Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

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Hey ladies

I'm going to sort out the Facebook group tonight- I need to get on the computer to do it! Again, if you want to join send me a pm and I'll add you!

Di! What a beautiful photo! Those tiny wee hands!

Just popping in and out - great thing this weekend elka is well!!! Hurray. However DF has flu and I slipped a disc. Argh! Heh, well elk is happy so I'm happy anyway, even though I can't really do much! X
Glad you girls are up for secret fb page. Definately keep in touch much easier that way. Would be anazing to keep up to date with baby Amal because she is always on my mind. What a fighter she is. Sending prayers/thoughts/cuddles your way every day !!

Lindsay- thats amazing that Rowan is nearly walking! !what a little super star! Is so exciting! One tomorrow! A full year since our first rainbow was born! Have you got anything nice planned for it?

LL- sleep.... whats that again? Haha. Asiah doesnt have a stint of sleeps... she chooses im on my toes every night haha. I try not think about it too much. Learnt that i can function with little to no sleep though... memory wise... its wiped me out haha.

Linny- oh that bug is awful! Its doing its rounds we have luckily avoided it however we have been wiped out with flu last week. Coming out the other end now. Sounds as though Elka could have teeth coming through. Thats a shame! Lots of extra cuddles. Dont feel guilty your working. Its for her your working altho i know sometimes you just want to cuddles and squeeze them when they arent feeling well.

Lit- your so right. I never had a break or me time until yesterday haha went out for 4 hours for a friends wedding prep day. Asi took a bottle until dec then all of a sudden she stopped little monkey. She's not interested in food still really so still fully bf haha. She certainly fun!

Dream- sorry for bfn. Maybe a late one again?

Afm- nans funeral has been postponed due to the crematorium going on fire. (Couldn't write it) so now she had to get buried which had now delayed it until Thursday.

Just incase its your tomorrow Lindsay when you read this !


XXX :flower:
Lindsay - wow, yes, happy birthday Rowan for when you read this hopefully! That is amazing that it has indeed been a full year since we got our first rainbow baby on here! Now so many more have theirs. So amazing! Rowan is the one who gave us all hope! I also am wondering if you're throwing a party or doing anything special?

Blue - sorry Asiah sleeps so terribly for you and is so unpredictable. Trust me - I can completely relate (although Nevada is pretty predictable in that I know she will always sleep terribly! Ahha). I EBF until Nevada turned 6 months then introduced solids slowly. She was so not a fan at first, but she does seem to like them now! So maybe if you try again in a while Asiah will get used to them as well. :) I'm glad
you finally got some time away this weekend! Also hopefully Asiah will take a bottle again. Nevada stopped for a while but now she seems okay with them again.

Linny - I'm glad Elka is finally feeling better! Too bad you and your DH still aren't in full health. I hope you are pain free soon and that Elka continues to stay healthy.
Oh my goodness I cant believe he is 1 already. Hope you and your family have an extra special day of celebrations today.

Di - what a beautiful and precious photo of Amal. Thank you so much for sharing your treasured moments with us. I hope she is getting stronger each day, little tiny miracle.

Linny - I PMd you my details but not convinced it sent, please let me know if you didnt receive it and I'll try again. Thank you :-)

Hi anyone!
It's been a little while since a group of us moved over to the fb group...we are missing some people!
Saabs. ..Aleeah? And anyone I missed.
How are you all?xxx
Does no one use this thread anymore? Hope you are all good! I added Linny as a friend but don't know what the Facebook group is. Xx
I'm 19 days past mc waiting for af !!!! Feel like she's no where in sight ;( i dont know what to feel or think so sad
Teacup - so good to hear from you! I think she has to add you before you see it since it is a private group! I will maybe post on there asking her to add you!

Sara - very sorry for your loss. :( it is such a sad and hard time.
Does no one use this thread anymore? Hope you are all good! I added Linny as a friend but don't know what the Facebook group is. Xx

Hey there everyone !

Mad that I logged in and last time was November 2015 ! I'm doing well, little one has turned into a very funny little girl that is totally barking mad !!

Hope you're all ok.... we're on the trying to conceive journey again and scared to our wits end as had a late term loss in 2015. Currently in the TWW, the memories that are flooding back, mostly hilarious ones of the chats during the TWW to be fair.

Sara - So sorry for your loss, please let us know if you've got any questions etc?

Aleeah - I am so very sorry for your late term loss! Can't imagine how devastating that must have been. If you don't mind me asking, how far along were you?
Best of luck on your TTC journey. It is such a stressful time. Exciting you are in the TWW. Keep us posted if you are able!
Sounds like your LO is quite a delight!
Does no one use this thread anymore? Hope you are all good! I added Linny as a friend but don't know what the Facebook group is. Xx

Hey there everyone !

Mad that I logged in and last time was November 2015 ! I'm doing well, little one has turned into a very funny little girl that is totally barking mad !!

Hope you're all ok.... we're on the trying to conceive journey again and scared to our wits end as had a late term loss in 2015. Currently in the TWW, the memories that are flooding back, mostly hilarious ones of the chats during the TWW to be fair.

Sara - So sorry for your loss, please let us know if you've got any questions etc?

Great to hear from you Aleeah! So sorry that you had a late term loss, :hugs: I can't imagine how awful that must have been for you, I hope you're okay now.

My LO is full of beans too! She has such personality, and says so many funny things. We've just moved her into a toddler bed, so have had some disturbed sleep lately as she can't cope with keeping her duvet on and wakes cold! We kept the heating on last night and she sleep straight through. :thumbup: I'm in the TWW too! I'm testing on Valentine's Day (though I'll prob cave before then!) :haha: Good luck, I hope you get your rainbow baby bfp this cycle (and me too, then we can be bump buddies!) xx
Aleeah - I am so very sorry for your late term loss! Can't imagine how devastating that must have been. If you don't mind me asking, how far along were you?
Best of luck on your TTC journey. It is such a stressful time. Exciting you are in the TWW. Keep us posted if you are able!
Sounds like your LO is quite a delight!

OMG Lit !!! Just noticed your ticker !!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wow a tiny little bubba to have and hold !! How are you getting on? Be honest, what's it like with 2?!?!?!

Thanks Lit, it's ok, it was end of 2015 so feel like we've all moved on. I didn't know it then but I needed to wait for the first anniversary to pass before I felt I could commit again to trying again (much to the annoyance of my hubby!). Men are so silly, he got so excited when he noticed I'd got a positive OPK, I spent a long time explaining what it was and it definitely DID NOT mean I was pregnant but he was all happy we were having another baby. I'm feeling even more pressure now, as I hadn't appreciated how much he wants this and how happy it'll make him xxxxxxx

Does no one use this thread anymore? Hope you are all good! I added Linny as a friend but don't know what the Facebook group is. Xx

Hey there everyone !

Mad that I logged in and last time was November 2015 ! I'm doing well, little one has turned into a very funny little girl that is totally barking mad !!

Hope you're all ok.... we're on the trying to conceive journey again and scared to our wits end as had a late term loss in 2015. Currently in the TWW, the memories that are flooding back, mostly hilarious ones of the chats during the TWW to be fair.

Sara - So sorry for your loss, please let us know if you've got any questions etc?

Great to hear from you Aleeah! So sorry that you had a late term loss, :hugs: I can't imagine how awful that must have been for you, I hope you're okay now.

My LO is full of beans too! She has such personality, and says so many funny things. We've just moved her into a toddler bed, so have had some disturbed sleep lately as she can't cope with keeping her duvet on and wakes cold! We kept the heating on last night and she sleep straight through. :thumbup: I'm in the TWW too! I'm testing on Valentine's Day (though I'll prob cave before then!) :haha: Good luck, I hope you get your rainbow baby bfp this cycle (and me too, then we can be bump buddies!) xx

So funny we have crazy kids! I never believed I would have a child with such a strange imagination but here she is, getting weirder by the day. She was telling me about the 2 moons the other day... yeah one of them's called the sun but she was having none of it!! Fuffalo is her favourite thing ever and is completely obsessed with him and Mickey Mouse too.

It's scary as she's been such a good child from 7 months (pre 7 months she was like the devil !! :wacko:) But she's slept through from then and hasn't reverted for even a day, so we do feel so lucky, we're never going to get lucky with 2 so I'm expecting the spawn of Saturn if we do by some miracle get pregnant again !! :haha::haha::haha:

We haven't transitioned to a duvet yet, though she is in a toddler bed, she's in gro bags still. We often joke wonder if they make them for 15 year olds !! We should get her a duvet but I wanted to wait till it was warmer and I love zipping her into her sleeping bag. It's good she slept through again so you know it's because she was cold she wasn't sleeping through.

I'm currently 8dpo, I tested yesterday and the day before (I hadn't realised that was too early to test :blush:) and both were BFN's. I resisted temptation to test this morning and I won't now get a chance until Sunday at the earliest as going to my brother's for a few days and decided to not take any tests with me. Will probably test Monday morning and that'll make me 12dpo. How many dpo are you at the moment? I would SO love to be bump buddies !! I felt I needed this month to be a negative, as we'd only just agreed to TTC and I felt I needed time to get my head around it but now I feel like I want to be pregnant so we can share the journey !!!!:flower:

Aleeah - I am so very sorry for your late term loss! Can't imagine how devastating that must have been. If you don't mind me asking, how far along were you?
Best of luck on your TTC journey. It is such a stressful time. Exciting you are in the TWW. Keep us posted if you are able!
Sounds like your LO is quite a delight!

OMG Lit !!! Just noticed your ticker !!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wow a tiny little bubba to have and hold !! How are you getting on? Be honest, what's it like with 2?!?!?!

Thanks Lit, it's ok, it was end of 2015 so feel like we've all moved on. I didn't know it then but I needed to wait for the first anniversary to pass before I felt I could commit again to trying again (much to the annoyance of my hubby!). Men are so silly, he got so excited when he noticed I'd got a positive OPK, I spent a long time explaining what it was and it definitely DID NOT mean I was pregnant but he was all happy we were having another baby. I'm feeling even more pressure now, as I hadn't appreciated how much he wants this and how happy it'll make him xxxxxxx

Does no one use this thread anymore? Hope you are all good! I added Linny as a friend but don't know what the Facebook group is. Xx

Hey there everyone !

Mad that I logged in and last time was November 2015 ! I'm doing well, little one has turned into a very funny little girl that is totally barking mad !!

Hope you're all ok.... we're on the trying to conceive journey again and scared to our wits end as had a late term loss in 2015. Currently in the TWW, the memories that are flooding back, mostly hilarious ones of the chats during the TWW to be fair.

Sara - So sorry for your loss, please let us know if you've got any questions etc?

Great to hear from you Aleeah! So sorry that you had a late term loss, :hugs: I can't imagine how awful that must have been for you, I hope you're okay now.

My LO is full of beans too! She has such personality, and says so many funny things. We've just moved her into a toddler bed, so have had some disturbed sleep lately as she can't cope with keeping her duvet on and wakes cold! We kept the heating on last night and she sleep straight through. :thumbup: I'm in the TWW too! I'm testing on Valentine's Day (though I'll prob cave before then!) :haha: Good luck, I hope you get your rainbow baby bfp this cycle (and me too, then we can be bump buddies!) xx

So funny we have crazy kids! I never believed I would have a child with such a strange imagination but here she is, getting weirder by the day. She was telling me about the 2 moons the other day... yeah one of them's called the sun but she was having none of it!! Fuffalo is her favourite thing ever and is completely obsessed with him and Mickey Mouse too.

It's scary as she's been such a good child from 7 months (pre 7 months she was like the devil !! :wacko:) But she's slept through from then and hasn't reverted for even a day, so we do feel so lucky, we're never going to get lucky with 2 so I'm expecting the spawn of Saturn if we do by some miracle get pregnant again !! :haha::haha::haha:

We haven't transitioned to a duvet yet, though she is in a toddler bed, she's in gro bags still. We often joke wonder if they make them for 15 year olds !! We should get her a duvet but I wanted to wait till it was warmer and I love zipping her into her sleeping bag. It's good she slept through again so you know it's because she was cold she wasn't sleeping through.

I'm currently 8dpo, I tested yesterday and the day before (I hadn't realised that was too early to test :blush:) and both were BFN's. I resisted temptation to test this morning and I won't now get a chance until Sunday at the earliest as going to my brother's for a few days and decided to not take any tests with me. Will probably test Monday morning and that'll make me 12dpo. How many dpo are you at the moment? I would SO love to be bump buddies !! I felt I needed this month to be a negative, as we'd only just agreed to TTC and I felt I needed time to get my head around it but now I feel like I want to be pregnant so we can share the journey !!!!:flower:

Aww your LO sounds like so much fun! I love the funny things they say, there is never a dull moment! :haha:

I'm 8dpo too! So if we did both get pregnant we would have the same due date! I'm not feeling too hopeful now though, because I have this painful patch on my boob that I always get before AF - but I'll still test at the weekend anyway and dream. We really tried to get pregnant this month, but I was a little anxious and that might have not helped my chances. We all have birthdays in October, so it would be nice if our next one has an October birthday too. Have you got any symptoms yet Aleeah? Xxxx
Aww your LO sounds like so much fun! I love the funny things they say, there is never a dull moment! :haha:

I'm 8dpo too! So if we did both get pregnant we would have the same due date! I'm not feeling too hopeful now though, because I have this painful patch on my boob that I always get before AF - but I'll still test at the weekend anyway and dream. We really tried to get pregnant this month, but I was a little anxious and that might have not helped my chances. We all have birthdays in October, so it would be nice if our next one has an October birthday too. Have you got any symptoms yet Aleeah? Xxxx

Can't believe we're both 8dpo !!! That's so weird !!! I love it though, now I really do hope we both catch at the same time. I'm not holding out much hope though, as literally have no symptoms at all. I've read back over old posts and I normally would have had symptoms if I was pregnant. I didn't think we baby danced enough but looking back at my chart, we baby danced the day before ovulation and the day of ovulation, I used Clearblue Ovulation tests so hoping they were accurate.

I've found I tend to get pregnant around the same time of year, so for you that would work out!! For us not, as we don't have any winter birthday's, so it would be nice to have a winter bubba. Plus I struggled with the heat with Sienna in the summer.

The painful boob could totally be down to pregnancy too though, so not a sure sign of AF at all. I have fairly long cycles so won't be due AF until 21st Feb so won't get any AF symptoms for ages.

I had an unusually weird AF in August last year and decided I should do a test and it was positive so went for a scan but I was already in the midst of a miscarriage, not sure how that happened as we were careful :wacko:. But they did find out during the scan that I have a bicornate uterus, so guess that mixes things up a bit.

I do feel I'm out this cycle though as normally my boobs get sore very quickly and I start to feel heavy down there. Fingers and toes crossed for you xxxxxxxxxxxx
Can't believe we're both 8dpo !!! That's so weird !!! I love it though, now I really do hope we both catch at the same time. I'm not holding out much hope though, as literally have no symptoms at all. I've read back over old posts and I normally would have had symptoms if I was pregnant. I didn't think we baby danced enough but looking back at my chart, we baby danced the day before ovulation and the day of ovulation, I used Clearblue Ovulation tests so hoping they were accurate.

I've found I tend to get pregnant around the same time of year, so for you that would work out!! For us not, as we don't have any winter birthday's, so it would be nice to have a winter bubba. Plus I struggled with the heat with Sienna in the summer.

The painful boob could totally be down to pregnancy too though, so not a sure sign of AF at all. I have fairly long cycles so won't be due AF until 21st Feb so won't get any AF symptoms for ages.

I had an unusually weird AF in August last year and decided I should do a test and it was positive so went for a scan but I was already in the midst of a miscarriage, not sure how that happened as we were careful :wacko:. But they did find out during the scan that I have a bicornate uterus, so guess that mixes things up a bit.

I do feel I'm out this cycle though as normally my boobs get sore very quickly and I start to feel heavy down there. Fingers and toes crossed for you xxxxxxxxxxxx

It would be great if we both get BFPs! :happydance: My AF is due around 14th/15th Feb. Last cycle I was convinced I was pregnant, and my tummy even swelled up - it must have been my mind tricking my body into looking pregnant! We could start a TTC buddies thread? I'm not getting all my pregnancy signs this time either, though I have read that some ladies have no symptoms and still are pregnant, so we aren't out yet. :thumbup: xxxxx
Thanks, Aleeah! Not even 2 weeks in so can't fully say what it is like with 2 kids, but I would say the transition to the baby stage is much easier. The baby feels like the 'easy' one this time. However, balancing two is a juggling act especially if you have a very demanding, gregarious, and sleep-hating toddler like I do! She is just wonderful but she is very full-on all the time which can be difficult when she is begging to play or do this or that when I am in the middle of feeding. She is an amazing big sister already though and so sweet to see her interact with her baby sister. You also don't have to worry at all about loving the second one just as much or finding them just as cute! :)
Lucky you on the sleep front! My toddler still doesn't STTN at 2.5 years old! She has done it maybe twice now, but both times were only midnight to 7 am, so not even a good night's sleep at all! Oy. I am hoping V is a better sleeper but only time will tell and I'm guessing she won't be as she is already showing similarities to dd1. Maybe you will win the sleep lottery and get two great sleepers! That's sweet that your hubby is so excited for another and I hope it works out soon! You two have had so many struggles.

Does the bicornAte uterus usually cause any troubles, or is it just one of those things?

How cool is it that you could have the same due date!? I hope you do both end up with BFPs this month!!!

Don't worry about not dtd enough. DH and I only dtd ONE time the entire cycle I got pregnant with V! We also got pregnant first cycle trying this time which was nice! So you never know! Good luck!

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