Waking toddler!! Please tell me this will pass


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2018
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My little boy is 28 months ish....and has always been a great sleeper. Up until I’d say last month almost every night he is up and down all the time he has a set bedtime routine,
7pm goes for bath
7.15pm into bed for a story some milk
Always asleep by 8pm
He still has a nap through the day, we had stopped his nap but it seemed to make things worse, like he was so overtired he fell asleep so deep so fast he would wake up after a few hours.

He now wakes up any time from 2 through to 4.30 and is like WIDE awake!!! I’m trying to strip it right back and no give in to anything, staying upstairs nice and quiet till I can convince him to lie back down, then he’ll maybe settle for 40 mins then be up again. It makes him such a grump through the day if he’s been up and down a lot plus mummy is struggling majorly to have enough energy to get through the day and work in the evening.

Does anyone have any tips?? Or has experienced this at a similar age?? I’m praying it’s just another awkward 2 year old phase

I know it's difficult to deal with the tiredness but I would persevere with stopping his nap. Even do it gradually and wake him gently after a shorter time. My son went through the same, he either stayed up until 10/11pm or woke up at stupid o'clock and it was horrible. We got rid of the nap and he now sleeps from 7-8 and rarely needs a short nap. When we did it he was trying to sleep by tea team but we just cuddled up without letting him sleep, a few days of that he was tired enough to go to bed, sleep through and not need a nap.

Hope you figure it out x
It’s so hard because he’s exhausted through the day without a nap, and it just seems to make things so much worse at night when he doesn’t get one. I guess it’s going to be trial and error for a while.... he never stays up late and is always desperate for bed arggg it’s so tricky with these little ones, but they are so worth it.
Thanks so much for your reply it’s good to know we’re not the only ones going/have gone through this xx
I think it's a stage and he's still quite little to drop his naps. I think my daughter dropped her nearer three. We had a great sleeper too until around 2.5 when I moved her out of her cot and into the bigger room. Shes never slept well since. We have to pay with her and she comes into our bed. It is hard. I don't have much advice as I've struggled with her sleeping through for over a year. I have done all the right things and she still has her own mind. I hope you get some advice but it seems the age a lot of people find they are battling xx

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