KATO79 I think that's the perfect way to be with someone ltttc. I was so happy for my best friend who fell pregnant so easily, but felt sad it wasnt happening for me. I did once say to her when we chatted that I would never wish what we were going through on anyone. She was good about it though, she never complained about her pregnancy issues and it wasn't the only topic of conversation for 9 months.
I've pointed a few people to this forum who have since come forward and told me about their fertility issues. I've been very open since announcing our BFP about the journey we had getting to this point. I think infertility can be a very lonely place if don't know others who are going through it too.
So glad your friend was so great about it
I've also been pretty open to people I know well about it. Although to mixed reactions.
My narcissistic siblings (I come from a
very toxic and dysfunctional family), all older than me and they were so much older we weren't even raised together (we all have different fathers), have been horrible about it. My toxic older brother went through infertility with his enabler wife that worships him (they tried for 5 years and went through numerous IVFs), he has been completely unsupportive and been a total jerk about it. That and his constant put downs mean we haven't really spoken in almost 2 years and any contact we've had has been unpleasant since he constantly is condescending and puts me down. My toxic older sister is similiar. Every time I've set boundaries for their behavior, both concerning my infertility but also in general, they've gotten angry about it and tried to make me feel like I'm the one in the wrong. My toxic mother has been awful as well, she went from trying to get me to
not TTC (she feels children are a mistake and "not worth the effort you put into them") to fake supportive which was obvious by her reaction to my BFP earlier this month: she completely ignored it, didn't even say congratulations to me and even said something with "... when you get pregnant."
My in-laws have been difficult as well since they have 0 understanding of infertility. My MIL was very fertile and conceived her 3 sons easily (my DH is the middle child). I can't count the number of times my MIL would tell me the old "just relax and it'll happen" bit, especially after we were diagnosed unexplained. I think they still fail to understand that unexplained doesn't mean
nothing is wrong, just that they can't find the cause. I've given them a few pamphlets on infertility but I don't think they've read them
One of my DH's friend's girlfriend who has 2 kids from a previous relationship was also awful about it. I remember at a Christmas luncheon we held last year that she kept saying because 2 of her friends had Oing issues that that
must be the reason I was having problems conceiving. I told her that my RE said that that was definitely not the issue but she kept on harping about it and acting like she was some infertility expert

I ended up changing the subject because I was about to take a frying pan and smack her on the head with it

I of course wouldn't do it, just had an urge to for a split second
One of my friends is pretty understanding about it now but she's so busy with her studies and especially her new boyfriend that she's not been very available for talking about it. She doesn't even know I got a BFP on the 5th even though we told her the date of my beta and she's never asked how it went.
So yeah, it's pretty lonely when you have no one to talk about it with. I've only had DH and the ladies on BnB to talk to about it.