Very very late!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2010
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Ok ladies.... I know this is very late but I'm still having terrible nightmares about my birth and won't let anyone near my "special area" so my doctors told me it might be good for me to talk about my birth (I joined this site after having Millie or I'd of done this before) so here goes......

17th May 23.10 - 8 days overdue just gooing to bed & felt my first contraction instantly knew what it was and was bearable so tried to get some sleep!

18th May - I managed till 4 am just getting woke up with contractions every half hour or so then had to wake OH up to let him know I was in labour. So we sat around the flat timing the contractions tried to have some breakfast but couldn't face anything so called the hospital who told me to have a bath & relax it's going to be a while yet!

Got till 8.30 & they told me to come in (from my house to the hospital is 2 junctions on the motorway usaully takes 10 minutes but not today I was stuck on the M25 at 8.30am trying to get to St Peters) so in we went was examined & was only 2cm gone so sent home & told to take paracetemol & lay in a bath which I did. Then around 12ish my waters went or what I thought was my waters as was only a little bit so called hospital again who told me to come back in examined me again but was a different examination this time but still said not ready & to go home again!! About 4pm that day it all got to much so George tool me to the hospital again & this time they checked & was 4cm so let me stay!!!

I was taking up to my delivery room and told to wait & someone would come see me & give me the gas & air, an hour passed and still no one came although I was shouting thru my contractions, eventually my partner went & found a midwife & was informed triage hadnt' told them I was there!!
A midwife come in along with a student midwife (who was great) they told me to get in the bath & tried giving me gas & air which I'd then decided I didn't want the midwife kept trying to force it on me in the end I shouted at her & she left it. Then about half hour later they asked me again if I wanted so I thought I'd try it & I wish I'd had it from the start it really helped me!

I got out the bath & had a little walk around the room & got on the ball they checked me again about 10.30 & I was only 7cm gone they said they'd check again at 2.30 and offered me a epidurla or pefedin I declined both & stayed on the gas & air my water went properly about 12.00 I was so scared I thought I was weeing myself haha! About 20 minutes later I said I feel like I need a poo & I need to push they said they'd then examine me in a hour after about 5 minutes I was in agony & said no examine me now they again refused and said ok at 1am in the end I was shouting to examine me as I knew the baby was on it's way lo and behold they exmaine me & I'm 10cms & ready to deliver (Why do they not listen... we know our bodies!!!)

So I spent the next half hour pushing... pushing & pushing but baby didn't want to come out then they called in a doctor whoi said I'd need a vontouse to help (Babies heartrate was also being monitored & kept going down & not coming back up as quickly as they liked) so in the end the cut me and give me 2 more chances to push baby out which I couldn't do so they said one last chance and out come the head followed by the rest of her body, which totally shocked us as we always thought she was a boy, they then give me the injection which I'd said I didn't want in my birth plan as I'd not had any drugs during the labour then after my placenta come out I ended up hemoraging midwife asked OH to hit the emergency button then I had about 20 people around me with my legs in stirups trying to stop this bleeding (no one told us what was happening) eventually they stopped it doctors checked me & said 2nd degree tear & for the midwife to stitch me up!

So midwife is almost finished stitching me up & notices something isn't right so called in a doctor was all talking quietly between them then I was told I'd suffered a third degree tear, my stitches would need to come back out & I would have to go into theatre for stitching & would need a spinal! I was gutted I'd just done 26 hours of labour with no epidural & now I've ended up with one anyway I was really upset! So I signed all the forms etc and was allowed to feed Millie before I went down then I was taken into theatre and stitched up good and proper then I was wheeled back to my room to spend some time with Millie & after a couple of hours they let me have breakfast (I'd not eaten since Monday properly it's now Wednesday). I was then taken down to the post natal ward & told I wouldn't be allowed home that day I was also stuck in my bed till the spinal wore off then after being really nice to one of the nurses & letting them do what they wanted to me I was allowed to go home at 9.30 that evening.... I then went home and spent the night with my little princess well I slept oh stayed up with her & just woke me up when she needed boobieaide haha !!

Anyway ladies thanks for listening I'm hoping writing about it will help a bit & I've also been offerered a birth reflections meeting so hopefully soon I'll be back to the old me! xx
Oh I should also say the whole time I was pushing I was asking if I was pooing as I was so scared of it but luckily I didn't !
Congrats on the Birth. Sorry it was such a traumatic experience :flower:
Well done for sharing your story, what an ordeal, I really feel for you.

It sounds like you did your very best to communicate with the staff at hospital and they weren't reciprocating, which sadly seems a bit of a common theme :(

Your little girl looks beautiful and giving birth - even if it isn't a great experience - is a real achievement.

Hopefully being able to reflect will help you come to terms with the whole thing,

Good luck and best wishes xx
congrats hun, hope u find talking about it helps xx

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