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Apr 27, 2012
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Have any of you ladies have a natural birth after a csection? I'm am debating if I should try natural birth or just have another csection. Which has more risks to baby?
I haven't, but I'm in the same position as you. I do know that c-section has more risks to both mother and baby though. I'm thinking of trying for a vbac because my waters broke and I went into labour at 36weeks, so I think that means my body was ready to do what it needed to. I only had a section as my LO was undetected breech.

Have you been able to discuss this with your midwife or doctor yet? There might also be some threads worth reading the the c-section and labour forums.
I want to VBAC but thus far I've met so many restrictions, I.e. Can't use a birth centre, can't have a water birth etc so I'm think I'll opt for another section as I want sterilised after this one (number 4).

I'll wait and see how this progresses and if I meet more positive midwives but right now I'm planning section I think.
The risks are very small! The numbers I was given at my appt last week was 6 in 1,000 have complications from uterine rupture and my midwives and ob have an 80% success rate for their attempted vbacs. There are a lot more restrictions but I think personally for me another section would be more risky because I lost a lot of blood with DS. I almost needed a transfusion (hope that's the right term). Just go what is best for you. I am a little scared but no more than I would be fore another section ;)
I've been thinking about this as well, but because I had my section 7 and a half months ago and there will be a year age gap between the 2, I think a VBAC might be out of the question for me. i'm meant to be seeing a consultant when I am 24 weeks, still waiting on a letter for an appointment for that. i'm hoping to find out what I can and can't have then. I know they'll keep a closer eye on me because my son was early and I lost quite a bit of blood.
I'm definitely desiring a VBAC (possibly at home) due to the overwhelming benefits to mom and baby. There are risks, but repeat c-sections do too. My c-section caused lots of health problems after birth for my daughter, so I would like to avoid it at (nearly) all costs.
I'm unsure as if I haven't gone naturally I will be induced at 38 weeks an so many end up in an emcs :( really need to weigh up the pros an cons x
I had a successful vbac in May.
First Labour induced (although no pitocin) on due date due to obstetrics cholestasis. Straightforward first stage labour of approx 1cm a hour on gas&air and one shot of pethadine early on. Pushed for almost 2 hours. Nothing happening and baby becoming distressed. They ultra scanned me and found him brow presentation (head tilted backwards and forehead to my cervix so basically no way he could come out). Taken to theate spinal block and attempted forceps but no way he was moving so emcs. All very traumatic at the end and took me a long time to come to terms with.

Second pregnancy I was desperate for vbac. It was so important to me I can't even explain it.
I avoided obstetric cholestasis this time and went into Labour myself at home at 40+6. Had bh all day but thought nothing of it but timed them at 6pm and they were very regular 4-7 min apart and lasting a minute. Left for hospital at 7pm and they suddenly became very very painful! Shouting at my hubby to drive faster. I think it was how quick it happened. For painless contractions to intense contractions every few minutes was a shock. Got to hospital and was checked at 8pm and was 4cm. Used gas and air and at 10pm I was ready to push. They took my gas away so I did the pushing stage on nothing! Bloody hell it hurt but hey I did say I wanted to feel it and experience it and I sure did lol!!!! He was born at 11.10pm. The midwives were getting worried about length of pushing but a wonderful doctor let me continue. He came out with his hand by his face and this resulted in shoulder dystocia. I remember pushing out his head (ouch) and then they said 'shoulders', pressed the emergency button and dropped the bed flat. Luckily they just pushed my legs back and I pushed him out. He delivered on my tummy but was a little shocked so hubby didn't get to cut the cord. He was fine and breastfed for about 2 hours! I had a second degree tear which required quite a lot of stitches. He was 9lb 3.
I'm so happy I had my vbac! I feel completed now. No more babies for us so I'm so happy I went for it. I was shocked how painful my bits were afterwards and it took a good week to be able to sit properly lol. But totally worth it.
Its always nice to hear ladies having successful VBAC's. Im really hoping for a VBAC too...having a c-section made me feel helpless...so dependent upon others. Hoping i will be successful xx
I'm hoping for a vbac too :) My consultant is happy for me to try for one as long as baby doesnt get too big (he was estimated to be 6lb 4oz at 34 weeks) but im not sure what they would class as 'too big' anyway xxx
I'm told by the midwife that the consultants will try to persuade me to have VBAC. I have an appointment with Birth Choices so hopefully will be able to discuss it then. I would prefer a VBAC I think.
I had a VBAC with my second daughter :)
My section with my first was a one time thing... Water broke, labour not progressing, got pitocin'd, baby went into distress and off to the OR I went. I labored 18 hours and never got passed 3 cm.

With the second... My water broke around 7:30, contractions started a few hours later on their own. From first contraction to birth was 5 hours 45 minutes! And I did it completely natural in the bathtub at the hospital.

Natural births are so amazing. The adrenaline and wave if HOLY CRAP I DID IT!!! Are so overwhelming. It freaking hurts but it is do worth it. It is really the proudest moment of my life!

Do try if you can! It's better for baby to not get the drugs through you, your recovery is SOOOO much easier and it's just amazing how accomplished you feel!
Buzzymomma that's great to hear - gives me hope that I can get a vbac and as natural as possible. Would love to labour in the water this time but not sure if would be allowed to with the monitoring. You give me hope, though it could be different in UK!
You can do it!

I'm in Canada, which doesn't seem to be too far off usually from the UK, but I had intermittent monitoring. They listened for my daughter's heartbeat between *every* contraction for the first few hours, then they checked her heartbeat every 3rd or 4th contraction after they started coming quite close together.

It was such an amazing experience.
I'm aiming for VBAC. When I mentioned it to doctor, he seemed amazed that anyone (without prexisting conditions) would want anything else.
Oh I so want a VBAC. I'm desperate! I hate not knowing how things will go. Our age gap will only be 18 months but they still advised me to try VBAC. I was induced last time at 39 weeks for high BP and laboured very quickly after one pessary I didn't even need any syntocinon (pitocin). Pushed for over an hour and he was OP. Failed forceps. Straightforward energency C/S and really easy recovery. But still... I just want to say I did it!!
My mum did, she had a c-section with me then went in to have three more naturals.
But her 1st birth was a natural as well so I don't know if that makes a difference?
She said her c-section experience was horrible and never wanted to go through it again, so she didn't. She was very sick and had to have a section with me though it wasn't her choice.
I had a successful v-bac! I am not sure that the recovery was any easier for me, with the tearing....I had pain for around 7 months...compared to 4 weeks with my section. I wouldn't trade the experience, but I really am not looking forward to doing it again once we conceive #3:wacko:

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