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vitamins and supplements.


Mummy of a Easter baby
Dec 17, 2013
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Im just wondering how many of us took vitamins and supplements during pregnancy.
My friend took them 10 weeks before she was due, as it was only then that the midwife mentioned them to her, although she did take folic acid for the first 12 weeks.
My OH's sister and auntie claim they never took anything.
I never took folic acid, even though i wasnt trying nor preventing, i should have but tbh i didnt know you needed to, i was given some vitamins from a friend who didnt use them all, i took them for a week and just keep forgetting to take them!
Id like to hear who did and didnt, and if there were any problems put to blame by not taking any?
I've taken pregnacare throughout mine as midwife recommended it x
I've been taking Materna multivitamins since we started trying, as well as Omega 3 (which is supposed to reduce chances of autism and also of postpartum depression).
I took pregnacare plus (with the omega 3) all during first pg, bf and continuing now. The mw's keep giving me the healthy start vitamins that ONLY contains folic acid and vitamin d which the pregnacare has already. I know you are supposed to get all your different vits from foods but in reality who eats so well that that happens? So I prefer to go with one that has them all just in case, especially since I have been so sick this pg.
I'm just taking folic acid. Last time those other pills were making me feel super sick. I started folic acid once I found out I was pregnant. I'm trying to eat healthy food to get vitamins naturally.
Folic acid/methyl folate prevents spina bifida and neural deformities
iron prevents ADHD, learning disabilities in child and post partum depression in mom
Omega 3/6/9 helps brain development
The World Health Organization has listed all of the studies and direct links for vitamin deficiencies and prenatal health. Iron is the most important as it carries the oxygen in each blood cell. Anemia is a common cause of learning disabilities in school aged children.
i have, i think they are called 'Mum-to-be' in a pink bottle, thats what my friend took and what was given to me by another friend, the reason i dont like to take them is how big they are!! if i needed to id struggle to take pain tablets unless they were sugar coated, and id need to break them up. Its almost impossible to break these up and as it says eat after food, by the time ive eaten i struggle to swallow them and often almost choke, i will get back onto taking them again, i only want the best for my baby. & if i decide to BF ill take some ones specialised for that then.
Started taken them my third trimester and regretting as its making me constipated. I may have to supplement fruit for food as I hate not going poo. BUt taking them for the DHA as the brain is going through major development and my doctor told me this was the best time. So I am sucking it up.
If your prenatal combines the iron with calcium it'll bind in your gut and make you constipated. You also won't absorb either the calcium/iron.
Pregvit does a prenatal that splits calcium & iron. Iron is the main culprit, I take it in liquid form in shakes...no constipation!
I take a food-sourced vitamin with dha and folate so no chemicals and the iron doesn't hurt my tummy. Not all vitamins are the same and just because one makes you sick/is too big/doesn't have everything you want doesn't mean you should never take any. It took me lots of trial and error to find one.

I drink calcium fortified orange juice daily.

I have taken vitamins since ttc, through pregnancy, nursing and this pregnancy and plan to continue.

If you have babies close together, breastfeed or have difficulty keeping food down from ms, vitamins are especially good because the baby will take what it needs from you and can leave you deprived without knowing it. It can also lead to bone problems/teeth loss later in life.

Folate is really important during early pregnancy which is why you should take it while ttc because the neural tube is forming around week 4-5, which is before a lot of women even know they are pregnant. One of my close friends had a baby with anencephaly and it was a horrible experience.

My sister had 2 close together and tandem nursed. Among other problems, her hair started falling out and after many tests the doctors think it was because of nutrition deficiency basically from the babies taking it away from her, even though she was eating healthy.

Although most will be fine without taking vitamins, it is no problem (once you find the right one for you) to take a good vitamin daily so I never saw a reason NOT to take them. :)
I took folic acid before I got pregnant with DS and then started taking prenatals as soon as I got a positive pregnancy test. Since I'm breastfeeding I've been on prenatals since I was pregnant the first time. I'm now expecting my second.

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