Washing Wool


Mummy To Maya & Bump
Jan 31, 2008
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Just wondering how you wash woolen items??

Maya had a really pretty white wool cardigan knitted for her & despite leaving it 2 hours between feeding & dressing she still sicked down it & now it's all yellow!!
wash it either by hand or on the delicate cycle of the washing machine, if you can dry it flat to avoid it stretching out of shape
do NOT put it in the dryer. lol. that much I know. Good luck!
It depends if the wool it was made with is machine washable - if you're not sure it may be safer to hand wash it. If it can be machine washed, make sure you use a slow spin speed. Dry it flat or it will stretch! Just as all the other ladies have said really!! :)
i shot everything in the washer on the same cycle, they seem to come out fine :rofl: no decent advice to offer though xxx
Try soaking it in some stain remover specifically designed for wool and hand wash or machine wash on a delicate cycle. Dry flat on a towel lay on the kitchen table, couch or something like that overnight and turn over to dry the back in the morning:hugs:
Thank you everyone :)

Now to actually bother to do some washing :rofl:
i shot everything in the washer on the same cycle, they seem to come out fine :rofl: no decent advice to offer though xxx

:rofl: im the same....everything goes in on one wash setting....but i at least seperate the dark and lights but bar that its tossed in and fingers crossed comes out ok :) XxxX
i send my woolens to my MILs as i always ruin them!

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