There's so much love on this thread!! I Love It!!!

I'm so loving the bump photo's!! Nat, Crysshae & Bluestars you all look gorgeous, can't believe how cute your bumps are! If I hadn't miscarried I'd have been 4 months now and hopefully showing, instead I'm showing something but it's not a baby but more wind and fat!!! My hubby keep saying you're showing, and I always reply with: "What my gut?!"
I think I'm getting more symptoms now, I'm getting spots!! I've never had spots before, guess that's a good sign?! Also, still have a runny nose and feel a little sick but surely too early for ms? Today I woke up feeling really positive, so that's good. I'm going to ask my doc next week about Baby Aspirin as a lot of women on here swear by it to stop miscarriages, what do you ladies think??
Crysshae - So what's your secret? You look SO young!! Come on do tell?? We've shared everything else on here, we can share out beauty secrets!

Are you still waiting for BFP or AF?
Bluestars - Glad your two week wait is going ok and you're not thinking about it too much. I didn't really think about it much either and only tested when we did as was meant to be going on a load of rollercoasters the next day and thought I should check (tonnes of tests lying around helped too!).
Nat - Your bump looks so cute! And I love the little cow emoticon, trust me that's how I feel! Being bloated sucks, you know it's not baby it's air and it's going to come out one way or another!!! When's your due date by the way?
Nina - Hope AF isn't too bad for you now? And it passes quickly
Lindsay - I'm impressed you're not symptom spotting, good for you. I was so upset not to get a temp drop for ovulation and was sure I was out but look what happened. Just goes to show, symptom spotting gets you nowhere. I just want time to hurry along for all of us, so we can get some more BFP's on here
Ladies there's something in the air at the moment (or actually on this website!) I post to another girl on here's journal, I've been posting since my m/c and weirdly we had the same cycles, another girl joined us who also had the same cycle (pretty much exact same day for 3 of us) and we all got BFP's! So I'm not lying when I say good things will happen for ALL of us soon, I can't wait to see what happens with everyone!
Baby and sticky dust to all...