Vbac/vba2c support!


Jul 20, 2012
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Come join me on my crazy journey of my vba2c.

If anyone wants to share their stories of successful vbac or vba2c please do!

If you want encouragement or just want to encourage me, do that too :)
Hi there!

I'm as yet undecided but my gut feeling is that I want a vba2c.

Both my children got stuck and first ended in EMCS but second was a successful VBAC with episiotomy and forceps. It was a very quick labour though and I ended up losing a lot of blood and was in shock and had a transfusion, so my fears of this baby getting stuck too along with a potentially fast labour is making me wonder if vba2c is the right thing!!

How was your VBAC?
I haven't had a vbac yet, vba2c means I'm trying for a vaginal birth after 2 c-sections... So I think if I understand correctly you are just trying for another vbac because you've only had 1 c-section and 1 vbac right?

Well done on your vbac. If I can encourage you for a minute, I've heard that once you have 1 baby vaginally your next baby should come out much smoother because your body has done it before . My friend tore terribly with her first and it was a very traumatic birth, she was TERRIFIED of a second birth but her second came very quickly and easily and was even larger than her first, he was out in 3 pushes and she just had a small graze that didn't require stitches!

I think it's awesome that you already achieved a vbac, I'm sorry you are so worried about it and I understand that!!
DD2 was an induced VBA2C! id do it all over again if i could ( except i would have pushed for more time in the tub!!!!!!) :happydance::happydance:

I'm researching doulas currently!

I'm waiting for my first appointment with my new Dr, it's in 2 weeks from Monday! I've also been reading everything I can and watching vba2c you tube videos! Those have been very helpful!
Oh yes thanks for that pink passion, yes it will be another vbac not a vba2c for me hehe!

Also thank you for those words of encouragement, part of me was thinking perhaps now I've had the vbac a natural birth may be easier! Think just that worry that both my babies got stuck haunts me a little. But as I say my gut feeling is that I want a VBAC as I still wouldn't have changed how my sons birth went. I am glad I didn't opt for an ELCS.
So envious of those of you who are able to try! My VBAC failed with DS and I am not allowed to VBA2C with this one. I have accepted my ELCS but still hurts a little. :(
So envious of those of you who are able to try! My VBAC failed with DS and I am not allowed to VBA2C with this one. I have accepted my ELCS but still hurts a little. :(

not allowed??? BULL. Find a new dr! Theres nothing saying you legally cant
So envious of those of you who are able to try! My VBAC failed with DS and I am not allowed to VBA2C with this one. I have accepted my ELCS but still hurts a little. :(

not allowed??? BULL. Find a new dr! Theres nothing saying you legally cant

I legally can and both my OB practice and hospital supports VBACs but I just physically can't. I suffer from insufficient pelvic space. Baby physically can't descend into my pelvis. :(
X_amour, you possibly are truly someone that can't give birth vaginally but I know the actual percentage of true cpd is very rare and usually the result of a pelvic injury or anomaly!!

I'm so sorry your vbac was not successful with your son! It's good that you tried it. I'm not sure if you are even interested or not because I understand that feeling of "Just can't" physically and emotionally, but if you want watch a few YouTube videos of vba2c. There are so many on there that for whatever reason baby 1 and 2 would not descend into birth canal and they honestly thought they just couldn't birth vaginally but decided anyway to try 3rd time (vba2c) and many were successful! Either way I know you have to do what's best for you!! Good luck and feel free to follow along this journey with us!!
hi ladies i am def trying for a VBAC even though my dr said its impossible ive decided to get another dr. must people dont get why its so important to me. but aside from recovery time i just wanna experience it too.
Is a vba2c a common thing now? I keep reading mixed things.
Is anyone from the UK and considering one?
It is becoming more and more accepted as newer guidelines have come out from our country's American college of obstetrics and gynecology association. The guidelines say that there is very little if any increased risk in a vbac vs vba2c. Definitely good to be getting a chance to try!!
I am trying for a second VBAC. My first was a CS (failed induction at 33 weeks for severe pre-e), second was an induced VBAC (at term), hoping for a natural VBAC this time!

Link to my VBAC story in my journal from my second pregnancy
That's interesting that it's not much more risk. I'm not sure what the guidelines are in the uk.
First born was an emergency section due to serious fetal distress. He lifted his chin off his chest at the last minute during pushing and got stuck. :/

DS2 was a VBAC and that's because I REFUSED to let anyone near me with a scalpel again. While I know it was to save the life of my DS1, I wish my first delivery was different. I went into labour at 38+1, had a very quick, drug free 4 hour labour with DS2 barely making it into Labour and Delivery.

DS3 again I knew I wasn't going under the knife. Again labour started at 38+1 weeks, 12 hour drug-free labour (if you don't count the 10 minutes of gas to take the urge of wanting to push) and unassisted.

Will be going the same way again with baby #4. I want my tubes tied but I'm not prepared to have that done at the same time as a section so that will happen when baby is around 6 months.
I'm in the UK and going for a VBA2C. My midwife looked at me as though I had two heads when I told her of my plans but she's very supportive now. The Consultant said it is no more risky than an induced VBAC and they do that all the time. She had to go through all the risks with me but she was very supportive. Just need baby to play ball now and be head down! :)
I'm in the UK and going for a VBA2C. My midwife looked at me as though I had two heads when I told her of my plans but she's very supportive now. The Consultant said it is no more risky than an induced VBAC and they do that all the time. She had to go through all the risks with me but she was very supportive. Just need baby to play ball now and be head down! :)

Hi DJ.
Did your consultant look at you like you had two heads aswell or was she supportive from the start? Would be great if you can update when the time comes :)
Hey ,

So I've never gone into labour , ds I was AROM at 40wk and had baby 4.5hr later . DD1 PROM with no contractions at 26+6 then induced labor at 32+3 , failed so had emcs. DD2 was supposed to be a VBAC but at 37 weeks I measured 49 ( yes that's 49 cm! !!!) With a big baby and polyhydramnios so Dr's agreed a section would be better at 38wks. I have a section scheduled for 39wks , but had recently felt that if I went into labour beforehand I'd like to see if I could deliver naturally. My OB felt that I should just have the elcs , family are horrified I'd even consider a natural birth . Hubby is supportive , he'd worry either way tbh as I haemorrhaged last csec. Has anyone successfully vbac'd with a similar obstetric history ?

My only concerns are that DS was only 7lb3 and I was very young and fit , but I had to push for almost two hours . Narrowly escaped forceps and tore quite badly . He was in an awkward position though and I'm trying to hang on to that . Then my hubby is huge and I'm expected to have a big baby . People are using these facts to tell me I'm ridiculous for even contemplating it. :cry::shrug:
Following with interest. Im currently pregnant with my third and considering a VBA2C, failed induction @ 42 weeks with first baby and he was 10lb, second my body went into labour but they deemed 'no progression' without even checking me and I had my second csection on the date it was planned! Hes just turned one this baby is due in january, decided if my labour starts naturally then ill attempt it, I have a scan at 36 weeks to check babies size. and yep, got looked at like i had 2 heads when i outright said i didnt want the section!

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