Was I right not to get nuchal sac measured?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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I decided not to get my baby's nuchal sac measured at the 12 weeks scan cos I wouldn't have been prepared to risk the amnio test plus we would keep the baby unless problems were such that her quality of life was close to nil.

Anyway, my cousin had her 12 week scan Monday and was told the nuchal sac was high at 4.9. She's really worried. As well as really feeling for, for some reason, it's also making me think maybe I should've had the nuchal sac test? My husband said the same when I told him. Not cos we think we have more of a chance of it being high cos of her results, but just cos we're so far along now and been in this happy bubble and it's made us stop and think. What if something's wrong, and yet we won't find out until we give birth and won't be properly prepared.

Would there be any other indications since then? Is there maybe a blood test I can do now? Would a 4D scan show issues?

I think I'm being irrational and panicky so need to chill out but would appreciate some thoughts.
I can't say from experience as we had the test but a girl who works for dh just had her baby and sadly he has ds. She didn't have the test and whilst I'm
Sure it wouldn't hve effected her decision to continue with her pg she feels now that she would have liked the time
To prepare herself for the outcome.
I'm sure your baby is perfectly fine and I dont say that to worry you more just that having the test or not really only helps to prepare you more it doesn't change the outcome. Iykwim.
My friend (who never had a 12 week scan) had an indication at her 20 week as something was wrong with one of the chambers of her DDs heart. After the baby was born everything checked out but baby was sleepier than most and had squintier eyes than her older siblings. She is half Chinese so they didn't think much of that but after some testing they found out at about 9 weeks that she did in fact have DS. She's now a happy little 7 year old who brings joy to everyone she encounters.
I didn't get it done either for pretty much the sane reasons that you said. I've had my doubts through the pregnancy but I'm still happy with our decision. We didn't test with my don either. I figure what will be will be. Don't want to mess with nature too much. Continue to be in your happy bubble. X
I've had the NT in both of my pregnancies that made it past 12 weeks. For me it came back very small, so there was no increased risk. I did decline the blood test with my daughter (because I was told I would have to pay for them and they were $400+); this pregnancy I was never offered any blood tests as they are twins and the tests are unreliable. I've had several Level II U/S since and they check for defects almost every time we go. I think knowing there is at least a chance early on would help you accept it more. I know I needed to know there were two boys early on to have a chance to get used to the idea.
hi i too refused it for exactly the same reasons as you, iv since had lots of scans done since due to a minor spine defect (completely unrelated and not chromosonal) extra fluid and private scans to be nosey, and during majority of those scans iv been asked if iv had the ds testing done, now in all honesty if you keep mentioning those things to an expectant mum its going to meke you wonder if they have seen something and just not saying, but after thinking about my scans iv decided to stop worrying.
the baby has been checked out throughly due to the spine problem and they wanted to make sure its not connected to something more serious and nothing was detected at all, also iv google (i know, bad) and all they would see at this point are soft markers for ds and couldnt get anything difinitive so its really not worth stressing yourself out over now. As pp post said, what will be will be and sometimes 'preparing' yourself may not actually make it any easier.
In my opinion a baby is a baby when first born and they all need lots of love and care, 'if' a problem was to arise we as mums will learn to deal with it as best we can and im sure there is lots of support in these circumstances.
No matter what though, chances are that your lo is perfectly fine. sorry for rambling its just your post reminded me of me x
Thanks, girls. I'm sure I'll get over my obsessing in a few days and return to my happy bubble. I was so very sure of my decision all those weeks ago so I'm silly to be questioning it now really. Anyway, wouldn't there have possibly been soft markers in the 20 week scan anyway? There's not much I can do about it now anyway at 31 weeks (as in, getting tests done?). And am pleased to be having a happy worry-free pregnancy after 5 years of infertility and worrying. Strange how other people's worrying news can have you looking at your own situation.
I'm not sure at what points during your pregnancy you get scans done where you're at. I know somewhere around the 20 week mark they check for any markers of DS. Of course it's not definitive, but the results may prompt parents for further testing if they wanted.
Thanks bumski. This is exactly why I didn't have tests in the first place, heart bursting with love regardless of any imperfections, and we have a fantastic support network so we'd deal with whatever comes our way. I just forgot about the possibility of anything being 'imperfect' cos all the scans etc have been perfect and it just hit home when my cousin told me her worries that we may have been lulled into a false sense of security, especially as I'm over 35 (only just) and had so many problems conceiving. So maybe I have a little extra chance of my daughter having imperfections. I don't know

Anyway, deep breaths, what will be will be. She's kicking me right now as if to say 'hey, look, my legs are damn strong so I'm healthy and happy and that's all that counts'.
I have a coworker who had the test, the doctor was brought in during the ultrasound and they were taken to this special room to have the "news" delivered that they'd identified several risk factors for DS. My coworker stressed out about it, worried and had a bunch of additional tests. Turns out it was a complete false alarm and her little girl was perfectly fine! I think if it wouldn't have changed your decision that you absolutely made the right choice! I skipped it because I knew even if they said my risk was slightly elevated it just would have nagged at me the whole time.
Thanks bumski. This is exactly why I didn't have tests in the first place, heart bursting with love regardless of any imperfections, and we have a fantastic support network so we'd deal with whatever comes our way. I just forgot about the possibility of anything being 'imperfect' cos all the scans etc have been perfect and it just hit home when my cousin told me her worries that we may have been lulled into a false sense of security, especially as I'm over 35 (only just) and had so many problems conceiving. So maybe I have a little extra chance of my daughter having imperfections. I don't know

Anyway, deep breaths, what will be will be. She's kicking me right now as if to say 'hey, look, my legs are damn strong so I'm healthy and happy and that's all that counts'.

youre very right there, sounds like no matter what shes very loved already! dont worry about anything now, just enjoy your final stages and the countdown to being a mummy :winkwink:
I'm one of those who did the tests, I need to know, my CIL had a baby with issues and they found knowing in advance let them prepare and get support systems in place. She is very very loved but she does need extra care and help and they said they would have been overwhelmed with how much extra needed to be done in those first few weeks if she hadn't known in advance. For me it wouldn't have changed my decision but I like to know, to be preparedetc.
In saying that they tend to look closely at all the scans and let you know if they see anything anomalous
A close friend of mine didn't do it because it would not have changed her mind either way about having the baby, and she also feared that because of her age, she would have automatically been given a higher chance of having a baby with ds. She didn't want to spend the rest of her pregnancy worried. She ended up having a healthy baby boy.

Having the test can only do two things: give you a higher measure and give you options for testing, etc OR give you a lower measure and your pregnancy goes on. Unless you would have terminated the pregnancy, don't think back on the woulda, coulda, shoulda.

You are already a mom now.

My friend who has a son with ds recently posted this article on Facebook:

I didn't have it done as no matter the result my baby would be perfect to me, it wouldn't have changed the outcome of my pregnancy.

I mentioned it to the lady scanning and they look for other markers which would need attention anyway like heart defects so for me personally knowing if my baby has down syndrome is irrelevant at any stage as if at birth I find he has it we will go from there anyway.
I didn't have the test because I would not have had any further tests (due to the risk of m/c)and I decided that I did not want to spend the whole of the pregnancy worrying if the result came back high. Now that I am getting closer to birth, it has crossed my mind once or twice, so I am going to do some research, so I can be at least a little prepared if it does happen.
Here in the USA, during your anatomy scan, they check for more obvious soft markers then the 12 week scan. Since baby is bigger by then more obvious factors may be present.. Such as shorter limbs, size and shape of the head, spacing of the eyes, etc. but not always does it mean DS. The NTS doesn't even tell you much besides a ratio like 1:300 which means nothing. If blood work comes back high, they even wait for 20 week scan to confirm.
We don't do the nuchal fold test because of this very reason. A friend of mine came back high and she is worried sick, and I honestly think that even with a high result it ends up the chances being very low that there will be a problem. I honestly think that for the younger age group especially all it does is cause worry because it isn't a hard indication that there is definitely a problem. I think you did what was right for you at the time, and I wouldn't let it worry you now. Just enjoy your baby. When they come, you know you will be relieved because I bet nothings wrong:) I also am sure your cousin's baby is fine too, will be praying!
I never had the test for the same reasons but mt midwife said that the sonographer will report any obvious problems anyway - there is a grey area with nt but if there is an obvious problem or concern they have to report to your midwife. This put my mind at rest a little :)

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