I know I got to the stage where o doubted my decision, this was largely as I was 12 days over. But I'm glad I stuck to my guns.
Only you know what decision is right for you, you can keep to VBAC and change last minute to section if things change. Xx
Hi Frankie, induction by pit or synto does increase the risks of rupture however the risks remain small.

So usually induction is not something that is recommended for VABC but under certain circumstances induction will be used...BUT it will be gentle and this is the only time I would suggest that CFM would be a good thing to keep an eye on you and baby.

I wouldnt worry too much hun, even though you had an ELCS so I'm assuming you didnt go into labour it's unlikely you'd need an induction anyway! Far too many women have inductions just because they go over 40 weeks not because they need them.

As for what you can and cannot do it is the same as any labouring woman you do what you damn well want to!! YOu can choose to follow hospital recommendations like getting to hospital asap, CFM, and a cannula, or you choose to labour your way in your own time and stand a better chance of VBAC as you're more relaxed doing what your body tells you, or you choose to ELCS and again you can choose to ELCS early to avoid labour, or ELCS once you go into labour but it'll happen in early labour.

You can change your mind as late as you like and you should be accommodated hun,
Some interesting new links in the stats and info section first post.

I must say this one make me want to cry for any woman living in the US

It is extremely sad, and even worse to know that I am part of that statistic. :cry:I wish that shows like "A Baby story" were not on, because that is what women come to expect. And I say that because that is how it was for me. I thought, "well, I have watched all of these shows so I pretty much know what to expect" and did not actually research all of the options. Not that I have had my experience, I am much more educated and informed. I wish that every woman would watch "One Born Every Minute" so that eyes could be opened to what is happening in the US!
Would just like to say, I saw my consultant at a growth scan and he chatted some things through with me, I see him again on Friday for an induction date before 40+10 if my little man hasn't made his appearance by then! I'm so happy they are supporting me, my consultant was really pleased I agreed to an induction even if my cervix wasn't favourable he knows how much I want my VBAC! I was expecting them to say if I hadn't gone into labour by 41 weeks it would be a planned section.. I'm thrilled! :happydance:
Glad youre happy with your plan Ryliemummy, it does help you relax if you know things are planned for.
You wait you'll go into labour just before the induction!
Hi there, I'm only thinking ahead. But I have a query, does anyone know the chance of cord prolapse if baby is in a footling breech presentation? I have unicornuate uterus which is usually half the size of a normal uterus so my baby didn't have the room to turn to the head down position. The registrar said due to my abnormal womb my next baby will likely be in the same position. If that is the case then I'd love to attempt a vaginal footling breech delivery over a c section. But I'm not aware of the risk of cord prolapse. Sorry if this doesn't make sense

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