I went off the pill in March and have had regular 35-37 day cycles, ovulating on day 24ish. I was taking B12 for nervous system/ intestinal issues, and when I saw my obgyn for my annual he decided to run basic tests since we had been ttc for a while. He said my B12 was good and now that my stomach has been better, and I am absorbing nutrients I could probably stop the supplemental B12, and just go with my prenatal vitamin. My sugars were great, but due to my nervous system issues he suspected PCOS. I had no cysts on ultrasound, but he still says I fall into the PCOS category in theory. He put me on Metformin and I ovulated on day 19 and had a 29 day cycle and was so HAPPY- I thought I was getting better. Then the next month (without B12) no ovulation and a long cycle which only stopped because I was prescribed provera. I then took clomid days 5-9 to move up/induce ovulation and still no ovulation, currently cycle day 35. I've had a few patches of EWCM, and O pain but no ovulation indicated by 21 day blood draw or temp. I feel like I'm going crazy. It went from not great, to better, to worse. I feel hopeless.
Ive done some research but was wondering if any of you ladies have had any experience like this with the B12, or provera and clomid. I just have no idea whats going on now. Sorry for the rant.
(posted this in the ttc forum so sorry for the double)
Ive done some research but was wondering if any of you ladies have had any experience like this with the B12, or provera and clomid. I just have no idea whats going on now. Sorry for the rant.
(posted this in the ttc forum so sorry for the double)