wanting some TTC buddies :)!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
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hi ladies!! Ive been at this whole TTC for about 8 months now, currently on round 2 of clomid (due to low progesterone). I'm at the beginning of my cycle (CD5) which is the easy part, but i know that TWW is coming up and would love to have some ladies to talk to, hear what you have done to help things along, and crazy tricks youve heard can help, etc!

I've been trying to conceive since may 2013 and am now DPO 7.
I take folic acid and I temp.
I used OPK's for two to three months, but I'm pretty regular and found that temping was enough for me.

I stare at my chart multiple times a day like it's a crystal ball.

So now that I've told you half my crazies, you can decide if you want me as a TTC buddy. :flower:
lol the comment about staring at it like a crystal ball cracked me up!! i have an app on my phone that tracks things (though i do not temp) and i stare at it everyday, multiple times a day, like if i look enough something will change and magically tell me im pregnant!

like i said this is round 2 of clomid, i use opk's, just bought preseed to give that a try this month, and started taking a daily baby aspirin and drinking 1-2 cups of green tea a day. My crazy is coming out this cycle and I am willing to try anything!!

Would love to be ttc buddies :)
Hahaha, gald to hear I'm not the only one then.
Where are you now in your cycle?
still really early, CD5... third day of clomid. Last month reallllly messed with me... have you taken clomid?? holy crap, i had basically every pregnancy symptom, which i knew the clomid could do, but obviously i chose to ignore that fact and believe i was pregnant, pretty sad when i wasn't. At least this month i know not to get my hopes up! Just trying to kick my diet coke addiction, and do little things like the preseed, aspirin, tea, etc to try to boost chances :)!
You said youre 7dpo?? halfway through that darn TWW! only a few days until you can test. do you test early or wait until AF is late?
I don't take clomid, not even sure what it is exactly. I took vit B6 for two months in an attempt to lenghten my luteal phase, but that didn't help. I used to drink diet coke too, but now I'm sticking to mostly water.
I get my hopes up every month even if I don't have any symptoms at all. I wait till after AF to test, I didn't believe the BFN's and still kept hoping until AF arrived, so I stopped testing early. Most of the time I start spotting on 9 DPO, it's a shorter TWW then most so I can't complain.
have you had the blood work done to check progesterone levels? i would start spotting on CD19 for a few days and then have a regular period, i kept telling my doctor that wasnt right so finally they did blood work and found i have low progesterone, which was making my ovulation very very weak. Thats what the clomid is for, to help with ovulation and to try to get me to ovulate closer to CD14 (instead of CD10 or 11) and make my luteal phase longer... which it actually did... so while i didnt get pregnant my first month, it did get my hormone levels up, i ovulated on CD14 and no spotting until day 26.
I haven't been to my doctor yet. I moved just over a year ago, so I had a new doctor who I've seen once and he just retired in december. So I'm waiting to see what happens this month and then I'll go.
You guys sound as crazy as me!

This is my 5th Cycle of TTC and currently on CD15. I think my problem is - I don't ovulate / or ovulate late and have a very short LP.

After coming off the pill, I never really got back to normal - af only lasts about half a day, but comes spot on every 27 days.

stopped bbt as I was driving myself crazy / stopped opk as I never could tell if the line was dark enough (as it never reached the same colour as the control line) and also stopped testing after the tww (as my af only lasts half a day, I thought I was pregnant every month!)
Hopefully you wont have to even see a doctor about getting pregnant and you will jsut get BFP this month :)

latte, ttc just makes women crazy.. lol, it happens to the best of us! Ive never used the digital opk tests, but from what i read on here it really takes the guess work out of trying to figure out if you are/arent ovulating.
Well I sure hope so O.belle for all of us.

Hi Latte, welcome to crazy town.
My period hasn't been back to normal either since stopping with BC. But for me it changed for the better. I used to have irregular (around three weeks), very heavy and painful periods. It even caused me to have anemia.

Since stopping I'm much more regular 23/24 days and have much lighter periods. I still have some minor cramps, but nothing much. Even on BC it wasn't this easygoing. Sometimes now I even forget I'm on my period. :happydance:
hello all...i am TTC#1 as well...on my 4th month of trying...3rd month of clomid...
2 days away from af for this cycle....no symptoms yet beside some minor cramps that started yesterday...could be af showing up early....

baby dust to all!
Tatemp, after clomid, my period got lighter and shorter too, its kind of amazing!!
Welcome jannah!! Have you tested yet?! So close!! fingers crossed for you! i dont think i mentioned it, but this is actually #2 that i am ttc now. So insane bc our first baby was a complete accident our first month! needless to say i NEVER saw it coming that i would have such a hard time conceiving again, especially with meds to assist us. Good luck to you i really hope this month is the one :) Update us if/when you test!!!

Side note, my 21 month old daughter woke up last night sick and throwing up... she ended up sleeping with us and we got NO sleep at all, reminded me of the sleepless nights with a newborn!! Not as easy as i remembered it to be, BUT actually made me miss is and get really excited to hopefully do it again someday soon :)
Good Luck O Belle! I wish TTC was easy ...miracle baby what i want!!

I didn't test it yet I am 13DPO today. My periods usually start 15dpo but I having brown discharge & cramps from yesterday so will wait till till 15dpo to see what happens. I usually get brown discharge 14dpo so i wonder if af will show up early..pray for me!

will update soon!
This is so nerve wracking. The longest my cycle has been since coming of BC is 25 days, I went through my charts with confirmed ovulation and in all of them I had at least spotting by DPO 10.
So if I make it through tomorrow with no sign of AF that will be the farthest I've ever been.

Hope your daughter is feeling much better today O.belle :flower:
So DPO10 today. I have never ended this day without at least spotting.
I'm so nervous, I have no symptoms at all. Plus my temp did go down a little today, still above the cover line though. I'm starting to count myself out.
U r in it till AF shows
I am having cramps & brown spotting three days now but no AF....
Baby dust to you!!!
U r in it till AF shows
I am having cramps & brown spotting three days now but no AF....
Baby dust to you!!!

Thank you Jannah K, however I'm now pretty sure I'm out. I have some spotting, which is exactly what happens every time on 10 DPO. I'll just wait on my temp to plummet tomorrow to confirm it.
Hello ladies. I would love to join this group of crazies. I recently started TTC. I have 2 beautiful girls. I never had to TTC. After my 2nd DD who just turned 5 in Dec I signed for a tubal ligation and even went under and had healing to do also. I had a mc in Aug and was in shock then excited then when I went through the mc it was very hard on me and DH. In Nov I had an HSG test done to see how I got pregnant. I talked to my doc about the results in Dec and he said that there is no evidence that I had the tubal ligation. When I found out that I decided I wanted to TTC again. After DD was a few months old I regretted having it done.

So now I am temping, taking folic acid and b6, checking cm daily, and OPK. I have been looking at ways to TTC twins too.

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