

Mum and expecting #2!
Jul 17, 2012
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Hi ladies,
27 weeks now, VBAC hopeful & feeling huge!

I never wrote a birth plan with my first, nor did I do any research. With my consultant meeting in 3 weeks, I decided to start my birth plan so I have something to use in the meeting.

Can you give me advice on what to change/include and if I've covered all the bits. I really would love a VBAC this time round.


I do not consent to any labour inductions based on dates. My son will come when he is ready, not by a forced nature. I am willing to attend hospital appointments for monitoring up until his arrival.

Please note: If a Caesarean delivery is needed, then I request that a more 'natural' approach is taken, I would like the drape dropped the minute my son is born, I would like skin to skin contact straight away and to breast-feed. Furthere to this I request a delay in the clamping of his cord. I request that Matt attends theatre with me. If the child cannot have skin to skin with me given whatever reason, then I request that he is passed to either Matt Smith or Mo Yates. I urge that an emergency caeserean is only done, if all over avenues have been looked into, or if myself or the baby are in danger. I would prefer a spinal, so that I am awake and alert at the time of delivery.

When I go into labour, I would like to stay at home for as long as possible, with the assistance of my midwife and partner. I will then come into hospital when she thinks it is necessary.

Furthermore, if the hospital are currently doing any research when I go into labour, I wish not to be used in such research, and decline permission.

I do not want a cannula fitted when I go into hospital unless it is genuinely needed. I want to be as mobile as possible and having an unused cannula, will imped on my mobility and certain positions. I am aware that staff will be able to input one in adequeat time, should I need one. I request that IV access should only be done if it is needed.

If monitoring is required, then I request that I am as mobile as I can be, and upright whilst connected to the monitor. I am willing to accept any advice on positions from my midwife. However, I would prefer monitoring to be done so, using the hand-held device unless there are any concerns.

I request no internal scar check, and if a check is needed, I would like my midwife to use the Maternal pulse method.

I would like to labour and hopefully deliver in the birthing pool.
If I am struggling with the pain, I would like other pain relief methods to be discussed with me, and I would like to avoid having an epidural and would like to be encouraged against one.

I request that medical intervention is limited and that internal examinations are kept to a minimum.

Providing that the baby and I are doing well, I do not want my labour to be rushed or sped up using medicines. I wish to labour at my own pace, as long as I am progressing.

I would like to be told when the baby is crowning, and I ask that I can feel the head/ see it in a mirror.

Once the baby is born, I ask that Matt Smith, or Gill Martin (If Matt can't for some reason) to cut the cord. I consent to the injection to deliver my placenta.

The baby:
I allow the Vitimin K injection to be given.
By no means, should he be given fomula milk if he cannot breast-feed with me due to a situation where I am not able to. I request that he is given donor breast-milk until I am able to nurse him.
I had a VBAC in the water two weeks ago and it was amazing. I hope you get to experience this too!

Your birth plan looks great. The only things I'd add is that you can't have the injection to deliver the placenta if you are in the water so you'll have to deliver it naturally or get out of the water to have the jab; and you should add that you'll not consent to have your waters broken to speed things up (if you want to progress naturally of course!)
Sorry to crash your thread but just wanted to ask a couple of questions. I had an EMCS with my DD after a failed induction and I'm now 6 weeks pregnant with my second. I've been adamant since we started trying that I want to try for a VBAC but was always under the impression that you had to be constantly monitored during a VBAC. Your birth plan however sounds exactly what I want - is this allowed in the UK? Is the birth pool actually an option after you've had a C Section? X
it depends on the hospital. but when you have your book in meeting, ask your midwife. my hosp allows it as they can monitor me with wireless technology :) good luck, hope you get the birth you want xxx
find out what your hosp policy is on VBACs. also, if youre on facebook theres lots of VBAC support groups :) xx
It looks great! When I went into labor I stayed home as long as possible (walking and pacing!). When I got to the hospital I was 7cm dilated. I requested I stay mobile because the pain was easier to bare while walking. I did request not to have a cannula put in, but they put one in for precaution anyway (by that time I was 9cm and it was taken out immediately after birth).
I had a failed VBAC but this was my birth plan. :flower:


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