+'ve OPK!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2006
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:headspin: Just got my first +'ve OPK the test line is darker than the control line!!
Thought i'd just see what it came up as, as my CM today has been really runny:blush: (sorry if TMI) Cool never had a result with them before, mind you it is day 32 of my cycle! so i must be tyring to ovulate later in my cycle than i first thought! oh well and typical hubby is on nights tonight!
MMM some early morning bd when he gets home :sperm: :blush:
LOL i was going to say what are you still doing here ! go get him !! lol

Great news though hun !
Ohh great news :D

Think i may try the last one i have sitting in my box jsut for the hell of it lol
How many days are you normaly in your cycle (If you dont mind me asking)
How many days are you normaly in your cycle (If you dont mind me asking)

How longs a piece of string would be the easy answer my cycles can be anything between 32 and 45 days though last cycle was 72 days!!

Bit random!:dohh:
That would drive me nuts....Good luck Hun....
Cool thats great Hypnorm! I have never had a + with an OPK either. :wacko:
Good Luck - Thats great news!

Hope tonight is your lucky night lol!
are you due to test around about now?

Hope its good news

i dont know when it would show plus i have no test kits and rather overdrawn at the moment! so will wait a while
i dont know when it would show plus i have no test kits and rather overdrawn at the moment! so will wait a while

your normaly get your AF or a + 14 days after ovulation, give or take a day, I have a couple of spare tests here that i can send you if you want, they are only cheapie ones but they should do the trick.
PM me if you want them

THanks have PM'ed you.

So i should be due for af on about day 46 ish.
i posted them last night for you, hopefuly you should get them today, not going to be on for a while now so please let me know how it goes.

Fingers crossed for you!

OOOh hypnorm keep us updated !! :) fingers crossed for you xx

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