I just took a good quality pregnancy vitamin (Solgar prental vitamins, the cheaper ones made me so sick they thought I had an ulcer for 6 months!). That's it. You should take at least folic acid (if not a pregnancy-safe multivitamin) once you are TTC. Like the PP said, it won't help you get pregnant, but that's not the point. It's to prevent neural tube defects, which develop in the very first weeks of pregnancy, before many mums even know they're pregnant, which is why it's recommended as soon as you're TTC, so that your levels are adequate in those first critical weeks when the neural tube is developing. I generally ate healthy and worked out too. I got pregnant easily and had a healthy, easy pregnancy, so I'll do the same next time too. Once I was pregnant, I added in extra vitamin C and DHA/EPA. I'll probably add in some extra iron next time too, but only when I'm pregnant.