Hiya i 100% know how you feel.
Back in November 2010 i started a college course, on the 5th day i dropped my daugter at her childminder and was walking home to get my stuff for college, i felt like a stumbled never fell just kinda lost balance, never thought anything of it, went to college and by lunchtime i felt like a dead weight was extremly dizzy and felt like i was going to pass out, one of the girls in the class took me to a&e i swear i thought i was dying, it was that bad. Got to a&e and got seen straight away, was hooked up to heart machine as i felt my chest tight, but to be honest i probably got myself into such a state they said thats what caused it as ECG results were fine! they also checked my sugar levels and they were low!! so had a cup of tea and a fizzy juice and it brought the levels up. they gave me tablets and sent me home, i was still not better tablet werent working, Will try and cut this short, so was back and forth at the doctors over a few months wasnt getting anywhere with tablets they prescribed, so they sent me to hospital and a doctor there said he would refer me for an MRI scan and to get a heart monitor on as i felt like i was going to pass out, i never did, but that feeling is soo scary and i have 2 kids aged 2 and 5 so was hard looking after them and feeling like this, this illness also brought on panic attacks which ive never had in my life and also the anxiety i have is so bad, its restricted my life so bad!! anyway went for MRI and i got in and had 2 get them 2 get me out i couldnt do it the space was soo small,

went for heart monitor which i was 2 wear for 24hrs and the results were fine for that! I noticed a pattern that when my period was due my symptoms worsend so the doctor said that it was all the extra hormones, so got the implant in, so mays period i felt like crap, dizzy no energy etc, june i was absolutely fine, felt the best ive had since this started, then up untill last week been feeling crap agaon so ive got the docs at 11.15 today! ive not been taking anything for dizzyness as nothing works, i also forgot to add that i did get numerous blood tests, and my b12 levels were low so now i am on a vitamin tablet for that!
sorry this was long, i just hope you get the help you need as i would hate anyone to suffer this, its horrible, oh and get what caused this, the COLDSORE virus!! months later i found this out on a hospital appointment and when i looked back 2 the week this started i had 5 cold sores!!! worst av ever had!!