Hi Ladies!
I had my beautiful baby girl on 01/06/2010 by elective c/section and tried very hard to bf but she just couldnt latch, we tried for 3 days solid but it just wasnt to be
She was 6lb 4oz born and has a hole in her heart along with an enlarged heart and jaundice so the hospital decided that I needed to express as much bm as poss but suppliment with formula.
At 1 week old her weight had dropped to 5lb 12oz at 2 weeks she had gained up to 6lb 8oz and at 3 weeks she was 7lb 6oz... now for the questions!!
She is 4.2 weeks old now and I have had to put her on hungry baby milk as she was taking 4oz every 2 hours and just seemed starving and now she is on 5oz every 3 hours until night time when she goes 4 hourly, is this way too much milk? Am I over feeding her? I cant hold her off for a feed as she screams really bad and it makes me feel terrible
Also when counting hours between feeds do you start counting at the beginning of the feed or the end ie if I feed Brooke at 12 and it takes half and hour to feed and I feed her again at 3 has she went 2.5 hours or 3? I asked my mw and hv and neither 'knew'???
Thanks ladies
Donna xx
I had my beautiful baby girl on 01/06/2010 by elective c/section and tried very hard to bf but she just couldnt latch, we tried for 3 days solid but it just wasnt to be
She was 6lb 4oz born and has a hole in her heart along with an enlarged heart and jaundice so the hospital decided that I needed to express as much bm as poss but suppliment with formula.
At 1 week old her weight had dropped to 5lb 12oz at 2 weeks she had gained up to 6lb 8oz and at 3 weeks she was 7lb 6oz... now for the questions!!
She is 4.2 weeks old now and I have had to put her on hungry baby milk as she was taking 4oz every 2 hours and just seemed starving and now she is on 5oz every 3 hours until night time when she goes 4 hourly, is this way too much milk? Am I over feeding her? I cant hold her off for a feed as she screams really bad and it makes me feel terrible
Also when counting hours between feeds do you start counting at the beginning of the feed or the end ie if I feed Brooke at 12 and it takes half and hour to feed and I feed her again at 3 has she went 2.5 hours or 3? I asked my mw and hv and neither 'knew'???
Thanks ladies
Donna xx