wanting some TTC buddies :)!!!!

Welcome bridget021182,

I think I'm out for this cycle, so it's time to repeat. I honestly think I dislike the waiting to ovulate time the most, but that depends on were I am in my cycle.

I think for you being pregnant again is meant to be, so lots of baby dust to us all.
So tatemp did af show or is it just spotting still?? Such a let down when the spotting/bleeding starts, but at least then you have an answer and can hope that the next month will be the one!

Jannah, how about you??? Spotting still or af??

Bridget, welcome! Im so sorry to hear about your loss, i cant imagine how hard it was for you. If you are wanting to have another baby then it will happen!! One way or another, you will get it :)

Well, my daughter is still sick, lots of watching disney junior and disney movies, her and i havent left the house for days, im going a little nuts!! On the plus side, yesterday was my last day of clomid, about one more week until ovulation so i think to play it safe we will start bd'ing EOD and wait for the positive opk! this is always my favorite part of the cycle bc you get to have the hope that this month will finally be it! My spirits are always up and hopeful for the mid cycle, so i should enjoy it while it lasts!

Hope you girls havent got AF, but if you have, remember there is always next month! (easier said then done to stay positive, i know)
:cry: So AF did show up. I am so down, thankfully it happened in the weekend at home were I can allow myself to be sad.
AF is very very light again, the only reason I know it's AF is because it's bright red.
I'm thinking of calling my doctor this cycle to see what's going on.
Well now it's time to sit back and wait for ovulation again.

O.Belle I hope your daughter feels better real soon. I know about that part of the cycle, I find it's the only part you can actively do something by planning BD at the right moment. The rest of your cycle your just waiting.

Jannah K how are you holding up.

bridget021182 were are you now in your cycle? I'm curious about the twins thing, I thought that was totally out of your control? Do you have any twins in your family?
tatemp, im so sorry. i know last month when af came i was crushed and cried for 2 days, i had really thought it was my month. even though its easy to tell ourselves we wont be sad and we can try again, the sadness always seems to overcome me. i hope you let yourself be sad for the weekend and can now move on to the next cycle. It can never hurt to call your doctor, i basically stalked mine for 3-4 months before they would order blood work for me, im really glad i did bc in my case turned out soemthing was off. not saying anything is off with you, but just hearing from your doctor always seems to help put nerves at ease.

jannah, hope things are well with you and af is staying away.

bridget and tatemp, the only thing i have heard to increase chances of twins is taking clomid. i only know this bc its what i am taking. when my doctor prescribed it she said "i cant promise you will only release one egg, clomid gives you a 10-12% chance of twins, 1% chance of triplets". thats the only thing i know of!
I do have twins in my family both sides and my sister had a set 4 years ago. I am on CD9 right now. I have noticed a difference in the CM and the CP already Im hoping that an opk will pop up positive soon so that I can be in the 2WW already. I think Im just trying to rush things too but I want to get the BFP and be excited and happy and stop watching all this stuff so closely to try to make sure we are timing it right. I have never had to do any of this in the past it just happened.
Hi ladies!

I have been Been waiting for my time to be TTC and it is finally here!! I am on my second cycle off BC, CD 25. Just tracking my cycle on an app on my phone and still trying to learn all the baby lingo :) good luck to you all! Do I have a CB (cycle buddy) who is TTC and on a similar CD?
bridget, i know how you feel! with my daughter, getting pregnant was a complete surprise as we were not TTC at ALL and it happened RIGHT away! we were very very happy to find i was pregnant, but still it was a shocker! so ttc a second or third time and not having it go that was is very hard and frustrating. im sorry you have to go through it :( Hopefully the CM is a good sign and you get a positive opk in the next few days! I am on CD10, so we are about the same!! I am going to start the opk's today. sounds like if you have twins on both sides there is an increased chance you could have them, if its what you want, fingers crossed for you :)

wannabmomma, welcome! How exciting that you have started TTC, hopefully things go well with you and you dont have to try for long! CD25, pretty close to testing! if it were me i would be testing already, i literally cant wait and start testing at like 7 or 8 dpo, even though i know i wont get a positive, i just cant wait!

like i said, i am starting opk's today, though i dont expect a positive for another 3-5 days. my daughter passed her darn virus to me! so i am trying all the natural remedies for a viral infection i can think of as to not hinder my chances of conceiving! I only have 3 chances with the clomid and this is number 2, so i will not let ANYTHING stop me!! lol, i told my hubby i dont care how sick i get, we are not wasting a clomid cycle and are still going to dtd EOD!! anyone have suggestions on how to fight a nasty cough/cold that is natural? i have been drinking tea, getting rest, etc... any other ideas?!
I'm sorry to hear your sick O.Belle. A natural remedy against a cough is a self-made tea made by squeezing a lime into hot water and adding one to two teaspoons of honey. Good luck.

I called the doctor today, made an appointment for Friday. Hopefully I will be surprised and not be told to wait.
So today my CM is more of EWCM and my CP has risen and is much harder to reach and is softer and feels open. The OPK had a very faint line today. Will recheck tomorrow.
Hi ladies! How is everyone holding up? Hope your spirits are up tatemp and Bridget any signs or pregancy or af?? Wannabmomma, have you tested yet??
So I am still sick, nasty head cold that just won't let up! Last cycle the clomid have me mild nausea starting about halfway through my cycle so that has now started too, lovely right?! Hubby and I have still been dtd eod, i absolutely won't waste a clomid cycle!!
I started taking mucinex when I got sick which actually also helps with CM, how awesome is that. I've been loading up on green tea and honey too. I have been reading that green tea can help mature eggs and possibly
Make them healthier and better quality eggs,
Making conception more likely?? Who knows but I love
It, so why not try it right?! CD13 for me and still no positive OPK, hopefully in the next day or two!!!
Hi ladies! How is everyone holding up? Hope your spirits are up tatemp and Bridget any signs or pregancy or af?? Wannabmomma, have you tested yet??
So I am still sick, nasty head cold that just won't let up! Last cycle the clomid have me mild nausea starting about halfway through my cycle so that has now started too, lovely right?! Hubby and I have still been dtd eod, i absolutely won't waste a clomid cycle!!
I started taking mucinex when I got sick which actually also helps with CM, how awesome is that. I've been loading up on green tea and honey too. I have been reading that green tea can help mature eggs and possibly
Make them healthier and better quality eggs,
Making conception more likely?? Who knows but I love
It, so why not try it right?! CD13 for me and still no positive OPK, hopefully in the next day or two!!!

I just had 2 pos OPK the past 2 days. Still havent gotten my crosshairs yet on my chart. We dtd yesterday morning but when I got home last night dh wasnt feeling well so hopefully we did enough. Hoping that dh is feeling better tonight and maybe get some action in.
tatemp, are you seeing your doctor today? let us know what you learn! hopefully it goes well :)
bridget, hope your husband is feeling better, seems like everyone is getting sick, i suppose its that time of year.
So i finally got my very strong positive opk today (CD14), so that always makes me happy to see that i actually am ovulating. but that means after the next day or two i am entering into the dreaded tww... which is like torture for me!!
tatemp, are you seeing your doctor today? let us know what you learn! hopefully it goes well :)
bridget, hope your husband is feeling better, seems like everyone is getting sick, i suppose its that time of year.
So i finally got my very strong positive opk today (CD14), so that always makes me happy to see that i actually am ovulating. but that means after the next day or two i am entering into the dreaded tww... which is like torture for me!!

DH was feeling much better last night and we :sex:....well it was early morning since I get home at 1am from work. I got my surge yesterday CD13. I got my first positive OPK on CD11 but the one yesterday was the most positive one I had. It was so positive the control line almost disappeared. The one today was close to the same way but not as much as yesterdays. We dtd on the 15, 17, 20, 22, and this morning. So I am hoping that we caught the egg. Good luck with your pos opk. Go get busy. Looks like we will be testing around the same time.
Hello, how is everyone doing?
I got a referral to a gynecologist, so I have an appointment for that on Wednesday. My husband is going to be tested next week too. I am a bit nervous about it, I've never been to a gynecologist before.
Hello. We TTC last year for 8 months with no luck and two round of clomid +metformin. I went back on the pill for a while. This is now our first cycle this time TTC. I am cd18 right now and NOT SURE IF I OVULATED. I am very worried because I have PCOS and last time we TTC I only ovulated once, and that was the cycle after stopping the pill. I also gained some weight and had super bad acne. I now have scares all over my face from that acne. I had to take provera to bring on my cycles after the first cycle. I was so stressed the entire time. This time I am hoping eating a healthy diet, taking tuns of supplements, and keeping stress low will make this time TTC more likely. I don't want to take clomid again. I have a HSG last month and well as lap that showed milk Endo, one tube had a little bit of a hard time getting the dye through, and also some scar tissue from endo around my Bladder. I am 30 years old and we really want a baby. I am worried I waited too long to try for my first. =/ . It's lovely to meet you all! babydust to everyone. Oh, can someone look at my chart that knows about that stuff? I am not sure what to think of mine. :shrug:


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Hi TryingNumber1,

I also have scars on my face from bad acne, I actually went on the pill to get rid of them. Now 8 months later gone is my clear skin and still not pregnant :nope:
I'm on CD7 now and my BBT chart is all over the place, I'm hoping it's not going to be an anovulatory cycle. It's hard to say anything about your chart, you started on the second week and the first three measurements aren't really trustworthy. So you don't really have a reference prior to ovulation. Are you taking your temp at the same time every day?
I wake up around 9 or 9:30 and take it. I don't know if I'll temp next cycle. I feel like it might stress me out. OMG right now as I write this my left ovary is stabbing. I can tell there is something going on in there. But what? lol. Hopefully ovulation and not a cyst that just keeps growing and no ovulation. I hate when that happens.
bridget, i hope you caught the egg too! fingers crossed for you :)

tatemp, youve never been to a gyno ever? do you mind my asking how old you are (not that is matters! so sorry if thats a rude question or coming off as me being rude, i dont mean it that way at ALL)? either way, nothing to be worried about! it seems like its never as bad as we think it will be. and on the plus side, you will start to get answers to any questions you have!

tryingnumber1, welcome! sorry i cant look at your chart, ive never charted and have no idea how to read one. so the clomid didnt work for you? that sucks, especially bc of any side effects you had to deal with and then not ovulating definitely makes it worse to deal with them. hopefully you dont have to take it again if you disliked it that much the first time. i dont think you waited too long, 30 is still very young :)

I had a negative opk this morning, so i assume i ovulated yesterday or today. hope this time it actually gets fertilized and implants! so many steps to get pregnant, never thought about it until we started trying, its crazy that people ever get pregnant with all the things that have to line up perfectly!
O.belle, don't worry no offense taking at all.
I'm 27. I have never had a reason to go to a gyno before. I used to have very heavy, painful periods, but I never taught of it as a problem. I then was diagnosed with anemia, probably due to that, but at the same time I was put on the pill by a dermatologist due to acne. My face used to look like I just had very bad chickenpox. Well it's starting to look like that again, since I went of the pill.
However the pill gave me a way to regulate my periods, I used to take three strips in a row so only had to deal with it about four times a year and I stopped having the symptoms I had when I was diagnosed with anemia.

So that's why I never asked for a referral to see a gyno. I don't know how the system works were you are, but here you need to go to your family doctor and ask for a referral to see a specialist. That's why I'm so happy I got one so quickly, I was fully expecting the family doctor to say that I had to wait a full year. Thankfully I went prepared, even brought my charts with me.

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