

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2013
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Has anyone tried Vitex to regulate cycles? I have a major luteal phase defect -I start spotting 6 dpo and start bleeding at 8 dpo. The first month trying 1000mg of Vitex daily, my Af arrives just 12 hours later than it usually does, so basically there's no difference. Has anyone found it takes a few cycles to work?
Thanks so much!
Anyone? I'd love to hear how this has worked for other people :)
I was taking vitex, and then conceived after a long time trying. My ltp was only a little short but it did lengthen it, I took it for about 8 weeks. Good luck x
Hi there :)

I am taking Vitex, have been since late May.

Before Vitex, my last period was in....February? With Vitex I got a *real* period June 7-12, and I"m pretty sure I ovulated some time by the end of last I think I am officially in the 2WW :)

Give it some time!!

Lots of baby dust to you!!!! :)
I was thinking about it. My lp is like 10 days at longest. I dont think I ovulate at all.
Try it, my cycles are way out without it.
Sometimes it takes a few months for it to really start working. I started it last mth.
I took 1000 mg vitex all cycle (a couple days off while on af) for follicular phase spotting (13 day LP) & noticed a difference right away. It did make my LP 14 days, but that wasn't my reason for taking it. I took it with Dong Quai and Evening primrose oil until O. Maybe it was the combo!
I did read that sometimes it can take 3 months to build up in one's system. I'd keep taking it...
How much are you supposed to take and when? All month ir the beginning of tge cycle?
Thanks for the replies! I'm not sure how much we are supposed to take, this month I switched Vitex brands and I'm taking 800 mg every morning, with Materna and 50 mg B6. I really hope it sorts out my cycle because I have my period way too often. And obviously better yet I won't get my period for 9 months! Ill keep you girls posted on how it goes this month!!!
i bought the thompson brand today, they are 1000mg, im worried it will make my af longer, does it do this
i am returning my vitex as i have read mixed reviews and due to not having any blood tests from dr cause they all sya things will happen im not sure i wanna risk messing my cycle up.

My cycle varies from 32 to 40 days, (ovulate anywhere from day 18 to 24) as far as Fertility friend is saying, and i only have my af for 2 days light but clotty a little and im scared if i take vitex it will make me have mid cycle bleeding or longer periods. so i think im gonna just take b vitamins and epo and see how i go, and go back on my diet as i found with last time as i lose weight my cycles become more regular
Hi Tryalee01,
I found that it did not make my AF longer. I took the 1000mg Thomson brand for 1 cycle but it only brought AF on 12 hours later than usual, so basically it did not much. The actual number of cycle days I was bleeding stayed the same, and I didn't find that it changed the flow. I noticed on the Thomson brand Vitex bottle that while it says Vitex 1000mg there is only 100 mg of actual agnus cactus in it which is the active ingredient of Vitex.
This cycle I am trying the Nature's Way Brand of Vitex 400 mg and taking 2 of those a day all cycle, and that brand has 400 mg of agnus cactus in each capsule. I will update on what happens this cycle. I had a positive opk yesterday so am hoping that I will ovulate shortly. My first consult for my testing at the FS is July 30th so I'm hoping to squeak in a BFP before having to go....
ohh ok good luck, well ill take my bottle back anyways and i will wait till they get other brands in, see im not sure if i need it or not

i thought i might try soy iso first and see what happens
I was on the pill for 10+ years and came off in October 2013... I was told about Vitex and how it helps regulate cycles, so I started it in mid November and by janueary I had a normal cycle and got pregnant as well. I am convinced that Vitex assisted because I did not ovulate in November or December... I think it needed to get into my system. But I also started pre-natal vitamins in November as well to assist with ttc. Good luck to you... :)
Congrats Hopeful 1479!!! And thanks for sharing your story, it has given me motivation to keep taking the Vitex and hope that my cycle will regulate. Do you mind me asking how much Vitex you took, for which cycle days, and did you stop it when you got your BFP or keep taking it? Thanks!! And congrats again!
Trina - are you still using vitex? I'm taking 400mg - where did you get 1000mg? I'm wondering if I should take 2 pills instead of 1. I'm also hoping to increase my luteal phase time [only got to 8dpo last month...]

I have been taking it for 4 months now and I noticed that it seems to have helped with my temperature flux problems when charting and I have also noticed a decreases in PMS and Acne I usually seem to get around when AF arrives. However my LP seems to be the same about 10-12 days. I am still having 40-42 day cycles and I am still having trouble getting a positive OPK test. So I have noticed some positive effects that seem to show that is doing something. But I may have another underlying problem that Vitex cant fix on its own. =(
Trina - are you still using vitex? I'm taking 400mg - where did you get 1000mg? I'm wondering if I should take 2 pills instead of 1. I'm also hoping to increase my luteal phase time [only got to 8dpo last month...]


Hi lm3898,
I am still taking Vitex, I am taking Nature's Way 2 400 mg tablets daily. I got the 1000mg Vitex from GNC, but stopped taking it as the bottle says it only has 100mg of actual vitex in the capsule. I also only got to 8dpo last cycle!! Do you mind me asking how long you have had a short luteal phase for? I have had short cycles for a year now after coming off the pill, I just started temping recently but I assume my luteal phase has been short the whole time.

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