Weaning and weight gain Q


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
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Does weaning make a difference to the rate of weigh gain? I've just started puree weaning this week (age 24 weeks) and am wondering if he'll put more weight on, I'd love to see him on a centile line!
It didnt for Brooke :shrug: she's still tiny unfortunatly and nowhere near a centile line! Looking back, I dont think I would have weaned her early if Id have known it'd make no difference. she is 1 now, and still only gains about 3 oz a week.

Good Luck in whatever you decide :flower:
We started weaning Andrew early (4 months actual) when the Paediatrician asked us to increase his milk intake to encourage growth - we knew there was no way he'd take more milk voluntarily, we'd already been trying.

We're going very slowly, 5 weeks in and he's still only on one meal a day.

I would say that the weaning has not increased his weight gain, but it has stimulated his appetite, and he is now taking 30% more EBM than he was before weaning. Maybe he's thirstier because he's processing food. Maybe his stomach has grown. Dunno. But it has helped.
doesnt seem to be helping at all for us. not at all, and we've been weaning for a while now.
It didnt change the twins because their milk was helping them to gain weight! So when I weaned them they were getting the same but from food rather than milk.
They are now eating 3 full meals and 2 snacks and 2 bottles of cows milk and weight has remained the same -- steady! x
We've only been weaning for about 3 weeks but the boys took to it well and are on 3 meals a day. I had them weighed after we'd been weaning for abour 2 weeks and their weight gain was about the same. That said they gain about a 1lb every 2 weeks so I didn't expect them to put on anymore that that, particularly as they take much less milk now x
Thanks everyone, Connor has taken very well to baby rice and some fruit purees, I'm hoping he has inherited some of his sister's genes. Her weight took off just before weaning and crossed several lines as did her height. She's now a tall (above 99th centile) and in proportion (91st for weight).
First weigh in after 2 weeks of simple fruit and veg purees made no difference, he gained 8 oz in 2 weeks which was the same as the last time.

He's 9lb 14oz at 26 weeks. He is on 2 small meals a day and I'm only giving foods suitable for his gestational age. He does seem to enjoy though and likes his baby cereal, he shouts for each spoonful.
Well at least he hasnt lost weight. Seems to be liking the weaning xx
I'm bumping this because we seem to be going backwards with the weaning, and I wondered if anybody had any suggestions?

We started weaning at 5 months actual, and he took well to being spoon-fed purees then. Slowly I've been increasing the range and making blends.

In this last week, he's been taking less and less, today it was only 4 spoon-tips of the veggie blend and 2 spoon-tips of pudding. After that he was turning his face away and crying.

I've tried getting him interested in holding food (a la BLW) but he just drops it, despite wanting to put other things (toys) into his mouth. It's as if his digestive system is based on actual age (7 months) but his grasp etc is based on corrected age (4 months).

He is still taking as much EBM as before, so I'm not worried that he's not getting the calories, but I am worried that he's going off real food?
I've no advice, but was wondering how Andrew's feeding has been for the last few days?

Connor's development is definitely tracking at his gestational age. There is a yahoo group for IUGR babies, it's mostly American but there are regular posts about feeding issues. Might be worth a look?
Thanks for that, I'll have a hunt in the Yahoo groups.

After his week of eating less, Andrew seems to have picked up again. I gave him a homemade pasta, chicken & cheese puree and he loved that! Yesterday was mince, potato, cauli & carrot, that went down okay too. And he seems to be eating more of his breakfast now, so perhaps we're heading towards the point where we should add his third meal of the day.

Thinking about it, he had snuffles last week, so maybe his lack of appetite was caused by a cold.
That's good news, we've introduced veggie risotto, broccoli/cauli in cheese sauce. He also likes fromage frais. We're on 3 meals now with dessert after 2 meals and have had a 13oz gain over 2 weeks, so up on our usual 8 oz a fortnight.

Pastas and meat dishes are next on the list.
Andrew's still not really enthusiastic about eating though, he doesn't shout for the next mouthful or anything. As he's not ready for BLW, I'm stuck for ideas as to how to get him interested in the process. It's not like I'm distracted when we feed, he's getting 100% of my attention. Perhaps given his corrected age (4m now) he's just still too young to actively participate.
I think I have heard people say that BLW is not recommended for premmies, it may even say something along those lines in the Gill Ripley? book.
I hadn't read that but I kinda presumed it was the case. I guessed that their tummies are ready for weaning but their development stage isn't, so they can be fed purees but aren't up to grabbing broccoli heads themselves. That's why we are taking the weaning process slowly, not knocking it out in 3 weeks like some books suggest!

Andrew's getting there, I've just watched him pick up toy teething keys and put them to his mouth, which is progress :)

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