Very very long birth of Freya 10.5.09 *UPDATED PAGE 2*



It has been nearly 10 weeks since I had my baby, and this is the first time I have actually wanted to write this down. Things didn’t happen as I had hoped they would and I am still feeling the effects from it now.

I had planned on having as natural a birth as possible, at a nearby Birth Centre, using the pool and at the most, gas and air. I definitely did not want an epidural, pethidine or anything that might affect the baby.

My baby was due 26th May. My waters broke 1am Friday 8th May, but only a little bit, just running down my leg as I got out of bed. I knew it was definitely this as it had no smell, felt just like water and I didn’t need the loo or anything. I got back into bed and the contractions started, about 20 mins apart and not too bad at first. Didn’t wake my hubby Jake, as I thought they might go away!

By 7 am Saturday morning the contractions were coming about every 10 mins and were getting worse. I decided to wait a bit then ring the Birth Centre as I knew that if your waters had gone they liked to check all was ok. I wanted to stay at home as long as possible and I didn’t really want to go there and be sent home again. So I spent the morning on my birth ball and getting lots of nice back rubs from Jake. At about 1pm we rang them, the contractions were still about every 10 mins and were getting really really painful now. We went in, they checked me and said I was still less than 1cm dilated! Argh! Couldn’t believe it, it was so painful I thought I would be more. They also said that as far as they could see my waters hadn’t broken, she said I must have wet myself! I knew they had, so this upset me a bit.

They checked the baby, said she was in a good position, and said to go home and come back when ready. I was so disappointed, but off we went home again. Got home at 3pm, my mum came over to help as we knew it would all be happening soon. We sat around, me bouncing and bathing and doing god knows what to help the pain. At 10pm Saturday night it had become completely unbearable and contractions had been coming every 3 minutes for quite a few hours so off we went back to the birth centre. We got there, got examined and she said I was 1cm. They didn’t seem at all concerned that this had been going on for so long (nearly 24 hours after waters had broken) and said I should go home and have a bath (what??!!!). So anyway, off we went again, I jumped back in the bath, only to spend the next hour or so in and out and all over the bathroom, the contractions were nearly all in my back, and had been the whole time. I had told the midwives this, and they didn’t seem bothered.

So, 1am Sunday morning, totally fed up with the birth centre I rang the hospital and asked if I could come in, and if they would give me anything for the pain. They said they wouldn’t until I was 3cm dilated and I should stay at home a bit longer. 3am we had had enough so just went to the hospital, the car journey was horrendous, only 20 mins but felt like forever. When we got there they made me feel guilty for not ringing them just before we arrived (like we cared, at that point) and told me I had to try having another bath before they would do anything. They examined me and said I was 2cm. Had a bath, it did nothing. At 5am Sunday morning, they said Jake and my mum had to go home and put me in a room and said the doctor would be in to see me at 9am. Four hours away! They made me feel like the contractions probably weren’t that bad and that I should be coping better. After watching me pace round my bed retching with the pain they gave me some Temazepam and told me to go to sleep for a bit. As if! I carried on pacing til 9 am. Those four hours were the worst of the whole weekend, I have never felt so alone and scared.
9 am Sunday morning, the doctor came and put a monitor on me. 20 mins later she came back and said that my contractions were off the scale and they put me straight into a labour room and gave me some pethidine, which really helped. I didn’t want to have anything, but knew I wanted to give birth to my baby and wouldn’t be able to if I didn’t get some rest, as I hadn’t slept since Thursday night. The doctor examined me, said I was 3cm dilated, the baby was facing the wrong way (which was why it was taking so long) and my waters HAD broken, all that time ago! My mum and Jake came back at 11am and sat with me while I drifted in and out of consciousness for most of that day. By this point , I’d had pethidine, diamorphine, temazepam and codeine. Not quite what I had in mind!

Later on, they offered me an epidural, as if I was to have an emergency cesarean it would be good to have one in. I didn’t care what they did now, so they put one in, and a catheter and all sorts, I can’t even remember this bit very well. At about 9pm I was ready to push but they said I couldn’t yet so I puffed and panted my way through the next hour. 10pm I started pushing, but was completely exhausted. They had to use a ventouse to help the baby out and Freya Rose was born at 11.32pm Sunday 10th May weighing 6lb 6oz. She had an Apgar score of 9, followed by 10, which they said was amazing considering what I, and therefore she had been through. Happily, I thought it was all over and I was breastfeeding my baby when they told me that the placenta was very stuck and I was to go straight to theatre.

They tried to manually remove the placenta but it wouldn’t budge, so after losing a lot of blood and becoming a mangled mess down below they left it where it was and I had a procedure to remove it six weeks later!! This caused more problems than I thought possible, I was determined to breastfeed, I always have been, so after Freya lost 10% of her birthweight in the following days and my milk still hadn’t come in after 7 days, we resorted to cup feeding her formula in the hope that some milk would appear.

After cup feeding her for a week, we were informed that I probably wouldn’t get any milk as the placenta was still attached. I was devastated and we switched to bottles. I continued to put her to the breast at every feed but she has gradually become less interested in this. I am still putting her to the breast now, as my milk arrived few weeks ago but she will not latch on despite numerous nipple shields, pumps and whatnot. She is 10 weeks now and the ounce of milk I pump out every day probably upsets me more than anything as it is just a reminder that it hasn’t worked. I am going to give it a few more weeks if I can.

They said the reason she was facing the wrong way and the reason for my retained placenta was because during the manual removal they found out I have a bicornuate uterus. I have since discovered that this means I am lucky to have Freya at all, as this type of uterus can cause miscarriage and premature birth among other things. I try to think of how lucky we are instead of how badly the birth did and still is affecting me and how upset I am about not breastfeeding. The midwives at the birth centre have apologized about how they treated me (after one of the doctors at the hospital found out about me being sent home all weekend)and they have changed some of their policies because of this.

I have just realized how long and boring this is, I don’t expect anyone to read it but I think it will make me feel better having typed it out.
lol thanks im glad i wasn't late! yeah I think mine was about 46 hours so pretty similar to yours - nightmare! It's a good job we both have gorgeous babies at the end of it!
Oh you poor thing, your first labour is hard enough without the attitudes you were met with. Huge congratulations with freya, you should be very proud of yourself, sounds like you were amazing, considering the hospitals incompetance. I hope all is going well with you and freya now xx
You poor poor thing. I should damn well hope they apologised to you and changed their procedures. Your little Freya is absolutely BEAUTIFUL :)
Congratulations, she is lovely and has a great name. Im sorry the birth didnt go "to plan!" Ive never heard of leaving the placenta in place before.
Try not to beat yourself up over the BF you did your absolute best, thats all anyone could ask of you.
Kirsten, I am so sorry to read what you have been through! No wonder you are feeling negatively regarding the birth and things not working out the way you wanted. I am glad however, that the Doctor was quick to realise what was going on and was able to help you. I'm also pleased that the birthing centre not only apologised, but also changed some of their policies as a result of what happened.

Most of all, I am pleased that you had your gorgeous little girl delivered safely, and that you, too, are okay!

As for the breast feeding situation... I'm not sure if this will help, but it's something that worked for a friend of mine who was unable to breastfeed at first. After expressing for a while and her little girl refusing to latch onto the nipple, her midwife suggested rubbing just a little breast milk onto the teat of her bottle before each feed, and then after a few days do the same to the nipple shield. Her dd latched on really well after this and she has been able to breast feed continuously since then. Hope you find it helpful xx
awww I am sorry you didn't get the birth you wanted and so glad to hear that Freya is doing well xx
Congratulations, she's beautiful :flower:
And I love her name!
I'm sorry you didn't have the birth you wanted but congratulations. She has a wonderful name (one of my favourites) and also born on my wedding day! I just had to read your birth story.

Congratulations again!
I'm so sorry this went the way it did. Congrats on being a new mom though!

It was the exact opposite of boring. Not only did I read it once to myself, but I read it out loud again to OH.
Just to update, I had to go for another scan when Freya was 12 weeks, when they found they hadn't actually removed the bit of placenta as they said they did (!!!) so I had another unsuccssful D&C (none removed). Then last week I had to go to A&E after having MASSIVE contractions and bleeding, turns out the placenta was detaching and after spending 3 days on 2 hourly morphine injections and LOADS of gas and air they successfully removed it last Thursday.

So...all over now, 3 months later, still feel in shock about last week, can't wait to feel fit and healthy again and start getting on with enjoying time with Freya.

I'm so sorry to hear all that you had to go through :hugs: but congratulations on freya, hopefully you can now relax and enjoy her :hugs:

I know what it is like to not get the birth you were hoping for and I am so sorry you went through that.
wow, was it darley birth centre? just wondering...:wacko:

you've had a very tough time of it and it will take you a long time to get over it. i hope that you are on the mend now neighbour! (we live in hilcote, near blackwell and south normanton)
wow, was it darley birth centre? just wondering...:wacko:

you've had a very tough time of it and it will take you a long time to get over it. i hope that you are on the mend now neighbour! (we live in hilcote, near blackwell and south normanton)

Yeah it was Darley. You live pretty close! :)

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