I feel your pain! My LO was born on the 5th May so we are nearly at the 3 week mark. The first 2 weeks were the worst for me. My nipples weren't too bad until my milk came in. I used lansinoh religiously and let them air as much as possible. By the 2 week mark, we began to turn a corner and now at almost 3 weeks they are all healed, and it only hurts initially when he grabs on if my areola is all shrunken up and wrinkly (sorry hope that makes sense!) and or my boobs are pretty full. Otherwise things are good and I'm so glad I made it through those first couple of weeks. Between the nipple pain, engorgement and hormones I was miserable. Of course we are still very early days but I feel that we are on the upswing. Most things that I read said improvement should happen between 2-6 weeks. Hang in there, I know it feels like an eternity, but once things improve, it makes it all worth it. And for what it's worth, I think 15 minutes each side is good. My LO fed about the same and wasn't topped up