Hi. I have just started with Bourn (seminar was today). It took about 5 months from when i was referred but that was partly due to loss of paperwork their end, receptionist in Bedford being on leave, and only she knew where the paperwork was! Then the next seminar was full, and the following one was when i was on leave - and they only run seminars monthly!! I now have my consultation appointment tomorrow with them and they will decide on treatment and when it starts. It wasn't as bad as what i thought - but to be honest i don't want to know the gory details so i just want to know what do i have to do and when - so i couldn't really ask the important questions such as etiquette down below, can i do body attack and body combat, and can i fly as it is my other halfs 40 th in October and we want to go to Edinburgh. I think i just want to think about the trivial things rather than the really heavy stuff which would probably depress me more!